
Thursday, October 28, 2021

An Italian Engagement

If you guessed that Lawson and Tiffany’s trip to Italy would result in an engagement, you were correct! Lawson proposed at the Tenuta Larnianone, an estate and winery located in Siena. People Magazine has the exclusive story and photos. 

Lawson Bates and Tiffany Espensen
I Love You Day 2021

 Photo courtesy of UPtv


  1. Yes I knew it because both sets of parents were with them and that usually means something is happening in this family

  2. So no surprise for us; but, the diamond is in a “Tiffany” style six prong setting. The question is: did he buy it from Tiffany’s???

    1. I hope so. A Tiffany ring for his Tiffany!

    2. I LOVE my Tiffany engagement ring. I hope Tiffany got a “Tiffany” too😃💍

  3. Who didn't see that coming? lol

  4. Congratulations! Stunning ring!

  5. If they have a girl they should name her Siena!

    1. Slow down! Maybe they don't want babies right away or ever. Ever consider that?

    2. 12:56. I never said it would be “right away”. But, this family is known for having lots of babies. So, nope, never considered they would not want children.

    3. @12:56-doesnt matter what they want!!!

    4. 12:56. Have you watched this family at all in the past decade? Babies are very welcome. And I think Siena is a lovely name.

  6. This is no surprise. However these elaborate proposals sure seem over the top and a bad example for other young people who can't spend this kind of money on a proposal. My daughter recently got engaged and her boyfriend did it on their college campus less than a mile away. He sacrificed so much to buy her a very modest ring because he's limited w/ his finances. Please stop w/ the over the top proposals.

    1. If you're mature enough to get engaged, you're mature enough to plan and expect a proposal in keeping with your budget.

    2. We taught our daughter to be secure in her own life and circumstances so she would grow up to be a compassionate,appreciative adult,capable of being happy for others happiness regardless of their circumstances/finances. Nothing worse than a insecure sulking adult who begrudges other people's abundant lives.

    3. Huge congratulations to these two love birds!!! So happy for you both and can't wait to hear and see what the future holds for you!

    4. If it's in their budget, I don't have a problem with it.

    5. It really shouldn’t matter to you stop complaining

    6. I agree with you. It's starting to be like a competition on who can have the most elaborate proposals.

    7. A hard working, self sacrificing man is a far greater treasure than anything money can buy.

      Congratulations to your daughter and future son in law!!!

    8. Well it looks like they were there to film a music video and Lawson thought that it would be a great oportunity to use it for a proposal as well, so it's not like they went all the way there just to get engaged

    9. Thats like saying I shouldn't order steak at a restaurant because you can only afford chicken.
      Everyone is entitled to do things any way they want. They don't have to pay less or do less just because that's all you can do. Who cares? Be content and happy with where you are and with what you have. Stop comparing yourself to them.

    10. Oh Boo Hoo!! You’re daughter and her boyfriend aren’t on TV with TV finances. Tiffany and Lawson are a lovely couple excited about their future. Just say congratulations!!

    11. Congrats to your daughter! I agree that these engagements are overly elaborate - my husband proposed in a public park & that was special enough for me. But I certainly wouldn't have complained if he'd been able to take me to Italy for it! I really wonder what the Bates engagements would look like if they didn't have a TV show.

    12. Because some can't afford over the top, none can do it? That doesn't sound like a free country to me.

    13. These reality show proposals are likely financed and planned by the network. We among the ordinary shouldn't be comparing ourselves to others, especially the contrived situations on TV. I didn't and my kids didn't have lavish proposals either, very "modest". I'm sure your daughter and her finance will do just fine.

    14. A sweet and simple proposal, like Anon 12:32 describes, is far superior!

    15. I didn’t have an elaborate proposal either. But I don’t have a “very modest ring”. My hubs got me a honker and I love it!

    16. I agree!!!! Your daughter will have memories of how much her future husband sacrificed for her from the get go. And think, all without TV cameras or photographers. A moment for JUST them and their families- if they were invited!

    17. Why should they if they do what they can afford to do just like your daughter and her fiancee. Oh and CONGRATULATIONS to them

    18. My now-husband proposed to me just over three years ago. It was at a park in our town, just the two of us. My ring is simple, but my husband picked it out with care. Our date leading up to his proposal was simple but very “us.” It was all perfect for us, even though it wasn’t elaborate whatsoever. We liked it being simple and tender. It does seem like many people in our culture absolutely go too far. We forget that less is more, and find our focus on the things that don’t matter instead of the things that do — love and faithfulness and simplicity instead of elaborate, expensive, showy extravaganzas.

    19. I think I like Joe Duggar's courting and marriage proposal the best. Surprising her without all the hoopla. Just straight from the heart.

    20. If you can't spend that kind of money on a proposal, then don't. Seems straight forward to me. Parents should teach their kids how to budget and save for special events.

    21. Why do you look to strangers for an 'example'? Just enjoy other people's happiness and choose your own pathway. To me, looks like a beautiful proposal and they seem happy. How nice!

    22. This response is so true. I would rather hear about the lovely on campus engagement. So much more meaningful. Precious.
      The example of extravagant living is beginning to get stale. I’m sure it is fun for a season but not realistic.

    23. I hear ya. I'm tired of seeing it too, and the pressure some couples feel to "top" each other is ridiculous. Plus it's gotten to the point where the more elaborate the proposal is, the more the couple brags about it. That's not what deciding to get married should be about. It's not a theatrical production or a circus act, it's a serious life decision.

      My own proposal? After a lot of talking about the future, I asked my boyfriend if he wanted to get married, he said yes, and that was it. No audience, no photographers, just the two of us in the moment and sure of our commitment. I got a ring a few weeks after. It's now 45 years later and here we still are. My ring is very modest and although we could buy anything in a jewelry store these days, I won't upgrade the ring that a recent college grad on a tight budget was able to afford. It's a reminder of how far we've come together.

    24. it their choise where to propose,my husband propose to me in mew Zeeland on a vacation and we live in denmark,some do get engaged while on vacatio.but i am also from new Zealand

    25. Just breathe. Let people live. Life is hard enough.

    26. My daughter’s engagement experience and ring are modest compared to the Bates but that doesn’t keep me from being happy for the Bates and their way of doing things. They can afford to do things in a lavish and over the top way. Don’t be jealous of them. Just be happy for them. If you can’t, then quit reading about them so their way of doing things doesn’t rob you of joy.

    27. The actual proposal was very simple, and Lawson explained they went to Italy on business. I say we let people make their own choices and live their own lives. If you can't afford something, don't do it. If you don't understand that, then you aren't ready for marriage.

    28. Yes, people are free to do whatever they want and spend their money however they want. But... Their choices are a huge reflection of their character, whether they realize it or not. Our lives are patterned by the choices we make and we are defined by them. This is part of the life lessons we are put here to learn. Remember, our actions are being recorded and we are accountable for them. Sensitive souls here who feel ostentation is not right, especially at life's most serious moments, good for you. Keep on that straight path.

    29. They were in Italy to make a music video too, so the location wasn't just for the proposal. And they still remained pure by staying with their parents rather than in a hotel room together. They are good role models because they still believe in their core Christian values.

    30. @11:27 I'm not sure I can agree with you. Having a big destination proposal filmed so you can sell the pictures to a magazine or have it aired on TV is not exactly "core Christian values" to me. If this wasn't filmed or photographed, would it have taken place in Mom & Dad's back yard instead? Somewhere more humble? Odd how we never heard about The Proposal at Cana, just the wedding...

    31. 7:52, I think if you don't realize how extravagant you're being, then you aren't ready for marriage either. Look how many couples have problems because their spending styles are opposite.

    32. Will the next Bates Proposal be under water! Lol 😅
      I do agree it is a bit extreme just keep it simple and sweet. Come on a girl wants to be surprised. Going to Italy with both parents I would guess he would propose. I WISH THEM HAPPINESS!! 💖

    33. 9:51, they were going to Italy anyway. If you read the article, the actual proposal setting was much less elaborate than some others. So much judginess in these comments!

    34. I like what 9:15 said.

    35. @11:27 Hotels have more than one room you know. Also, it's possible to completely behave yourself when you're with someone, no chaperone needed other than your own core values. They should not have needed parents along, they are not 8 years old.

  7. That's no surprise especially when both sets of parents were in Italy with them.

  8. These kids go without expensive or even average priced items their whole life. Used cars, coupons, hand me downs, etc. They avoid debt and try to be frugal while also generously giving to others. If they want to save for an over the top engagement, it’s their business. It shouldn’t make anyone feel bad because it has nothing to do with them.

    1. These “kids” stopped couponing and wearing hand-me-downs a long time ago. They also don’t save for these engagements. It’s their work. They are rich reality TV celebrities.

  9. I agree with you, 12:32 pm.
    Their celebrations seem over-the-top, extremely "showy", "one-up-manship". And yes,I understand that's it's their money and they can do what they want with it. And, no, I am not jealous of them. But,I am losing interest in this family.

  10. For the people saying stop with the over the top propsals because they set a bad example. If they can do it great, but everyone should be happy with how they get proposed to not compare it to others. My husband proposed to me while him, our son and I were watching a movie together. He got up turned it off and pulled out the ring and asked me. It's wasn't over the top but it was perfect because it was us laid back and no fuss. I'm happy this couple got to do something big. To each their own.


  11. Finally Lawson is engaged!! So exciting. I would not mind to get engaged in Italy :). Lucky Tiffany!

  12. I knew it!! Congratulations Lawson and Tiffany!! God bless!!

  13. Gorgeous couple. Congratulations!

  14. The Bates show has become a Christian version of the Real Housewives franchise with all of this extravagance! They need to go back to show the things people can relate to. This gravy train won’t last forever!

  15. I doubt the show will stop these types of “can you top this” proposals, weddings, vacations, episodes.
    Etc. Personally, I enjoy the creativity of the I Love You day episodes and Thanksgiving Day at the grandparents home and watch repeats of everyday life, in between seasons…but not of the weddings .

    1. The episodes at the grandparents’ farm are my favorite! They make you feel are warm and cozy inside, lol

  16. Yes!👍😁❤💍 I just knew they would get engaged in Italy. Congratulations Lawson and Tiffany. May God bless your future life together. The article didn't mention any family there to witness the engagement, so maybe we got our first Bates engagement without mom or dad or siblings there to see for once and its setting the stage for a huge welcome home engagement parties upon return to America and Tennessee for Lawson and California for Tiffany. Can't wait to find out when they will wed next year,but I see maybe an international wedding or a California vineyard wedding in California's wine country. Maybe next Summer perhaps? And it will probably be the biggest wedding ever in the Bates family since Tiffany is a Hollywood star and she probably will have celebrity's at her's and Lawson's wedding. Again congratulations.

    1. Both sets of parents were present as with all their engaged/married children. For one thing they chaperoned their kids. Chaperones make it easier to obey God and marry with pure hearts and bodies!🙏

    2. If the young adults in the Bates family are old enough to get married and in some cases, begin to immediately have babies, they are old enough to get engaged without Mom and Dad chaperoning them. Whatever happened to trust?

    3. I wonder who served as chaperones to Nathan and Lawson?

    4. Isn't Lawson 28 or so? And he still needs to be chaperoned? What about when he flies around the country? He could be doing anything then.

    5. I thought the same thing. California or Italian wewedding. I miss the simplicity of the show. :(

  17. She is wearing a beautiful gown and makeup, she had to know he was going to propose.

  18. I'm excited about all that is going on with the Bates Family! Congrats to Lawson & Tiffany 😀

  19. Oh my, it's a wonder I managed to propose to my husband at a local park in town and without either set of parents with us.

  20. Aw, sweet!! I think it's fine if they do something super special. After all, they are both celebrities. I don't think any of us with very limited budgets would expect a proposal like this just because Lawson and Tiffany did it.

  21. Congratulations Lawson and Tiffany you deserve the happiness.

  22. yay! sooo happy for you both!

  23. YAY!! Congratulations Lawson and Tiffany! Beautiful ring

  24. I fail to see how they are setting a bad example? They
    have the financial means to do so as it is literally their job to be on TV and in magazines.

  25. Happy for this sweet couple, but I agree that the proposals are over the top, each more elaborate than the previous.

  26. I absolutely love them!! Congrats!!

    Lets especially as christians be happy for one another. My husband proposed to me near a restaurant we both liked. we have a wonderful marriage after 8 years by Gods grace. Let the Bates enjoy the sweet proposals, such a blessing!!!! love!!

    1. As Christians, shouldn’t their parents (Kelly and Gil), trust their children to get engaged without being nearby to Chaperone?

    2. Yes, Lawson is almost 30. How absurd to chaperone a man his age.

    3. Ugh…who knows! Maybe the parents were along because Lawson and Tiff wanted them there or UPTV foot the bill and wanted them there?

    4. Or just maybe they want to honor their parents by including them.

    5. Anon 8:12. Lawson is a man of nearly 30. He is going to ask his girlfriend to marry him. He plans an exotic trip, along with a videographer to record it. The trip is all about him and Tiffany. How does it honor his parents to bring them along? They don't belong there and have little to do with the event.

      Outside reality tv, no one ever, EVER brings their parents along on an engagement trip. Never happened.

    6. 1:52, you don't see how including their parents on a special, momentous trip is honoring them? I don't know what to tell you if you don't understand that.

  27. I totally like this couple but really UP TV? Oh, brother!

  28. Congratulations, I am so happy 😅 for them. I can't wait to watch Lawson's & Tiffany's courtship, engagement, wedding, honeymoon & beyond. I wonder which Bates boy or girl would be next on season 11 of Bringing UP Bates? I really love ♥️ the show. Natasha b

  29. I hate the way my husband proposed to me. We got in a fight and then he proposed. Not the nice memory I would like to have had. Anyone that goes out of their way to make a proposal an fantastic memory is really blessing their loved one. Go out and make people happy in any way that you can.

    1. I absolutely love your honesty! I smiled because that’s the kind of thing my husband and I would do.

      Our proposal came after speaking of our finances. How unromantic! Kim

    2. The truth! I love it! Mine fell short, as well, even compared to others in our age and financial group. It’s a big deal. You don’t have to spend a lot of money to make a proposal special. Just make it memorable within your means, and Lawson did just that.

    3. Glad I'm not alone. I wasn't expecting anything dramatic, but after waiting months and months while he saved up for a ring and knowing it was coming, ours was kind of overwhelming with just about zero creativity.

  30. How old is she? Will they live in California, Nashville or Tennessee? I don't understand the rush really.

    1. Nashville is a city in Tennessee.

    2. Tiff is 22 and nashville is in tenn lol

    3. Rush for what? They've been dating since last year. If they know they found the right one and they're financially secure, there's no reason to drag it out if they don't want to.

    4. No, they started dating in Februray, 8 months ago.

    5. The announced it in February but they had been getting to know each other or 'dating' long before they announced it. Trace & Nathan both had failed courtships at one time. I think they now choose to wait until they are pretty sure on where things are headed (marriage). My husband & I dated 5 months before we got in engaged...still happily married. If you know, you know.

  31. Wow! Lawson did it real big. Congratulations to them!!

  32. Wow! How extreme for an engagement. So much for modesty and humble living. Setting the bar this high, so soon, will put pressure on trying to "out do" the last chapter in their life (the wedding, births, anniversaries, etc). Their show won't last forever you know. Same for Nathan too.

  33. congratulations,italy is a beautiful place to get engaged,my husband also propose to me on a vacation in italy with his,mine and our son in 2011.May god blessed this couple

  34. Congratulations to Tiffany & Lawson!!!!!!

  35. So happy for Lawson and Tiffany! Her ring is beautiful!

  36. Congratulations to Lawson and Tiffany on your engagement. May your lives be fulfilled with years of happiness and joy.

  37. Tiffany seems independent enough to make her OWN decisions about birth control , and not have a honeymoon baby.

    1. Wow. I hope it would be a mutual decision.

  38. How do they top the Honeymoon trip since engagement trip was to Italy?

    1. There’s a great big world out there. Nobody has done a safari in Africa. Or gone to the City of Gold in Dubai. Or climbed the Great Wall of China. Just saying they haven’t peaked at Italy...

    2. A honeymoon to Mars will top it.

  39. Where I live, I don't think that many proposals include both sets of parents. I know the Bates are always present for their children's. At first I thought it was due to their belief in chaperoning the daughters at all times but apparently they do it with the guys as well. Maybe it is promoted by the IBLP group. My husband and I were alone in my tiny apartment when he proposed and we told our parents the next time we happened to see them. Of course, having a camera crew means you are never alone anyway.

    1. Why would they chaperone their daughters but not their sons? That doesn't make sense, if they care about purity for all their kids.

    2. This question has been asked often and, yet, to be answered!

    3. Considering both Lawson and Nathan have spent a lot of time away from home during their relationships with their girlfriends, it seems unlikely that they had much chaperoning.

  40. They have become "showboats of modesty". Absolutely no need to travel so one an propose. What happened to a nice dinner somewhere LOCAL and propose? Modesty is not just about the hemline in your skirts-only wardrobe. They are not just 'another family' said here above, they are a TV show with the budget that goes with it. Not reality for us poor folks without a show of our own.

    1. I agree 6:16. I'm drawn to people who are humble and sincere, not ones who are concerned whether the camera is in focus and the spotlight is shining brightly enough on them. That's usually an act to cover some shortcoming or to fill some ego need.

    2. Um, I don't expect tv to reflect my reality.

  41. They are sort of kissing there in the pic from earlier this year. Obviously, she’s kissing the costume. Makes me wonder if they chose to kiss beforehand. Not a problem either way, just curious.

    1. My guess is these two have been kissing all along.

  42. Congratulations!!! I am so happy for you guys. I wish I could send you the iPhone iMessage confetti.

  43. Oh, goodness. I don't get why people can't be happy for them that they (a) got to go on a cool trip and (b) got engaged. Is it really so painful to let other people live their own lives and make their own choices?

  44. WOW, I am shocked with the age gap between Tiffany and Lawson! 7 years!!!

    1. That's hardly shocking. My parents' age gap is almost twice that.

    2. I don't think that is shocking at all. I do not mean this in a bad way at all but Lawson doesn't strike me as a very mature man for his age. Maturity levels are probably pretty equal in this relationship & they seem like a good match. (My brother married someone 10 years younger than him. Would say the same thing about him. He married his equal. It has worked out just fine for them) I wish Lawson & Tiffany all the best!

    3. My husband is 7 years old. I’m 29 and he is 36 and we have been married nearly 6 years. I love it. One reason I was drawn to him was because he acted like a grown man with a grown up job unlike many of the millennials in my generation. Difficult to come by.

  45. I’m writing this Christmas Eve Day hoping there was some holiday news you could print about the Bates and a picture would be so appreciated too! Have a Merry Christmas to you both and all the Bates and those reading thiis comment.


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