
Sunday, October 10, 2021

Bates Fall Travels

The Bates have been making the most of fall break. A small group convened down in Florida at Alyssa and John's house for a short celebration of Katie's birthday, as well as a trip to the dress shop to pick up her wedding dress. That was followed by a 48-hour girls getaway in Miami for Alyssa and Katie. While there, they did some bridal shopping and hung out with a friend.

Meanwhile, Josie and Kelton Balka took Willow and Hazel to the beach for a little vacation. And now, Carlin and Evan Stewart are in Missouri for their annual trip with Evan's family.

Katie Bates and Alyssa Webster

Photo courtesy of @websterforever


  1. How is it a "fall break" if they homeschool and are mostly self-employed?

    1. (1) It's fall
      (2) You take a break from your homeschooling and/or your self-employed job.
      You can also do this for other seasons or holidays , just like normal people.

    2. Let me let you in on a little secret. Homeschoolers can take fall breaks too. It means we stop doing school for those days, exactly like any other school. It works the same if you are self-employed - you don't work during your break. It's actually very easy to understand.

    3. Ah, the beauty of homeschooling - you have the freedom to decide when your breaks are rather than being tied down to when someone else decides you get a break.

    4. LOL, you can take a break in public school anytime you like!

    5. 6:22 I'm a retired public school teacher. Many families went on trips when school was in session and didn't wait for specific vacation times. There were no rules forbidding this. I was required to provide the homework for them while they were gone.

    6. Then what's the point of the public school calendar with breaks on it?

    7. @2:41-yes, you can take a break from public school; but, depending on grade, you will be given work to do on your break or in high school risk failing a class for too many missed days! At the very least, the student will miss important class time!

    8. You can take a break if your child is in school. Just call the school and tell them. It's not a jail!

    9. Of course it's not a jail, but there is still a school calendar and everyone has fall break and winter break and spring break the exact same days as everyone else at that school.

    10. You just call the school secretary and tell her the dates you'll be out. The teachers send along the homework. It's kind of like homeschooling for a week.

    11. Oh please! Its THEIR decision! I homeschooling my two kids. Best decision EVER!!!

    12. LOL, writing "Best decision EVAH" doesn't tell us a thing about how a kid is doing. Just that mama is happy.

    13. 11:18, she knows all the reasons why it was the best decision ever for her family, but she's under no obligation to prove why she says so.

  2. That's lovely all these family gatherings. Oh wow, Katie looks like Carlin in the photo with Alyssa. Never thought of that so far.

  3. I thought it was a picture of Carlin at first too. She looks much older than she looked at the end of season 10. Can’t wait to see her wedding! She will be a beautiful bride, as we’re all the girls.

  4. Is Alyssa in her 30's?

    1. She will be 27 in few weeks. 🙂

    2. No. She’s 26.

    3. She's almost 27 🥳🎂

    4. I think she married at 19 so that may be why you think she's older, been married quite awhile.

  5. Why did Katie buy her dress in FL? And what was in Miami that couldn’t be bought closer to her home???

    1. Maybe she couldn’t find what should wanted back in TN. Josie got her wedding dress from New York and so what if they went to Miami, maybe they wanted to go on a girls trip one last time before Katie gets married and maybe they said that it would be a great time to go shopping for some bridal things nothing is wrong with that.

      God Bless!

    2. Alyssa and Katie went to Miami for a quick trip to see their friend. Good question with Katie’s wedding dress in Florida, maybe she did some research and found a dress she liked? Nothing wrong to buy a wedding dress out of state. 🙂

    3. A famous designer of wedding dresses…?

    4. Why does it matter to you? Katie can buy her dress wherever she chooses. Since she was in Florida with Alyssa, maybe she chose to check out this bridal salon. Maybe she saw the dress on-line, and this particular salon carried it. These are just my suppositions, and I feel ridiculous even pointing them out because it really is none of our business.

    5. Does it matter?

    6. Why did Josie buy her dress in New York? I think in both cases they found dresses they liked online and took a trip to get them fitted in person. They have extra resources most brides don't from doing the show.

  6. Oh my goodness! I’ve never seen Katie’s resemblance to Carlin before as I see it in this picture. Maybe it is the closed-mouth smile?

    1. I thought so too. Beautiful picture

    2. Agree, also see a resemblance to Erin here.

    3. I also see Carlin in this pic! I think all the girls look identical:)

  7. I don’t think she looks like Carlin at all, I don’t know how you guys are seeing that!

  8. She looks just like Josie too! When I think of Carlin I think of her as brunette that is most flattering to her IMO❤️

    1. Most of the Bates women would look better without the overprocessed bleached hair.

  9. I'm glad they were able to get away for a bit! Enjoy the vacations 🏖

  10. What about Michael. Why do the sisthers not visit her?

    1. She lives in the same area as most of them. They no doubt see her on a fairly regular basis.

  11. I agree with the comment about the overly bleached hair on the Bates daughters. It does not look good anymore. You can overdo a good thing and I think some of them have done that with their hair and amount of make up they wear. This, too, could not be modest. It's not just about your hemline.

    1. But that's YOUR opinion... They seem to be (I do not know them personally, so I am just going off of what I have seen through TV of course.) solid Christians. I had a friend go to their church and they seemed super solid in their faith! I love makeup, I love my bleached hair, and I am a VERY modest person! It's how I was raised, and plan to stick with it! Maybe don't be rude and degrading when you don't agree with other peoples choices. If it's not kind and uplifting, or doesn't have a good purpose, please don't say it!
      God Bless

    2. Yes, their hair looks unhealthy this way, with little shine. Katie's is the most overprocessed, but Alyssa's is almost as bad. They are lovely without doing this damage to their hair!

  12. I love the Bates. My problem is that it's on at 6am. A little to early for me. Only can watch the new ones.

  13. Oh my gosh; so much criticism!!!

  14. What does any of this matter. God bless them. They are a good family with good morals.


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