
Friday, October 15, 2021

Erin on a Podcast

Erin Paine

Erin Paine was a recent guest on the podcast No Higher Calling. She joined host Brettnay Brazzell to share how she saturates her home, marriage, and motherhood with the Word of God. Erin also introduced the ABC Memory Cards that she created to help children memorize Scripture, which can be purchased on her website. To listen to the Podcast, search "No Higher Calling" in your podcasts app, or visit the link below.

No Higher Calling Episode 46: Saturating Our Homes with God's Word with Erin Bates Paine

Photo courtesy of


  1. I'm interested to know if Erin still uses "heatless" hair techniques. If so, I'd love to know how she gets the relaxed curls.

    1. She has 2 hair tutorial videos on YouTube :) I know she uses her fingers for the end result. Hope that helps!

    2. With a curling wand.

    3. I remember her wearing curlers the night Kade was born. Wonder if that's what she still uses.

    4. Her YouTube tutorials are for tight curls. I'm
      interested in the relaxed curls she has now.

    5. "Curling wand", I assume means she uses heat? Or have I missed a new invention?

  2. 9:56 Back in the Dark Ages, we rolled up our wet hair in sponge rollers, or those prickly torture devices, and slept in them all night long. By morning, it was dry. If I was in a rush, I'd sit under a bonnet hair dryer for an hour.

    1. I remember those dark ages. It’s good we were young. If I did that now, I would have a headache all day long. However Erin does it, she has gorgeous hair.

  3. All the blessings to this wonderful girl. Hearing she’s pregnant again gives me great happiness and hope for myself!

  4. Why would children need to memorize scriptures?

    1. That's a great question! The Bible tells us to hide God's Word in our heart that we might not sin against God, so memorizing Bible verses is for all ages. Children have an amazing capacity to memorize, so the earlier you start, the better. I still remember verses I memorized 40 years ago as a child. Those verses give comfort and guidance. It's much harder for me to memorize now, so I'm thankful my parents and Sunday School teachers taught me to do that.

    2. Because when they memorize them early in life they will take root in their heart. It is so important. It is the hope of Christ for eternity. This world offers nothing in comparison to what is in store

    3. I’m glad you asked that question, Anonymous @9:05 AM!

      Scripture is living and active (Hebrews 4:12), and its truths transcend time, culture, and age. That being so, children can benefit from it just as much as the oldest of men and women! It is a beautiful reality we get to live in, knowing that the Gospel is for everyone, no matter their age! We can fight the lies of the enemy with it, we can encourage our hearts not to fear with it, and we can know Who God is because of it — not to mention that we learn of the salvation of our souls from it! 💛 Hope this helps to answer your question!

  5. For the same reason teens, adults and senior citizens do. In good times or difficult times, those who regularly read the Scriptures, find passages that apply to situations they Are currently going through.
    It is those Scriptures that minister to ones soul and those which would be helpful and healing to memorize for present and future needs or joyous occasions.

    1. Yes! I don't know anyone who wishes they had memorized less, only wish they knew more.

    2. I never cared about memorizing Bible verses. But, whatever rocks your socks!

  6. God says in His Word (the Holy Bible) to hide His Word in our hearts(which goes in through our eyes reading His Word and commiting them to memory)

  7. She seems to be having a girl, I wonder if Carson is surprised or disappointed? I'm sure he'll be happy, such a sweetie.

    1. I'm curious, how does she seem to be having a girl?


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