
Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Kelly Likes it SWEET

Kelly Bates and Gil Bates
Key West, Florida

Gil Bates: "My wife, this is her thing: Sweet. I mean...make it really sweet."

Kelly Bates: "Nobody does sweet like Tennessee."

This video might just tell you something about Kelly Jo that you didn't know. She likes her drinks sweet. And when she says sweet, she means it. Wholeheartedly. While in Key West, Florida, for Katie and Travis' engagement trip, the future bride and groom and their parents visit Cuban Coffee Queen. Kelly wants to make sure that the barista knows just how sweet she wants her drink.

Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. She needs to be careful, wouldn't want to become pre-diabetic.

    1. She does! Hopefully this was an infrequent indulgence. 😬

  2. Kelly's lucky that she doesn't have diabetes

  3. I worry about Kelly's health. Extra sweet may not be good for her blood sugar. Also, her mask didn't cover her nose. This lovely woman needs to care for herself in the same way she cares for others!

    1. Her mask was higher earlier in the video. It might have kept slipping while she talked.

  4. When is Nathan and Esther's wedding this month?

  5. Having your beverages 'over the top' sweet cannot be good for Kelly. She should be aware of the health risks as she ages.

    1. Please let us “aging” people have some vices. There could be much worse things. Smoking or excessive drinking or obesity need to be addressed. Sweet tea or coffee isn’t a cause. I hate it when unqualified, sanctimonious people tell me what I should or should not do “for my own good.” If a doctor says it, it would be wise to listen. There is just something off-putting about people offering unsolicited advice just to come off as “concerned”. Until a doctor says differently, you go, Kelly!!! Enjoy your sweets!

    2. 11:38AM: Unfortunately, most people would never admit it to their doctor that they drink their beverages so over the top sweet, so a doctor will very rarely have that opportunity to give that person health advice about it. Family and friends are more likely to witness somebody making bad food choices. Advice is more likely to come from family and friends rather than a doctor.

    3. Kelly is a lovely person but she may very well be obese right now. If she keeps drinking sweet drinks like that, she'll get there, sadly. Instead of laughing along with her, her family should help her reduce her sugar consumption.

    4. Anonymous October 14 @6:32pm We are all ADULTS like Kelly show KNOWS what is bad and good to eat and drink people does"nt need our advice.

    5. 11:38, sweets do lead to obesity. I love Kelly and I love sweets, but I know that both she and I aren't doing ourselves any favors when we eat or drink sugar. Did you know that sugar actually is addictive and can harm many parts of your body?

    6. 11:38 People of any age who do not take care of their health are at risk for any number of diseases. Sugar is as addicting as anything and does real harm to your teeth and body. (Heart disease, diabetes, tooth decay, to name a few.) This drives up the costs of health care for everyone.

    7. She literally used the term “unhealthy sweet”

  6. Kelly, you're lovely. And such a wonderful person. Take care of yourself. As you eat less sugar you get used to it. Too much refined sugar will wreck your health especially as you age. You are a SWEET lady and don't need to be eating that much SWEET - take care! <3

  7. This isn't funny, it's concerning. I'm sure Kelly wants to be healthy to enjoy her grandchildren as they grow!

    1. I completely agree. I hope she reads these comments and tries to cut back a bit on her sugar intake. People writing these comments aren't doing it to be mean, they genuinely care about her and her health.

  8. If she wants her drinks sweet, that is her choice.

  9. I don't think it's a good idea for Kelly to be advertising how much she indulges in over-the-top sweetened drinks. That's not good for anybody.

  10. She's a wonderful person, and a great, nurturing mom, but she needs to cut down on the sweet drinks. It's not good for anyone, especially not those who are overweight and postmenopausal.

  11. The Bateses and Duggars both have such unhealthy diets!

    1. Agree. It is becouse there are a lot of people. Not enough mobey or time for healthy choices.

    2. As do many Americans!!!

    3. It took MORE time to make Kelly's drink "unhealthy sweet."

  12. Not all Southerners eat in such an unhealthy way! It's not funny or amusing, in fact, it was painful to watch. I wonder if she has a sugar addiction?

  13. That lady in the coffee booth should have just given Kelly the whole sugar dispenser and told her to add whatever she liked. It was ridiculous to watch Kelly explain just 'how much sugar' she liked in her drink. KellyJo is not a healthy person IMO due to her diet, weight and number of children she has had. Age will show this soon enough, sadly.

  14. Unfortunately it sets a very poor example for her children and grand children. I will be praying for her to
    turn this addiction over to God and take it one hour at a time, then one day at a time. I know she can do this with God and a whole lot of people praying for her. If in agreement please join me in this endeavor.
    Thank you!

  15. Gil looks embarrassed as Kelly is ordering.

    1. Travis and Katie looked embarrassed too.

    2. Yeah. Probably wishes he was invisible or something.

    3. She just kept repeating herself "sweet, sweet sweet". If she takes her drinks sweet she would know how much sugar to ask for ie- 10 teaspoons, 10 packetts or however the sugar is measured. Whether it's unhealthy or not doesn't matter just tell the server how much sugar to put in. This isn't the first time she has ordered a beverage & knows she likes it sweet.

  16. Is she really this needy? It was sad to watch her kick up such a fuss over how much sugar she wanted.

    1. I was so embarrassed for her!

    2. Kelly's coffee alone cost almost $6! The Bates are doing well, financially. Personally, I'd never spend that much on a coffee.

    3. The way they throw money around is shocking. I believe the simple, frugal ways are the best.

  17. So, how many of us don’t eat perfectly??? I’m certainly not going to criticize Kelly’s beverage choice! She’s an adult and may hear all this well minded advice among her family/friends/doctors. It’s her decision to ignore the advice and enjoy what she enjoys. She didn’t ask for any fans two cents worth!!!

    1. At 7:23, unfortunately, Kelly Jo did ask fans for advice when she and Gil decided to do a reality show about their lives and their children's lives!

    2. It wasn't how much sugar she wants to put in her coffee but her BEHAVIOR about it that I found awkward and I'm glad I wasn't present when that scene went down.

    3. @8:34- Kelly and Gil did not ask for advice by having a reality show!

    4. 8:34, thinking someone is asking for your advice because they're on a tv show points to a busybody mentality.

    5. They certainly open themselves to public criticism by having a reality show.

    6. I agree 9:15- She should have specified how much sugar she wanted (however many teaspoons or sugars packages she wanted). Sweet, sweet very sweet is all she could say. Unhealthy sweet also is not very specific.

    7. 2:17 I think a better way to say is that they made themselves targets for advice and criticism by being on TV. It comes with the territory. If Kelly wants to advertise her intense need for sugar, that's on her.

  18. Gil looks like he wants to sink through the floor!

  19. No one should ever criticize someone who has had 19 kids. That makes them special. They are immune to criticism, or should be!

    1. They are "special" for having 19 kids? I guess that's a matter of opinion. I don't care how many kids you choose to have, it doesn't make you better than anyone else.

  20. I'm sure this sweet coffee scene was scripted and they were instructed how to over act in it. This program is not what it should be either...fake, fake, fake. Rehearsed scenes, blocking, lighting, script guidelines written by writers, etc. It's all for the pay check, folks. This is their job..Gil does the tree business part time if that at all or selected jobs when he's available. Kelly may like her coffee sweeter than most people but she was acting for the camera.

    1. All I can add is that the Bates do their “jobs/acting” on the show very well!
      I hope they continue the show for many years.

    2. The tree business has no internet presence, and Gil seems to view himself as a pastor. It's understandable that a man pushing 60 would not want to do such a dangerous job, and most of his sons seem to have no interest (and it wouldn't even occur to his daughters!)

    3. I hope that is true @ 4:34. I was quite concerned for Kelly’s well-being when I heard her talk like that. But now I am concerned as to why the producers would have her say such a ridiculous thing. I doubt it improved Up’s ratings or Kelly’s image.

    4. 3:59, a lack of internet presence doesn't mean it's not a working business. They could just advertise locally or by word of mouth.

  21. I just hope Kelly is ok. That was an unusual response for anyone to make.

  22. I wonder if it ended up too sweet. She probably ended up having to throw it away

  23. Family reunion tea. That's what that extra sweet tea is called around my area. Personally, can't stand it.

    1. I'm curious how many grams of sugar would be in that type of tea or teaspoons of sugars or sugar packages. This sweet tea thing is new for me. When I have a cup of tea I might put 1 small teaspoon of sugar in it.

  24. Kelly's love for sugar and ordering the tea was a rather bizarre thing to film, IMO. Sometimes I think these "reality" shows try to make the stars look as ridiculous as possible.


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