
Monday, October 25, 2021

Lawson and Tiffany in Italy

The Bates have gone from one exciting event to another. The entire family gathered in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, for Nathan and Esther's wedding on Friday, and then some of the ladies headed to New Jersey for a bridal shower put on by Katie's future in-laws

And now, Lawson, Tiffany, Gil, Kelly, and Tiffany's parents are on a big adventure overseas. They're in Italy!

Lawson Bates and Tiffany Espensen

Photo courtesy


  1. Ooh I wonder what they are in Italy for? Sounds exciting!

  2. Engagement announcement will be next!
    I appreciate him waiting until after his brother’s wedding and not trying to steal the attention.

    1. ARe there really newly married couples who would be UNHAPPY about a brother's engagement? I'd think that would just add to their joy!

    2. That’s what I though!

    3. Seriously, Nathan would not care. If I were a bride and my sister announced engagement or baby news before my wedding, I would NOT care. I would be excited for them. I don't have a diva personality, though.

    4. I think everyone desires their own moment; and it’s kind when others respect that moment.

    5. Of course Nathan and Esther will be happy for them. If this is an engagement trip, Lawson was respectful and waited until after the wedding. Announcing baby news at your sister’s wedding or gender reveal and name the day before your brother’s wedding is not the proper thing to do.

  3. Guessing this trip includes an engagement!

  4. Oh my goodness! You must all be exhausted!

    Engagement coming.....

  5. So they are having a honeymoon trip instead of Nathan and Ester! Lol, I guess the newly weds don't want us to know where they are having their honeymoon yet I presume they have gone abroad too, it wouldn't be fair if they were staying in the US and the others went abroad, I'm guessing they went to the Carribean or Hawaii.

  6. Do I hear proposal hidden in there somewhere? LOL

  7. Sounds like an engagement is in the works!

  8. Wow, the next Bate’s destination engagement lining up.
    No surprise there though…they make a cute couple.

  9. I guess I’ll be in the minority on my comment, but air travel and Italy are two places I would not want to be in with Covid still in the news and on the rise in many areas.

    But on a more positive note. I think these two make a cute couple and I wish them the best in whichever direction their relationship goes.

  10. I've always wanted to go to Italy! Hope they have a great time

  11. Maybe it’s an engagement trip! How fun either way!

  12. Sounds like an engagement is going to happen!

  13. I'm guessing with both parents on this trip there will be an engagement. So happy for both of them if/when this happens!

  14. Must be unengagement in Italy!!

  15. Whoa! I see a proposal n the works

  16. Lawson is bound to propose while there!!!! (Why else both sets of parents along? Besides it would be a great place to do that! 😊)

  17. How exciting!! Hope you all have a wonderful time!

  18. Get to know the possible new in-laws trip or a destination engagement is my guess.

  19. Engagement coming?

  20. In Italy; with both sets of parents; hmmmmmm

  21. Gotta wonder if they will get engaged in Italy.

  22. Possible engagement on the horizon?? 💍👀🤔

  23. Wow! Engagement I’m guessing?

  24. Sounds like another destination engagement affair.

  25. I'm just guessing someone is going to propose.

  26. Do you have to be vaccinated to go to Italy? Just wondering

    1. Yes. If you have proof of Covid antibodies, you can go. I remember hearing a lot of the family got Covid last year.

    2. Yes, I believe you do have to be vaccinated to travel to Italy. You would be crazy to travel without the vaccine, especially to Italy.

  27. If they had to quarantine before going to
    Italy, how did they quarantine when they were at the wedding? Hmm…

  28. Proposal alert I bet.

  29. Super exciting!!! Italy is a beautiful country. Do I sense the hint of another big announcement ?!?!?😀

  30. Perfect opportunity to propose!

  31. Clearly this trip on the heels of a big wedding and shower is for Tiff and Law to have the ta-da engagement. I’m always curious how these people find the time to be away from their jobs and master degree studies for extended periods of time???

    1. Vacations and school breaks

    2. @3:28-master degree program with a mid October break…no.

  32. Oh my goodness! Is it right to think that something special may be happening? It is a long way to go if it's not! Never a dull moment in that family. I would love to see all the history & beauty of that country. Please keep us updated! Glad to hear all the goings on with the family!

  33. I wonder if they are getting married in Italy

    1. They would never get married without all their siblings and extended family,and to all those who think they brought both sets of parents because they are getting engaged I say remember they went to Hawaii a few months ago with Tiffany's parents it was just a holiday so Lawson could get to know her parents so maybe Gil and Kelly want to get to know Tiffany's parents, also it could be a treat for Kelly's birthday.

  34. Anyone else sense an engagement?

    1. Yep. Seems to be the common thought among fans.

  35. Happy for them to visit such a beautiful Country. Since both parents went along I wonder if theres an impending engagement? They make a really nice couple. Wish them all the best.

  36. Hmmmmm……..both parents are in Italy with Lawson and Tiffany! Could an engagement be announce in the next few day💍

  37. Wow to Italy?! That's alot of travelling but such a cute couple.

  38. Hmmmmmm. Not only both sets of parents are there but their photographer friends are also with them. Seems like a proposal and engagement is in the works!

  39. Kelly must be exhausted!

  40. When’s the proposal coming?

  41. Time 9:03PM Mon 10/25/21
    Hope it's engagement YES.

  42. I bet an engagement is coming soon. Italy is so pretty and with both sets of parents, it’d be the perfect chance to propose. 🙂

  43. Well, that's pretty obvious it is an engagement trip. The Bates have become quite wealthy. That is extensive travel in a very short time and with the current cost of airfare and lodging, I can't even imagine the price tag. Oh, well - still love to watch their encouraging family.

  44. When both sets of parents go along, I think we know what that means!

  45. Smell that? Its the next engagement

  46. I'm surprised! We're still in a worldwide pandemic!! Must be an engagement. Each proposal has to top the previous ones.

    1. Eh, they could catch covid just as easily in the US as anywhere. At least some of them have probably already had it by now.

  47. Since all the parents are in Italy I'm guessing we should get ready for an elaborate engagement. They always do everything over the top.

  48. Exactly when does Kelly Jo actually school and care for her younger children? Before I get blasted with “she has the right to travel”..I know that. But she is gone A LOT. The younger kids seems to be with Micheala and Brandon more than Gil and Kelly Jo.

    1. The other sisthers that live at home wil take care of it. And they do online school.

    2. @3:48-online school still requires an adult supervision.

    3. The other sisters at home are Addee, Ellie and Callie. All pretty young to be in charge of the whole house plus two active little boys. I suppose Michaela or Erin might be staying at the house to care for them.

    4. There are no sisters living at home, except Katie, and she is getting married in two months. It's unlikely she is focusing on childcare and homeschooling her younger siblings. There are many older brothers at home, but you didn't mention them so I don't know if they help with the younger ones?

    5. There are plenty of sisters still at home!

  49. Wow. Hawaii and now Italy.

  50. I will be shocked if they do not come back engaged!

  51. Engagement announcement to follow....

  52. Maybe Tiffany is in a film that is on location in Italy.
    It seems a strange location to be in if it wasn’t job related, especially since Italy is saturated with Covid right now! Hope the vaccine works!

    1. Tiffany isn't working on a film, she's getting engaged. lol

  53. Being on TV sure has changed the Bates' lifestyle, hasn't it? The sky-diving groom, international engagement trip, and continual Instagram photos of their expensive clothes, travel and generally awesome life. When I look back on how it was for them just a few years, what a difference.

    1. MO- Yes, exactly... I've moved and I don't get the TV station that UP is on anymore so I don't see the show, but I think that a lot of people are fed-up with all this over-the-top stuff. Look at what happened to the Duggars- fame and fortune ruined them IMO. But since I watched them forever and saw the kids grow up, I still like seeing what they're up to. (most of them anyways) That is what's so nice about this blog, it keeps me up to date with the kids. And Jill has a cute blog as well. :o)

    2. @Anonymous @12:31 - I agree with you. I enjoy the family and don't doubt their deep faith has not wavered, but they really are living an over-the-top lifestyle now. I pray that the younger children and the grandchildren remain strong in the faith. I notice that Alyssa's girls' really "pose" pose for the cameras. Erin's children still seem pretty down to earth and innocent and I think Tori is staying out of the limelight for that same reason. Yes, indeed, they have embraced social media on a grand scale.

    3. Yes, you are right. No more thrift store clothing, buying used, etc. I'm glad for their success but I do miss those old episodes, so full of inspiration and simplicity.

  54. It’s pretty obvious what season 11 episodes will be about…plus more babies.

  55. What average middle-class family, Christian or not, lives like this? I enjoyed watching the Bates family in their every day life not living a lifestyle most of us can’t afford. I also agree with the comments about Kelly and the younger children. She needs to be the kind of mom to them like she was to the older ones. I’m not hating on them just expressing my opinion. What’s going to happen when UP TV is no longer bankrolling them. I hope they’ve made some investments.

    1. @12:44-agree! They have gone from humble and conservative to extravagant in a blink of an eye!!!

    2. The Bates are NOT your average middle class family. Nor are the Duggars for that matter. They're rich and famous.

    3. Very well stated. It is concerning that others may consider the Bates lifestyle of clothing, makeup, travel as the norm to be aspired to.
      Very much miss the early days of The Bates before everything now has to top the next thing. So unrealistic. They were more relatable early on.

    4. @10:07-my sentiments exactly.

    5. Uptv probably paid for ths trip if they filmed stuff there. They have every right to travel if they want. They made money being on tv. It is fine. Parents travel all the time without their children. My parents and step parsnts did that sometimes. They were not hated on for it.

    6. The Bates and Duggars aren"t really famous alot of people have never heard of them. Please they are certainly ROYALTY. Cant even begin to compare the to

  56. Lawson has always been one of my favorites. It’s wonderful that he has found his someone special! I would guess that they are in Italy for a proposal given that both sets of parents are with them. Let’s just hope that Kelly will allow Tiffany’s Mom and Dad a special moment with their daughter and Lawson.

  57. Nice looking couple!

  58. Why can't people stay on the USA with all the virus going around. They have been traveling alot. I don't know how the little kids are doing there school work. Must be nice to travel like that

    1. You can catch it in the US just as easily as in another country, so why not? When you homeschool you have the flexibility to adjust - you can do it wherever, whenever, with an alternate person like a big sister who's familiar with what they're using. It's not a big deal to adjust for a week if Mom goes out of town.

    2. It would be nice to travel like that. I'm glad they're getting the chance.

    3. @7:49. Uh…Tiffany is in a Masters degree program, not homeschooled. She is on a colleges schedule…or should be.

    4. You can get covid by going to walmart. People can get covid in the USA just like they can anywhere.

    5. 4:32, not sure why you are talking about Tiffany. The conversation in this comment thread was about the Bates' younger kids and their schoolwork.

  59. I hear wedding bells ringing....

  60. Honestly these extravagant trips to get engaged and theatrics ( parachuting in to get married) is nothing but a marketing ploy for money and ratings. They’ve become Celebrity “Christians”.

  61. I know many think this is an engagement trip and it could be. However, Tiffany is different than the rest of the Bates in that she is a successful actress and probably has money saved herself. This trip could be in relation to an upcoming project or just an excuse to get away. The parents are probably there because Lawson is trying not to stray too far from what his parents believe and doesn't want people to assume anything if the two of them went off together. Anyway, just something to think about. I really wouldn't be surprised if it was just a fun trip.

    1. The only work related thing is film for the next season of Bringing Up Bates. Lawson doesn't need both sets of parents to protect his virtue. He is an adult and can make his own decisions.

    2. Surprise, it was an engagement trip under the guise of a business trip.

  62. U guys are a stunning couple!!!!! Really!!!!!!!!!1 I love U 2!!!!


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