
Friday, November 19, 2021

Bates Cook-Off Throwback

"What's the eye test? He calls Mom over and says, 'Mom, put your eye on this, see if it's ready."

-Zach Bates

In this throwback Bates web exclusive video, which was released almost three years ago, the family gathers for a cooking competition. Zach Bates, Erin Paine, and Lawson Bates are the contestants, and the other members of the clan are the judges (video below).

Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. MO- IDK... I've never thought of the Bates Family as being good cooks. (until they married and were on their own) Kelly has admitted in the past that cooking isn't her thing. She didn't even drain the macaroni on the video :o)

    1. They didn't show here drain the noodles she already did that.

    2. Yes, it wasn't like the mac was dripping all over the place. Just another overreaction to make them look bad.

  2. It's ironic IMO that with all of the traditional roles, etc that these parents have gone on record with, Kelly Jo has never had the mindset to learn how to actually cook. How did she think she was going to feed her ever-growing family? It's a strange thing how they pick and choose which traditional/Godly roles they espouse to. Cooking, CLEANING and home organization are cornerstones to being a well-trained homemaker. It was disgusting to watch her "spoon out" the macaroni for that mac and cheese dish she was 'helping' her son prepare. It was more like mac and cheese SOUP if you ask me.

    1. She never learned growing up and then perhaps was too busy with 19 kids to learn properly, which I get, but now with fewer and older kids would be a great time for her to start learning!

    2. 7:48 Not rude, just stating the obvious. I've wondered the same. The daughters have said that they learned to cook after they got married, which runs contrary to the traditional homemaker roles they advocate. The exception was Michaela, who was doing a lot of the meal prep when she still lived at home. My own parents weren't fundamentalist Christians and they both were excellent cooks. They taught us well how to feed our own families.

    3. 7:48 It makes sense to learn to cook BEFORE you have the kids!

    4. 6:27, well, yeah, but she was probably content to just eat the convenient processed foods that she had always eaten growing up in the early days of her marriage, and then it was probably even more easy to stay in that rut after she was busy with kids.

    5. You didn't see her drain out the noodles. She might have already didn't. They don't show everything on tv.

    6. It is rude, because it's not true. There was nothing disgusting about her spooning the mac out, and there was no liquid to make this "soup" that the OP accused her of.

  3. This is not being rude. Kelly and Gil did not start out with 19 children. They started out alone, just the two of them....then Zach etc. They didn't suddenly wake up one morning and find 19 babies in their house. Cooking is definitely a skill a traditional homemaker should have.

    1. But she grew up with convenience foods, so to her it was the natural thing to keep doing that after she got married.

    2. I grow up with convenience foods.

      Maybe Kelly Jo mom work so she didn't have time to cook for them if she was working 3 jobs.


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