
Sunday, November 14, 2021

Camping with the Bates

Carlin Stewart, Layla Stewart, Evan Stewart

Would you consider yourself to be someone who likes to camp? Some of the Bates would say yes. For Josie and Kelton Balka, it has become a family tradition that they have enjoyed multiple times since being married. This fall, they took Willow and Hazel camping in September and again last weekend. 

Carlin and Evan Stewart went camping this weekend, and also last October. Looking back, we have seen other Bates family members pitch their tents quite a few times, including during the season five episode "The Fabulous Backwoods Bates Boys." Some of the kids camped out in the backyard in "Nashville Nights and Country Campouts." After providing food and helping with the logistics, Kelly was quoted saying, "As parents, we're over the camping days, but we do it for our kids."

 Photo courtesy of @carlinbates98


  1. Im not into camping but cute photo!

  2. I think if I had gone camping more in my younger days, I would have enjoyed it more than I do now. I think if I were to go camping nowadays it would have to be where there are no rattlesnakes or bears!

  3. Looks chilly outside. I wonder what temperature it went down to through the night. Brrrr, I'm getting cold just thinking of it. Maybe an RV with a heater would be ok, but no thanks to a tent!!!

  4. I didn't mean to I meant up tv when are they coming back to up tv thank you God bless

  5. I've never camped but its on my bucket list!
    Cute picture 😘😍

  6. I love camping! So much fun and great family memories!

  7. Not at all. I don't sleep well away from home.

  8. Glad the Bates kids love to go camping and some of the couples do it with their spouses and kids. Can't say I would enjoy camping at 4 months pregnant and in the beginning of my second trimester. But I guess if Carlin is ok with it and doesn't bother her,ok by me. Hope Dr. Vic won't reprimand her for camping while pregnant.

    1. There is zero reason you can't camp while 4 months pregnant. In fact, that is probably the optimal time while pregnant - past the morning sickness and not big enough to be uncomfortable.

    2. Why would he reprimand her?

    3. There's really no reason not to at that stage. I camped around 3-4 months pregnant and it was no different. You generally feel the best in the second trimester.

    4. If she feels up to it, why not? Camping isn't bad for either her or the baby.

    5. Reprimand her? Dr. Vic is not her mom. Carlin hires Dr. Vic to perform medical services, she pays her to help with her pregnancy.

  9. I can't wait to see your new season

  10. I can't wait for the new season to come out

  11. Fun! And cute picture!

  12. Whatever rocks your socks. I'd choose root canal over camping!

  13. We used to go camping when our kids were in elementary school. (It was about the only way our family could afford a vacation). We would travel around the US, visiting National Parks for 10 days at a time. My husband and kids were avid campers. Me, not so much, so we compromised. We would camp for 2-3 days then stay in a hotel for a day. I look back on those years with fond memories.


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