
Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Erin Leaves the Boutique

Chad Paine, Erin Paine, Zach Bates, Whitney Bates, Carlin Stewart

The Bates Sisters Boutique website, which opened for business in April 2019, was founded by Erin Paine, Whitney Bates, and Carlin Stewart. Now, two-and-a-half years later, Erin and Chad Paine have just announced that God is leading them to focus on other business and ministry ventures, so Erin is leaving the boutique. Kelly Bates will be jumping into some of the roles that Erin once filled. 

Photo courtesy of UPtv


  1. I find it curious that so many devoutly religious people say "God was leading them" whenever they make decisions or life changes. It pretty much has them covered, whether it works out or not. It also makes them sound rather pretentious, IMO. I'd rather hear people say, "I chose to do this for these reasons...."

    1. @8:41 It can sound strange for people who don't have a relationship with God, but for those that do, we truly try to follow where God is leading. It doesn't mean it will work out the way we think it will or be successful in the world's eyes. We don't say that to be pretentious, rather it IS our reason. Hope that helps.

    2. I say thst about big decisions because I have consulted God, asked Him to guide me. His anseers aren't always readily translated into bullet point format. Not pretentious, very humble, at least to me.

    3. That is because they feel like God is leading them in another direction and they pray and pray about it before they make the decision. Just because you don't do it, doesn't mean it is not reality.

    4. I can absolutely feel it when the Lord is leading me in a certain direction. I pray about it and when I've chosen and there is a peace upon me, I know I'm doing what He wants me to do.

    5. But God does lead His children in specific ways sometimes. The Bible talks about it, and I've experienced it in real ways. Sure, people can just say that, but it is a real thing.

    6. Not trying to be snarky, this is a straightforward reply. They are choosing to do this because they believe God is leading them in a different direction. People that have a solid relationship with God will be lead by God, not to have a cover, but to have peace and confidence and joy.

    7. Christians seek God, and His guidance. That is why a Christian says God is leading them. When He leads, we should follow. It isn't always what we want, but we know it is for our good, and His glory.

    8. I also find it curious when pastors say God has "called" them to leave one church to go to another. To me it sounds like the pastor wants to change locations himself. So why don't they say it like it really is?

    9. So happy to hear that Erin is getting out of that business. She and Chad are so different from the rest. They don’t need all of the pomp and circumstance.

    10. Obviously God has never truly led you in one direction or another

    11. Unknown@8:58 No one can prove God truly led them to do anything and I guess I'm not arrogant enough to claim that he has. I take responsibility for my life's choices and don't put the onus on him.

    12. 3:47 Those feelings may be real to the individual making the claim, but that's all they are.. feelings. Whether or not a higher power is directing anyone's path is simply a matter of opinion, as well as how you interpret an ancient text. I remember a preacher in my community who was very insistent that God was leading him to do this or that. He ended up serving time for absconding with a substantial amount of church funds. I'm sure he'd convinced himself that God was telling him to take that money. Anyway, the "God is leading me" line is not one I take seriously.

    13. 9:31, one can lie about God leading them. That doesn't mean God doesn't lead people.

    14. Chad and Erin seem to be very spiritually minded. And they are expecting their fifth child which is a miracle! Can totally understand how God is leading them into pulling away from the business. May the Bates Boutique still be blessed and Kelly Joe is such a wonderful mom and example!
      Yes, for Believers God does open and close doors for us. Even sometimes without us asking He may close the door or open one.🙏✝️❤️

    15. 12:06 Does your definition of Believers in God only apply to members of a certain Christian religion and does God only direct their paths? I ask because there are countless people, now and throughout history, who have been afforded many opportunities and achieved great things- yet they were atheist, deist, agnostic, or non-Christian. Did the God of the Bible also choose to open doors for them? Those of us who were fortunate to be born to loving parents and into a stable home had a huge open door from the get-go. We had not choice in the matter and it was not of our doing. Why would a loving God slam this door shut on an unsuspecting and innocent child when they are born into war, poverty, abuse or neglect? I really don't believe God is directing anyone. We are all at the mercy of time, chance and our own choices.

    16. @12:17 Many times a pastor is told by church hierarchy where he/she is going to be moved. Both my uncles were Lutheran ministers and that was the case with them.

    17. I can’t wait to come visit the Boutique in person! Great job!!!

  2. God often takes us unexpected places that make our lives better.

  3. I agree. It makes it sound like God has endorsed what they planned on doing all along.

  4. I am so excited to see Chad and Erin's new business taking off. I was impressed by the scripture alphabet cards and wish I had them when my kids were little. Many blessings for you and Chad and the family adjustments!

  5. I hope the other ventures don't stretch Erin too thin! She's a busy lady already.

  6. Probably guessing this has to do with Erin being pregnant with her fifth baby and she's wanting to focus on her duties as a mom of 5 kids under 6 years old (2 school age and 2 that are toddlers and soon a newborn) and being a homemaker plus her growing ministry with her music and writing stuff for kids. And Chad has his own construction and carpentry business building and restoring houses. Wonder if they're maybe working on getting a house of their own for their growing family (can't imagine 5 kids all in 1 small room once the baby is old enough to sleep with her siblings) and working on it and need to focus on that project currentl. I don't watch their YouTube channel much,so I don't know what their doing now with a new baby on the way in just another month and a half. Praying for them and I respect their decision to step away from the boutique.

  7. Awe well whatever is right for her.

  8. Wishing Erin and Chad good luck and safe travels in their new endeavors.

  9. I agree with comment #1..these people put the responsibility of their decisions on God. God gave us life to make our own decisions and take responsiblity for them.

    1. Please read the Bible. God have us life and offers us salvation, so He can have a relationship with us. The Bible says to trust in the Lord and not lean on our own understanding and to acknowledge Him. Then He will direct our paths. God has a direction that He wants us to go. If we read His Word and pray to Him, He will offer us direction and help with life’s decisions.

  10. So Kelly Bates is going to be a working woman now. That’s huge!

    1. Kelly has been a working woman all her life so nothing huge there. 🙂

    2. Stay at home moms and homeschool moms already work HARD.

    3. They mean a working woman outside the home 🙄

    4. Yes we know but the way you talk about things effects the way people see things. If you refer to a stay at home mom who is now getting a out side of the home job as “going to work” then it makes it seem like anyone who stays home to take care of their kids as a dad or mom is “not working”.

    5. 9:25, right, but it's insulting to say that only those women are "working" women.

    6. It’s huge that Kelly is working “outside “ the home

    7. If you mean an employed woman, say it. Otherwise you're demeaning those of us who work hard at home.

  11. Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all thy heart, lean not on thy own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he will direct thy path." The Bates as well as myself live by this scripture.

    1. Perfect reply to the non believers/critics of Christians writing the above comments to God's leading His people! Thank you!!🙏❤️

    2. Thank you Janet! You explained it well!🙏🏿

  12. I wonder if they had to buy Erin out? Maybe they can use it as a downpayment.

  13. If you honestly believe that a higher power is leading you, fine. However, it's completely unnecessary to use it as a way to justify your decisions to other people. "God is directing my path" just becomes another trite platitude that isn't taken seriously. I heard it more times when growing up in an evangelical church than I care to remember. (Many of those same people I wouldn't follow to the nearest restroom.)

    1. Sorry you had that experience! For me the times I know God was leading were some of the most special times in my life.

    2. See that's because you shouldn't follow people try following GOD HE will never leave or forsake you. If yoh follow HIM wouldn't you need to know which path HE wants you to take? They aren't following people but GOD as we all should. And I'm sorry you had a bad experience with people. Look to GOD.

  14. I think Erin left the boutique because Whitney started to bring clothes that weren’t modest in Erin’s eyes. Erin is such a sweet sole that she probably didn’t want to hurt any feelings so just stated she had other pursuits.


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