
Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Katie's Bachelorette Trip

A couple days ago, several of the Bates women flew into Orlando for Katie's bachelorette trip. Kelly and all but one of Katie's bridesmaids are staying in a house with a pool while they celebrate the bride-to-be. Katie's bridesmaids are Josie, Carlin, Alyssa, Whitney, Addallee, Kayla (Travis' sister), and Caitlin (a friend). Everyone but Kayla was able to make it. 

The ladies have enjoyed lots of girl time, including massages, facials, a fancy meal at the Cheesecake factory, and pottery making. 

Whitney Bates, Carlin Stewart, Addallee Bates, Katie Bates,
Josie Balka, Alyssa Webster, Caitlin Kaetzer

Photo courtesy of @kgbates2000


  1. Sounds fun. Glad Katie is including all but 3 sisters and 1 of 3 sister in-laws (I counted Tiffany in since shes a future sister in-law)in her wedding party and 1 of her future sister in-laws. In a way I'm sure Michaela, Erin and Tori have a small part to play in the wedding too. Michaela is probably helping with decorating and altering some of the wedding clothes and Erin and Tori are probably playing the piano and violin for the ceremony. And Esther and Tiffany will probably help in some way I'm sure. Anxious to know which brothers and brother in-laws will be groomsmen and ushers and which nieces and nephews will be flower girls and ring bearers. Have a good time girls. Can't believe the wedding is 1 month away now.😭💍👰🏼

    1. Just Evan Stewart is a groomsman. None of the brothers. It’s on Travis and Katie’s website

    2. When my daughter married they had several bridesmaids but only one groomsman. It’s what the groom wanted.

    3. Inka@11:20pm:Bummer none of the brothers and brother in-laws are in the wedding except Evan as groomsmen. Would of thought Katie and Travis would at least allow all her sister's husbands and brother Zac be all groomsmen to walk with their wives down the aisle after the ceremony. When my parents got married 25 years ago,they did things appropriately and had all 3 of their bridesmaids and groomsmen be married couples on purpose so a married person would not be paired with an unmarried person. But that's their choice to have marrieds paired with unmarrieds.

    4. @10:05 why would Travis want to include Zach, Kelton, John, etc. when he clearly has his own family and friends to include. Glad your parents did things "appropriately," but the wedding day is just like the marriage - about the bride and groom. When I got married my future mother in law wanted me to include my husband's sister as a bridesmaid. I had never even met her, as she lives 5,000 miles away. Given how rude she turned out to be saying no was the right choice.

    5. @12:44 if that is true; why did he choose Evan?

    6. 7:31, he may be closest to Evan and has to draw the line somewhere.

  2. Awe that's lovely, bachelorette trip! I just watched Travis proposing to her in Key West (on Amazon Prime), it was beautiful especially the song.

  3. Such beautiful girls! Hope they enjoy their time together 🥰

  4. Is the "house with a pool" Alyssa's house?

    1. Does she live in Orlando?

    2. No it's not Alyssa's house. It's a vacation rental house

  5. Pottery making? At a bachlorette part? That is very unusual.

    1. They can’t drink so have to do something lol!

    2. It was a trip rather than a party, so they had time for multiple things.

    3. 3:46 - they can drink, it's not that they can't, just that they don't. and there are plenty of other things to do than drinking

    4. To Sis November 4, 3:46pm . They can drink they are ALL CONSENTING ADULTS. Why would you say they can'T? Curious new reader

    5. Not can't but as devout Christians they have no desire to drink. As a Christian myself, now 60 yrs old Ive never had the desire to "drink". No desire to not be in control of what I say or do! God, our Father and Jesus, our Savior would want us to always be sober and being obedient we are and it's NO sacrifice because there's 0 desire to not be sober..EVER and THAT is NORMAL for a DEVOUT Christian!

    6. Trust me, people who don't drink have plenty of other ways to have fun AND remember what we did the next day. With no regrets and no hangovers.

    7. @7:49 I've known more than a few recovering alcoholics who identify as devout Christians. They freely admit that the desire and urge to drink never goes away completely, because it's an addiction and an ongoing struggle to remain sober. Being a good Christian does not mean you are free from having those those feelings.

    8. @7:49 You are fortunate; but for those who want to drink, but are in recovery it’s a life long struggle. As I’ve observed that desire never truly goes away.

    9. John Webster stated on their YouTube; he doesn’t drink alcohol or use drugs because he wants to be the best father, husband etc. I loved that response. I think it’s the best response as to why someone chooses not to drink I’ve ever heard!

  6. How does this group do it??? Such an overwhelming amount of back to back to back traveling and celebrating! Kudos to Kelly for keeping up with high energy! I need her secret!

    1. It's become their job, so-to-speak, and a part of the TV show. They aren't ordinary folks any longer.

    2. Still takes lots of energy!!!

    3. Anonymous November 5, 7:29am. The Bates are ordinary folks. In the public eye because the have 19 kids and Ellie blogs about them. Not any different than you or I . They aren't Royalty .

  7. Another lavish vacay

  8. Time 1:38AM Thurs 11/4/21
    Sounds like fun. Hoping to hear from Law & Tiff again.

  9. This is now bordering on ridiculous. Those women are hardly at home anymore. Who is taking care of their children? Most bachelorette parties are ONE event over ONE DAY.
    They overdue everything. I don't call that much balance in life.

    1. Their family is huge and there doesn't seem to be any shortage of babysitters at their disposal. There are also grandparents on both sides, not just the Bates. I agree, that these events come fast and furious on the heels of the last one. But, it's paying them well through the TV show if they're filming them.

  10. As happy as I am for Katie, I am concerned for all the young brides to be. How many get to have that much time to indulge with the bridal party for days? They keep out doing each other with every wedding it seems.
    Most brides are working daily at their normal jobs making money to save for their future life with their husband to be. Most brides can’t fathom days of luxury like this. Happy for Katie but not the norm.

    1. We don't care about MOST BRIDES! We are interested in the BATES FAMILY BRIDES

    2. Well, yeah, but being a tv family isn't the norm either.

    3. Usually a bachelorette party is held over a weekend when most people are off anyway (if they work full-time).

  11. They have seriously had a lot going on!

  12. Now the bride's bachelorette party has become another over-the-top event-- lasting several days, with the attendees flying to another city, all wearing similar clothes and pajamas purchased just for this trip, etc. Is UP TV paying and wanting all this? I hope so because I would hate to think that the Bates think this is normal and reasonable. I guess Michaela is babysitting all the children at home while the Moms are living the good life.

    1. Agreed. Yeah, why don’t you ever see Michaela involved? Yep, she’s probably helping out with all the kids. It seems the Bates sisters have their clicky group of sisters

    2. That is a lot to assume that Michaela is at home babysitting the kids. They could have brought the kiddos with them.

    3. If the event is filmed, UPTV is probably paying for it. Michaela seems to be the most sensible one of them all, in that she protects her and her husband's privacy and she's not continually seeking attention.

    4. Katie is more than 10 years younger than Michael, having a family this large it is very normal to not include everyone and just to invite the sisters who are closer in age with her which obviously have a stronger bond. And you’re always talking about Michael like they excluded just her, no, Erin and Tori weren’t either, or the younger girls. Let Katie enjoy her last weeks with whoever she wants before moving away to New Jersey.

    5. Anon 7:25, agree totally

    6. @7:25 agree and don’t forget she is the most tied to the IBLP (Brandon is employed by that organization). So, probably is the one out of her siblings to adhere to the most conservative lifestyle.

    7. Erin is pregnant and has lots of childeren. She can't come. But poor Michael. Why not her?

    8. Maybe Michael and Brandon are trying to be frugal. Maybe she had to work.

    9. michael is a grown adult who loves children and has not been able to have any of her own she probally loves watching the kids

  13. I can't help but feel bad that some of the sisters were excluded. I really liked Michael's idea of her bachelorette party. They made candles at one of the married girl's houses, and everyone was included. I would much rather have a smaller/cheaper celebration and include everyone than something big and expensive and having to exclude sisters.

    1. Yes! Totally agree! They’ve become lavish, and trendy. It was nice in the good ‘ol days when things were simple. Not having to live up to all these expensive expectations

    2. Actually, your memory is wrong. Not all the sisters were included on Michaela's candle making party. It was Tori who had all the sisters at her trip with the exception of her sister in law.

      Now that everyone is grown and married and there are three still in school, it is practically impossible to plan something that they could all attend. A good compromise is the sisters actually involved in the wedding.

  14. WOW! All these parties, showers, etc. before the wedding. Then there will probably be a blockbuster wedding and honeymoon.
    Marriage is going to look seem like a real "downer". (Of course, maybe that's why they're whopping it up now).

    1. Nah, marriage is what you make of it.

    2. Only if they let it be a real downer.

    3. Marriage is amazing. I much prefer a good movie night with my husband to any big vacation party.

    4. Definitely! Agreed. And that does not indicate jealousy as some commenters have said.
      We are just all different.

  15. Congrats ladies I hope that all of you have had a wonderful trip. God bless you in your upcoming nuptials Katie.

  16. Why so many negative comments? I don’t think anyone is trying to outdo anyone. I think they actually enjoy spending time together. Who cares if they go away for a weekend. These girls have husbands who can take care of the kids. I’m impressed all these women have spouses who don’t mind their spouses going away for a couple days. It’s called enjoying life and family and friends.

  17. Dang, when I was younger, there’s no way I could get away when I had a full time job and taking care of my kids. They must have a lot of help. In fact, I never got to do anything fun, I had my first pedicure when I was in my 30’s.

  18. It is pretty common these days to spend an extended weekend doing a bachelorette party. Just like the Italy trip, I’m sure this was also filmed which means at least part if not all of the trip was paid for. All of these women either have successful businesses of their own or their husband does. They have also become influencers on social media. Gone are the days they struggled feeding their kids. Let them have fun & enjoy life. It’s far to short!

  19. wow. thankfully they stay grounded in Christ because there will come a day no one remembers this family. They are wise stewards and I know are well prepared for the future.

  20. Don't forget that activity doesn't equal happiness! Each of these girls has their own problems and struggles. Maybe some of them were sacrificing a bit to even go on this trip. Maybe they didn't enjoy everything. Maybe they were thinking of the kids back home. Just a reminder that the "Facebook life" is most of the time not what it seems to be. There's no need to be jealous! Most of us get our special moments once in a while.

    1. Or maybe they have been enjoying these fun and special activities. We shouldn't be jealous in any case.

  21. City congratulations, Katie and Travis! Love the Bates!! God Bless!!


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