
Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Nail Art With Zach Bates

Kaci Bates and Zach Bates

"I've always, in the back of my mind, made a mental note-to-self that as we have more kids, to try to carve out that time that I can spend one-on-one. You always want to make sure that they know that there's lots of love to go around."

-Chad Paine

In honor of Khloe Bates' second birthday, which was three days ago, we're throwing it back to October 2019, when Zach, Whitney, Bradley, and Kaci were patiently awaiting her arrival. In this video, Zach spends some quality time with Kaci and engages in a girly activity that his younger siblings don't expect him to be very good at.

For those who haven't heard, the new season of Bringing Up Bates is slated to return on February 10th, 2022.

Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. It's not really quality 1-1 time if a camera crew is there filming you. Children won't confide in you, or feel close, if there are bright lights and microphones around, along with sound and lighting people talking to each other and giving you directions.

    1. That's true but she has quality time with her dad when the crew isn't around, this is just showing an example of how they spend their time together along with a variety of other things they do together, someone said bring her to a park, I'm sure he does that many times but out of all the things they do together the crew chose this to film as it was more unusual.

    2. Why is this unusual? My husband let our girls paint his nails many time. Then he laughed when people joked with him about it. That's very manly, imo. He cared more about his girls than what people thought.

  2. Are you sure that quote was made by Chad Paine and not by Zach Bates?

    1. Yes. If you watch the video, it’s Chad saying those words

    2. Chad said it in the video

  3. It would hve been even cuter if Zach had painted his own nails too!

    1. Ummm.... That would have been really weird. It also might confuse Kaci and make her wonder why her Dad was painting his nails! Painting nails is for girls! And yeah I know that some strange boys out there paint their nails but I find it weird!

    2. The fun is in the painting! Kaci would've loved to use the nail polish. A good dad would tolerate that, even if it caused him some embarrassment later on.

    3. Little girls LOVE to paint their Daddy's nails, and kudos to my co-worker for wearing them as a badge of honor!

  4. Awe Chad and Zach are good daddies!

  5. Poor little Kaci. She's been all dressed up and plopped in front of a camera. Now Zach is prompting and prodding her to say this or that. It is so painfully staged, it's almost embarrassing. Zach, take the kid to a playground and let her have fun!

    1. Asking questions isn't prompting or prodding. Her smile was adorable, she readily picked out a nail polish when he asked her which one she wanted, she had an opinion on what color the baby's nails should be.

  6. I don’t know how these women get their men to do things like this with their kids. There’s no way my husband would ever do girly stuff with his daughter. My father never did girly stuff with me, how weird. My father spent time with me in other ways, like taking me with him places, fishing, or whatever.

    1. Zach is being paid by UPTV to do the things viewers want to see. However, he may do things like this on his own, too. All good fathers do the sorts of things their kids want to do, at least some of the time. If a father only interacts with kids on his own terms, he is not being a good dad. Your husband is missing out on a lot of fun!

    2. Yes, Zach is getting paid to do "girly stuff" with his daughter, especially since the tv show is probably his main income. He probably does other activities with his daughter when the cameras are off.
      Please don't compare him to your husband or father.
      My husband, like your father, took our daughters camping, hunting, and fishing. I'm glad he saw the importance of spending time with his daughters.

    3. @8:40 I find it weird that some people have this fear or obsession with any intimation of a male engaging in anything remotely "girly" or feminine. Zach painting Khloe's nails was clearly staged for filming, but there's nothing wrong with a father doing this with his daughter. It's no different than if he brushed and curled her hair or played "Tea Party" with her. If this is something that disgusts you, I guess that's your problem. Just don't put down other people for what they choose to do.

    4. If a little girl wants to paint nails, and her father says no because it's too girly, that just makes him insecure and weak. A real man is not afraid of such things, and would do what he can to make his daughter happy.

    5. What you're saying is that all men should be just like your husband and father and that Zach is setting a poor example for his daughter. I think it shows a great deal of tenderness if a dad is willing to participate in something his daughter enjoys, whether it's fishing, cooking, climbing rocks, or even painting fingernails. My dad was a tough WWII Marine pilot who routinely braided my hair each morning, because he did it better than my mom!

  7. Sadly, this is staged nonsense.

  8. If they want to do a piece on Zach being a great dad, show him pushing her on a swing. It doesn't really work showing Zach as a tough guy doing girly things out of love. It seems artificial and staged. How does Kaci benefit from this scene?

    1. Aw, what a sweet smile on her face when he was painting her nails.

    2. @12:26 Maybe Kaci was asked what she'd like to do with her dad in this scene and she chose painting fingernails. I'm not sure what the point is of projecting one's own feelings about "girly" activities in this situation. I doubt Zach would participate if he was uncomfortable with it.

    3. I think the producers suggested this activity. They wanted to show a nice contrast between Zach's manliness ("He likes huntin'") and a little girl's tea party. I doubt Kaci was consulted.


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