
Friday, December 3, 2021

Katie and Travis' Wedding

Katie Bates and Travis Clark

It was a beautiful day for a wedding in East Tennessee! Katie Bates became Katie Clark this afternoon during an outdoor ceremony, which was attended by 400 guests. Us Weekly has the exclusive story and first photos of the big day. 

Photo courtesy of UPtv


  1. All the photos look lovely. Hope they had a good wedding.

  2. Pictures are on Us weekly...her gown was so lovely.

  3. Awww looks beautiful! How warm was it there yesterday? Love the dresses but hoping it wasn’t chilly!

    1. It was 70 and probably warmer in the sun!

  4. Absolutely love Katie's dress! Very classic - as was the entire look of the wedding party. Much happiness and love to the newlyweds!

  5. Sounds like a lovely wedding! Did you get to go, Lily or Ellie?

    1. We were invited but weren't able to go. :( It did look lovely though!


  6. Congratulations Katie and Travis!!!

  7. Beautiful wedding dress! Very elegant!! The whole wedding party was very elegant. With Katie's dress being sleeveless, which is very daring in their circle, makes me wonder how long it'll be until we see her in skinny jeans, lol. Actually, her figure would look great in jeans.

    1. She might look good in jeans, but she really looks cute in dresses and skirts. If she starts wearing skinny jeans she just looks like everybody else. It’s getting a little old everyone wearing the same things.

    2. 10:22 Yes, it sure got old seeing them all wear the same thing: jeans skirts and prairie dresses with Peter Pan collars!

    3. @10:22 If she wears jeans, that doesn't mean she won't wear dresses or skirts, too. BTW, I don't think we should dress in order to please other people.

  8. Congratulations Katie and Travis!! So happy for you two! Many Blessings on your Marriage.

  9. why do these people keep selling out to these awful magazines. not sure why good luck.

  10. Just beautiful!! Congratulations to Travis and Katie ❤

  11. Everything looks absolutely exquisite! Katie is breathtaking in that beautiful gown and Travis looks so handsome. I love the gorgeous flowers. It looks like everything was perfect for their special day. I pray for God's blessing on their marriage and wish this sweet couple all the best.

  12. I'm sure that the temperature was quite comfortable! It was 79 degrees here in N. Georgia yesterday! Congratulations to Katie and Travis! May God bless you both!

  13. I saw the pictures on the article. Katie's dress is very lovely and unique from what her sisters have worn at their weddings. Not very happy that she and Travis chose black and white as their only colors. Was expecting Christmas colors like red,green,blue, silver and gold and maybe dark purple and pink but not black.😕🤔 It made it look like a sad wedding and not a happy one,like a funeral is more like it. A wedding is suppost to be happy and colorful,not sad and dreary. I don't know what made them choose plain,bland and untraditional colors, but I'm hoping that Katie and Travis will explain their color choice next season on Bringing UP Bates. Meanwhile, congratulations to you both. May God bless you with a long and happy marriage and lots of kids to add to the Clark Family singers (and Bates line of grandkids). Can't wait to find out where they went for their honeymoon.

    1. Why should they have to explain their color choices? They obviously liked and preferred them. No couple should try to please the wedding expectations of other people.

    2. Yeah it’s their wedding so if they were happy with it cool. I was expecting it too look more classy like a black and white wedding I went to a while back but that wedding also had gold and green, and I think it made all the difference. I think it came down to the matte black men’s shirts and and no detail color to make the black pop on the men and women.

    3. I, too, was disappointed with the black. I love colors. My husband and I had a Christmas wedding on the 22nd 59 years ago and my bridesmaids wore forest green.

    4. I loved the black bridesmaids dresses; very elegant, grown up and classy as was her dress.

    5. I thought black bridesmaid dresses were passé ! A pop of color would have been nice imho.

    6. I adore neutrals and I thought that their black & white weddings looked gorgeous and tasteful. It is important that we all remember that there is room for many different opinions and tastes. This world is full of variety and it’s wonderful that something a-moral like wedding colors is no longer dictated by overreaching social customs.

    7. I find the black to be visually boring compared to some of the other Bates wedding pictures.

    8. I loved the black and white. If she was going for a timeless/classic look, she nailed it. Besides every other color has been done in her family. She went with a theme and it was gorgeous. Katie and Esthers wedding has been my favorite by far. I loved Toris theme as well.

  14. Loved...loved..loved Katie's dress.

  15. Congratulations Katie and Travis!!!!! Beautiful photos!! Can't wait to see the actual wedding on the show!

  16. A wedding gown without sleeves for a December wedding? Those bridesmaids dresses were pretty but not for the season in which they were being worn..all summer/spring looks even though they were black. Black is worn after 6pm. This was an afternoon wedding. What happened to the first wedding gown she selected?

    1. It was warm this past week! Apparently black is also worn in the afternoon.

    2. I thought all of the dresses were beautiful and classy.

    3. Call me crazy, but I couldn't care less about the wedding choices of other people. If I don't have a horse in the race, it's none of my business!

  17. Congratulations to the beautiful couple. I pray that God blessed them with love, laughter and joy.

  18. Not trying to be rude, but did anyone find it strange that Carlin is cradling her baby bump in one of the wedding photos? Is that just a thing people do now no matter where their photo is being taken?

    1. She was doing that in multiple photos! Let go of it, Carlin. The baby isn't going to fall out. Let your sister have her moment!

    2. Exactly. I agree with 11:51AM, let her sister have the moment, and Carlin shouldn't draw attention to herself.

    3. Yes, I thought it was a selfish moment on her sister's wedding day.

    4. I am glad I am not the only one that gets annoyed hat pregnant women do that.

    5. It does distract from the bride and groom, who are supposed to be the focal point.

    6. I don’t think she is trying to attract the limelight. It is simply a photographic stance, like women who pose slightly to the side or with a hand on the hip to make their arms look better. When a woman is at the somewhat awkward in-between stage where she could I either be taken as overweight or pregnant, many women prefer to take that subtle stance that signals it’s a baby bump, not a heavy meal. :) The Bates girls are well-versed in striking a pose (which all the bridesmaids are doing, not only Carlin) and I personally wish I knew how because I always stand in a way that makes me look wider than I am!

    7. Carlin and her husband like to be noticed.

  19. Wow these bates weddings get more extravagant with each one. Not so worldly anymore huh?

  20. They all looked beautiful it ,I loved Katie’s dress

  21. I hate black for weddings. To me that is a mourning color. Weddings are happy joyous occasions and black is a drab dark color. JMO

  22. Congrats to them! Iw as glad to see them step away from the norm for their family and choose what they wanted. It was both surprising and refreshing to see sleeves dresses for the bride and bridesmaids, as well as bridesmaids dresses with slits.

  23. I hope Katie didn't smear cake on Travis' face. Does anyone know?


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