
Saturday, December 18, 2021

Saying Goodbye to Katie

Just a few days ago, newlyweds Katie and Travis Clark returned from their honeymoon in Cabo San Lucas. They flew into Nashville and drove three hours to Rocky Top to see the Bates. Gil and Kelly also threw their annual Bates family Christmas party during that time. After the gathering, it was time for Katie to say her goodbyes. She and Travis are starting a new chapter and a new life in New Jersey. With Katie gone, there are now only three Bates daughters left at home.

Kelly Bates, Katie Clark, Gil Bates

Photo courtesy of @kgbates2000


  1. I've never seen anything like it. I love you all.
    God bless all of you in the Bates family and Merry Christmas to you all.

  2. That's an emotional picture. She'll have to take some coping tips from Alyssa, who seems to have handled living far from home well. Alyssa always does have people visiting, so that helps. Katie and Travis will have to create a guest bedroom. Travis has his family there, so they will have to give Katie some extra loving!!!

  3. Aw, they look very emotional, it must be difficult for them having her move so far away as they are such a close knit family, they will have to adapt but it will be difficult as I'm sure big hearted Katie loves her family just as much as she does Travis, she will probably be on the computer non stop talking to them while Travis works as she's a stay at home wife but she won't have as much time once she has kids to take care of but I'm sure she will try her best, the family will love keeping up with the grandchildren.

    1. She doesn't stay at home with nothing to do. She's a cosmetologist/make-up artist!
      She was in business with Josie getting brides hair and makeup ready for their weddings! $$$!! Perhaps she will have a salon studio next to her house!

  4. Jeez, the headline makes it seem like she died! As much as the Bates family travels, I’m sure they’ll see each other often.

    1. I did a double take when I saw that headline too! So dramatic!

    2. The headline is not dramatic. It's literally stating what was happening.

  5. Awe that's crazy that only the 3 youngest girls are left at home!! Met them thru TV in 2012, and now look by Easter they might have 10 married & moved out!

  6. She's in for a huge culture shock!

  7. My goodness, they record everything.

  8. What an exciting time in their lives! Best wishes to Travis and Katie ❤!

  9. Good luck becoming a Tennessee transplant to New Jersey Katie.Hope you get used to cold and LOTS of snow from the mild and little snow Winters in Tennessee and the extreme heat in Summer (which isn't probably much different than TN except it reaches triple digits a lot there). I have an acquaintance who lives in NJ and had to get used to the crazy weather there. I'm so sad that now there is 2 Bates girls living in different states now. Hope Katie and Travis continue to make appearances on Bringing UP Bates every now and then like Alyssa and John. Maybe they will start a YouTube channel and vlog their new lives in New Jersey and how Miss Southern Bell,Tennessee native Katie gets used to becoming a New Jersean and a house wife and future mom. And how she adjusts to life in a singing family who tours a lot. Hope Addy does a good job filling in her sister's shoes as the eldest girl in the house and can keep her 4 younger sisters and brothers in line.

    1. Not a housewife, career woman she's a cosmetologist/makeup artist! Maybe she plans to open her own salon!

  10. Wonderful family, and how much they'll miss Katie. However, I'm not sure if that sweater is flattering to Kelly's arms.

    1. I was too busy looking at the expressions on their faces to notice. Until you brought it up.

    2. Was that really necessary? The picture is about an emotional goodbye, and you want to point out something unflattering?

    3. Sometimes our thoughts are better left unsaid, such as your last sentence.

    4. Really?! Who is focusing on her arms? This is an emotional,touching moment. You go have 19 kids & then talk about arms! If you are male;shut it The Bates are gracious & real enough to allow the public into their private lives; unlike that plastic surgery & glam squad dependent Hollywood reality family that uses photoshop & filters in all their pics!

    5. Those arms have done a lot of work through the years...holding and carrying around 19 children, and now, lots of grandchildren. Those are probably some pretty strong arms. Nothing wrong with them at all.

    6. That was beautiful, 4:08!

    7. What a lovely family. Kelly is beautiful. However, I think it was the older sisters who carried around most of the babies in that family.

    8. what susie says about sally says more about susie than it says about sally.

  11. Awww. Saying goodbye is never easy. Weather it's the first goodbye or the 100th. Parent child Love is a very special Blessing.

  12. Have you all not remembered your first time leaving home, whether it was away to college, new job or marriage? I do! It was an adjustment being away from home at college, especially that 1st month. I missed my parents especially my mom and momma missed me just as much. It gets easier after that first month. Katie will be fine. She's going through the same thing we all have to when we leave home for the first time.

  13. Felicidades y buen viaje en esta nueva aventura que empiezas con tu esposo que todo lo que soñaste se cumpla.

  14. There should also be some boys at home. You have children some will leave the state.

  15. Its the circle of life . All parents go through this. Nothing knew. If your a parent you deal with it. Not the end of the world

    1. No one said it was the end of the world. 🙄 It's still a bittersweet moment for them.

    2. Yes, I'm sure we all know that.


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