
Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Baby Finley is Here!

Update: Finley has arrived! She weighed 5 lbs 4 oz.

Erin and Chad Paine will soon welcome their fifth child! They are at the hospital awaiting the arrival of Finley Marie Paine. When you think of it, be sure to remember Erin and Finley in your prayers.


  1. A birth should be private. It is a moment to thank the lord. Not a social media event to create content or likes.

    1. Then move on.. let others enjoy their life in their way.

    2. A birth should be a celebration.

    3. 1:48PM: We are not watching a video of the birth, it is just an announcement.

    4. What a shame. It is their decision if they choose to share the birth.

    5. Dont like it dont look at it or comment

    6. Yes, I agree with you, 1:48PM. Because of Covid, I think this birth will be private in the number of family members allowed nearby. But, yes, the Bates are very much into media. It's how they get attention and money.

    7. How about you just pray for her, like the post asks? Nobody "likes" blog posts, anyway.

    8. At 1:48, thank you. That was very well said, and I couldn't agree more.

    9. This was (a) a prayer request. If prayer requests were private, no one would pray for them. And (b) a birth announcement and a prayer update. Both of which are appropriate. The whole point of this blog is to provide updates on the family, which is certainly what this post was all about. If you don't care for social media, you are in the wrong place.

    10. A birth is a wonderful exciting event in a families life and should be shared in the way they would like to share it. If you don't have anything nice to say perhaps you shouldn't say anything at all. Keep your life private as I don't think any of us on here care to hear about it,and mind your own business as to how other people live theirs. Have a great day.

    11. A huge congratulations to the Paine family on the incredibly beautiful addition to their family! Couldn't be happier for you and thank you for sharing the joy with us,as the world needs to hear more happy news right now.

    12. 6:26, Finley is a blessing and I am happy for the Paine family. However, hospitals are overwhelmed with Covid patients and placing strict restrictions on visitors. Yet somehow, this doesn’t keep Kelly out of Erin’s room for the delivery. Family members everywhere are being kept from their critically ill loved ones. I simply don’t understand.

    13. 8:57, perhaps their hospital is not being overwhelmed with covid.

  2. Time 3:00PM Tues 1/18/22

  3. What a blessing!

  4. Excited and happy for them.

  5. Why are they cancelling Bringing Up Bates? That is the only show I watch.

    1. MO- IMO it's because of the controversial video Carlin posted, the bad press of Josh Duggar, and the scandal of the religious sect both families follow. The station wanted to stay out of the mess so they're canceling the show. :o)

  6. Congrats to them on Finley's arrival!!

  7. The Paine family announced they were at the hospital waiting her arrival. Congratulations everyone. May the Lord bless you all

  8. ❤️❤️Congratulations on baby Finley❤️❤️

  9. Congratulations Paine Family! Ladies,please post more details soon on what day and time she was born and a pic of mom and baby and the whole family of 7 together. Thank you.

  10. Please this family needs to be private not on display what do they get out of this? Be a family not public display.

    1. The joy of sharing that a child has been born. Why are people begrudging that?

    2. They should focus on the lord and family. But these days it is all about money.

    3. Why are people getting bent out of shape because they announced it was time for their baby to be born? So what?

  11. Congratulations, Erin and Chad! She is a blessed little girl!

  12. Congrats to them!
    Is Finley a common name for a girl in the US? I live in Germany and "Finley" sounds like a name for a boy to me.

    1. It’s one of those “trendy” names in the US. It’s so confusing so many of those names can be for a boy or girl.

    2. its a unisex name very popular in us from i understand amd uk,mostly used on girls,for me it is a girl name

    3. My neighbors named their daughter the same name but spelled it Finnleigh

  13. So Happy for you guys. Safe delivery and healthly baby. Praise God our God is so faithful.

  14. MO- Aww- Congratulations on a sweet, healthy baby! :o)

  15. I don't understand. Either the baby has been born or hasn't. Saying she's "here" and then saying they're "awaiting her arrival" doesn't make sense to me.

    1. That's because they posted the awaiting arrival, and shortly after Erin and Chad announced the birth, so Lily and Ellie updated that same post saying the new update of her being born.

  16. Congratulations to Erin,Chad and all the Paines. Welcome to the world Finley Marie. God Bless.
    Joan,Marilyn and Marion

  17. Congratulations a hundred times Erin and Chad on your new arrival! I prayed for little Finley throughout your whole pregnancy! From finding out you couldn't have any more kids to getting pregnant! And now precious Finley is in your arms I know your so thankful! Enjoy these newborn snuggles:) Please do share your birth story, I'd love to hear;)

  18. I'm sorry that Erin and Chad's announcement kind of got overshadowed by UPtv's cancellation news.

  19. Congratulation to Erin and chad and the big siblings and everyone in the family for a beautiful granddaugher and niece and for the safe delivery.Also love the name finley a name i and my husband is considering for our youngest.Again congratulation to the family with a healthy baby girl with a lovely name

  20. I just don’t undeserved about Carson and the angel. Did he somehow mishear what the angel said?

    1. It was just a dream he had and it likely seemed quite real to him.

  21. Much happiness with new baby. I was concerned why all the Bates girls have such small babies ?

    1. Erin has a blood clotting disorder as do several of the girls. They don’t deliver full term.

  22. Erin I remember, when U could not even have 1, now U have 55555, can U believe it, I am super happy for U both, U, Kelly, Wit, are my fave Bates, and I will keep up with U guys!!!!! I love 💖😍 U!!!! She is beautiful just like her Mother!!!!! Bye!!!!


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