
Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Bates Family Ski Trip

Josie Balka and Kelton Balka

It's time to hit the slopes! The Bates have grown to love downhill skiing (or snowboarding for some), and they enjoy traveling to the mountains out West. Gil and Kelly and a group of their kids, plus spouses and grandchildren, are in Frisco, Colorado, this week. Last year, it was during the ski trip that we first posted about Tiffany. And now, one year later, Lawson and Tiffany are engaged! In case you missed it, we shared their wedding date a few days ago. This year, Trace brought his girlfriend, Lydia, and newlyweds Nathan and Esther joined, as well. 

Photo courtesy of @keltonbalka/


  1. It’s just sad we will no longer see or be a part of their journey. They were such an encouragement to so many. The trash we are left with to watch on television is depressing and hopeless.

    1. I completely agree. I pray another station picks up their show.

    2. No one is REQUIRED to watch TV. There are many other things we can do that are more interesting IMO

    3. Watch the YouTube channels that some of them have. They're more interesting than the show ever was, IMO.

    4. 7:26 Their own YouTube videos are much more current too.

    5. Get off cable and just use streaming services. You can choose a la carte what you want to watch and avoid the "depressing and hopeless".

  2. Downhill skiing? Not to be confused with an uphill version? Redundancy.

    1. Not redundant at all. There is also cross-country skiing, a very different winter sport.

    2. I think as opposed to cross country skiing? Oy…

    3. or not to be confused with water skiing. Geez, always nitpicking. I get that they could have just said skiing but seriously

    4. There are actually many types of skiing. Backcountry, Cross Country, Telemark....just to name a few. Downhill or Alpine is the correct description and not redundant, just clarifying to those who are familiar with the diversity of the sport.😊

    5. Well, there is also the option of Cross Country skiing.... 😉

    6. There’s cross country skiing as well

    7. It's called downhill skiing to differentiate from cross-country skiing. It's not redundant.

    8. Actually there are multiple types of skiing, including uphill skiing/touring. It's what a skier does when there's no lift to take them uphill. Great workout! Another common version of skiing is Nordic or cross-country.

    9. Lol I'm thinking they meant as apposed to cross country?

    10. As a skier myself, I ski downhill and cross country. There is a difference

    11. Don't be a troll, just be nice. You aren't being funny you are just being mean!

    12. I live in snow country and you always delineate downhill from cross-country skiing. I love cross-country, but downhill scares the daylights out of me!

  3. Mourning the loss of their TV income by going on a big trip. Makes sense.

    1. Well, yeah, they probably had already paid for at least part of it before their show was canceled. You have to reserve lodging in advance for a big group.

  4. So Happy for them...I hope that UP TV is taping it and that it was just a joke that they were taken off the air. I have just sent probably my tenth letter or form of communication to them asking them to please change their mind! Hope that Travis and Katie were able to go!

    1. I doubt UP is interested in filming and paying for this trip. They seem to be DONE with the Bates.

  5. Next ski trip she and Esther are going to be pregnant or mothers.

  6. Fun!! I wonder if some will be snowboarding also.

  7. Meant to say I wonder who will be involved in the snowboarding activities.

  8. I’m guessing they have a new contract and this big adventure is being filmed for it!

    1. More likely the trip was part of a severance kind of arrangement with UPTV.

  9. I can’t imagine the cost of all these people on a ski trip! Enjoy!

    1. Maybe they get some sort of group rate.

    2. If u are a bargain hunter and internet savvy you can find good deals. We are just returning from our Colorado ski trip. We paid $50 a day for lift tickets. Regular price $190/day. And if u share a condo it's doable

    3. @3:08-not just a dozen or more lift tickets x a bunch of days; but flights, lodging, equipment and food! Ski vacations are crazy expensive especially out west!!!

    4. @7:59- and clearly they board/ski pretty often based on what we see here as fairly skilled! Good for them. Just would like them to stop pretending they are just getting by and own up to the very high life they are living!!!

  10. Oh my! Another ski trip to Colorado again. The Bates must of enjoyed it so much,they must of decided to do it again this year. Is it at the same place again or at another ski resort? Praying no one gets hurt again like last year when one of the boys (can't remember which one) fell off the ski lift and broke his arm very badly, it required surgery to get some pins put in. Praying for a good trip and safe travels back home.

  11. Living the high life!

  12. I am happy for all of you to be enjoying your family vacation May God Bless you and watch over you all wish we were able to see this vacation Maybe you guys would come up here to Niagara Falls again and bring the family

  13. Thank you for keeping and up dating this Blog!!

  14. Please bring bates the show!!!!!

  15. The Bates are more worldly than this bible belt. They have changed from covering themselves up to showing WAY too much skin. We stopped watching awhile ago.

    1. Its near impossible to show way too much skin while skiing!


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