
Friday, January 28, 2022

Finley and Aunt Michael

Michael Keilen and Finley Paine

Baby Finley Marie Paine is 10 days old. You can bet she is being loved on very well by her four adoring siblings. She has also been able to meet some other family members, including Kelly, also known as Granny, and Aunt Michael. We just love this photo of Finley and Michael. 

Photo courtesy of


  1. If Michaela can't get pregnant, then she and her hubsand Brandon Keilen should adopt newborn babies instead. There are plenty of newborn babies that were given up for adoption before birth that need good parents like Brandon and Michaela Keilen. My aunt and uncle on my mom's side adopted their daughters from China since my aunt couldn't get pregnant. There is hope. Children should have loving parents.

    1. There are not plenty of newborns available for adoption. Older children, yes.

    2. China no longer allows children to be adopted outside the country. The only international adoptions allowed are those children who have a handicap.

    3. Years ago my sister and her husband adopted daughters from China. First of all it was very costly to do so. One reason that puts people off from adopting newborns or making arrangements with birth mothers prior to delivery, to adopt is that the birth parents have a certain amount of time to change their mind and decide to raise the child. That situation,in my opinion,would be way too stressful. You get the news that you are receiving a baby and even beginning to bond with it and that happiness can be ripped right from you. Whatever Michael and Brandon decide is between them and the lord.i just wish them happiness and contemptment.

    4. Anon 8:54. Children with a handicap are still children. These children are permitted to be adopted.

    5. I am 8:54. Of course, they are still children. As a former special education teacher, I realize that. I was just stating China's policy. Many people on this blog assume that there are a multitude of healthy newborn babies available for adoption. That, sadly, is not the case.

    6. @2:20 I am an adoptive parent. Yes, parts of the process can be stressful and it's expensive. However, if pro-life people are serious about doing away with Roe v Wade and criminalizing abortion, or going at it like they are in Texas, there had better be many willing to step up and adopt could very well be more unwanted babies being born- either that, or there will be a lot more women dying from unsafe procedures performed by themselves or someone else without medical expertise.

    7. China is pretty much closed for adoption. They have figured out their population is in decline and that is bad for the economy. The party is encouraging 3 now.

  2. Who goes around a 10 day old baby these days, especially without a mask on? I really fear for that baby. Infants have died after catching Covid. Home testing does not pick up all cases in adults either. People are using bad tests and testing at the wrong times. It's a huge risk to have people around your baby right now!

    1. The Duggars and Bateses, that's who!

    2. Yep. Not a good thing.

    3. I agree. Especially Michaela, she should know about the risks because she's a nurse. At-home negative rapid antigen Covid tests don't mean you're absolutely 100% Covid-free. And even if it's not Covid that we all worry about, it's flu season as well!

    4. Maybe just say congratulations?

    5. There's nothing wrong with expressing concern for a newborn's health. I'm surprised at how the Bates and the Duggars, both so "pro-life," have not taken Covid seriously, demonstrated by not altering their gatherings and travels and rarely appearing in masks.

    6. 330 children died of COVID in the US the first 18 months of the pandemic. There are 330,000,000 residents so basically less than a 1 in a million chance of death a year. They are more likely to die in a car accident. Enough with the COVID shaming. It’s a virus. It is hubris to think people can prevent getting it. Mask requirements are different in every state, sometimes every county. As is travel guidance.

    7. 9:51 I have friends who work in health care. The virus you think is not significant is the reason they are overwhelmed with hospitalized COVID patients, the vast majority being unvaccinated. Furthermore, your causal attitude is a kick in the teeth to the many people who have lost loved ones to this horrible sickness, or have long-term problems because of it. I do say shame on you!

  3. Adorable picture. Awww, Michael is so content with a little baby in her arms❤️

  4. Is it definite Holland and Everly are "loving on" their sister? Because they may very well be jealous. Developmentally, that would be appropriate and normal.

    1. Why do people assume that if someone says a family (even young siblings) are showing love, then what they're saying is untrue? Maybe the children really are excited for a new sister and really are loving on her.

  5. Why do we insist that siblings must be "adoring"?

    1. Because they are!💗💗💗

    2. The blogger stated. She didn't "insist."

    3. It's true. There's never been a jealous older sibling (other than Cain and Abel).

  6. Will this be Erin’s last?

    1. Who do you expect to answer that question? It's a very personal thing to ask and quite inappropriate.

    2. No one knows that but God.

  7. So sweet! My first was born at 4:51 am as well, a very busy night! Don’t tell Erin, but I did it without the epidural! Bless you all!

    1. Why would Erin need to be kept in the dark about this?

    2. Is OP bragging about going without an epidural? And imagining Erin would care, and even feel badly, that a stranger was "tougher" than her? Because that's what it seems this message is about.

  8. What a sweet photo... Just look at little Finley's fuzzy head!

  9. Michael always has good hair. Yes a good picture

  10. Finley looks a lot like aunt Michael in this photo, hopefully lovely Michael will have a baby of her own one day, maybe they are waiting until she starts working as a nurse to get ivf as it is, expensive and they probably just make ends meet with their current earnings after all Brandon is not a well known author he can't sell many books and it takes over a year to write a book also Michael's business would not make that much as there are a big choice of stores that sell baby blankets, but I'm sure they'll get ivf eventually, hope it works out for them.

    1. What happened to having "as many children as God will give"? Seems IVF would go against that plan.

    2. I disagree. If God gives you the opportunity to have children that way, why not take it?

    3. @9:35 If God gives you the opportunity for birth control, why not take that too?

    4. Anonymous January 31, 2022 at 9:35am: I agree.

    5. 5:12- Who's to say that IVF isn't part of God's plan? We have all sorts of medical treatments for physical issues and illnesses. I don't think God would say not to use them to to save a life or improve the quality of one.

    6. At 6:19, I couldn't agree more. I thought I was going to die having my first baby, and I almost bled to death when my second was less then three weeks old. I knew my body couldn't handle having anymore babies. There's nothing wrong with birth control. God gave us common sense and birth control for a reason, so why not use both of them??

    7. Why all the conjecture about the Keilen's family planning? It's pointless. Whatever their plans may be or process they are maybe going through, it stands to reason that they prefer not to make any public statements about it, just in case it doesn't work out. When my husband and I were going through infertility and then the adoption process, we didn't want other people to know until we were fairly certain of the outcome.

  11. Aww,so cute.😊 I love seeing Michaella hold her new nephews and nieces every time their born. Praying she and Brandon can have kids of their own soon via fertility treatments or even adoption within the U.S. I follow a channel on YouTube and this couple has been married for now 11 years and adopted a baby here in the U.S. last month. They couldn't have kids of their own due to the wife having Cystic Fibrosis and other health issues,but now she has better health due to a new drug she's been taking for 2 years. If anyone is interested in watching their journey to adoption and new life as parents,the channel is called The Frey Life. Their one of my favorite vlogs to watch because I also suffer from Cystic Fibrosis (but less severe). Sad still that the Bates family's show got canceled,but hoping they will get picked up by another network (like GAC Family or INSP) sometime this year. Or if the couples who don't have YouTube channels yet like the extra income and being on camera, they can start up their own vlogs and share as much as they want on their own terms.

    1. Newborns would be great for adoption for Michaela's children.

  12. So cute. Love this pic!

  13. To anonymous January 30, @ 5:12 pm . You just said it well and clearly. Maybe God doesn"t plan on them to have children. As they say the Bates family they leave it up to God.

    1. It's always up to God. God can defeat a birth control pill if he wants to. He is omnipotent, Praise Be!

    2. 2:01 If there is a God who would choose to make a woman pregnant despite being on the pill or other form of contraception, that god is a cruel and spiteful one. People use contraception for a reason and that's to not get pregnant.

    3. Giving someone a baby is not cruel or spiteful. My word.

    4. 1:07 It would be cruel for a God to make a woman pregnant against her will. If she's on birth control, she doesn't want a child, at least not at that particular time, and it could be for a whole host of reasons. I, for one, do not believe that there's a higher power interfering with conception.

    5. 5:34, that ignores the fact that a woman can change her mind about the child as he or she grows in her womb, begins to make his or her presence felt with kicks and squirms - or what the mother will feel when that miracle child is laid in her arms for the first time. Or maybe she grows to realize that she may have been wrong about not wanting a child. Maternal instincts, maternal hormones, that precious little face - they may totally shake the mother's "fixed" mindset.

    6. In a perfect world, 2:33. In this world, unwanted children and cruelty to children surely exist.

  14. Michael is she working as a nurse yet? Above commenter above says she is. Where does she work RN or LPN? Please don't guess . Be sure when you make a comment like this.

    1. Michael gave some information on her Instagram awhile back. She's an LPN and is considering going for her RN. She did not indicate that she was working a nursing job, however that may have changed. She tends to be quite private about her life.

    2. 1:08AM: I didn't see a comment in this thread that implied Michaela is "working as a nurse". I stated she's a nurse, but I didn't say whether she's employed or not. Just clarifying.

  15. That is a beautiful picture.

  16. can 2022 be the year that we can look at a picture of michaela with a niece or nephew and just enjoy it for what it is?
    i certainly hope michaela doesnt read any of the comments about her 'needing' to do ivf or adopt. no. she doesnt. did anyone stop and think that maybe her and brandon are content where they are? they said they are trusting god and leaving it to that. period. they are living life to the fullest for themselves the way god wants them to. we have no idea what, if anything, they've done about adopting, ivf or even surrogacy (as i've seen suggested) nor is it any of our business, so can we just be happy for a nice picture? please

    1. I wholeheartedly agree. why can't we just accept this precious pic of aunt and niece

  17. Mary aka Jet Set TravelFebruary 1, 2022 at 10:54 AM

    So adorable!!!


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