
Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Lawson's Wedding Date

Lawson Bates and Tiffany Espensen

Three months after their Italian engagement, Lawson Bates and Tiffany Espensen have nailed down a wedding date and are ready to announce. They will tie the knot on Thursday, May 12th, in San Diego, California. You will find links to their registries on Lawson's website

Photo courtesy


  1. now that the show is cancelled who will pay for the wedding.

    1. Gil and Kelly really adhere to the old standard that the bride's parents pay for the wedding, so it will be Tiffany's family, not the Bates that pay.

    2. 11:30 How do you know this?

    3. Anon @ 6:30
      It is pretty traditional that the brides family pay for most of the wedding. The groom's family pays for the rehearsal dinner if there is one and sometimes they pay for the groomsmen and ushers attire. However, in more recent years, if the couple have been working and have substantial funds, they might pay for the wedding themselves.

    4. What difference does it make and why is it anyone’s business other than the family?

    5. Is it anyone else's business whose going to pay for someone's wedding? Good grief.

    6. @8:49 That tradition is fading. Most families I know have split the costs equally between the couple and both sets of parents. That's what we have done. It's unfair to have the bride's parents shoulder most of the financial burden.

  2. That's a lovely date and time!

  3. Why are you advertising their registries?

    1. Why do you think @1:38?

    2. Registries shouldn't be public like that. Nobody should be poking around someone's registry unless they're an invited guest. Back in the days of much better etiquette, nobody knew about the registry except the bride's mother and the department or jewelry store where the china and silver patterns were registered. They would only give out the information when asked by friends or by shoppers there to pick out a gift. I miss those days!

    3. AMEN @ Anonymous@10:39! I was married in 1980. It would be in the worst possible taste to allude to a registry in a wedding invitation nor even a bridal shower invitation! It just wasn't done. As you stated, those whom were invited would discreetly ask the mother of the bride where she was registered. It was always a department store and everything was related to setting up a proper home. NOT gift card requests, power tools, tents, funds to pay for the honeymoon or the like. This decline of decorum is why the world despises the west. Lawson and Tiffany are just products of our lowered western standards and I am sure don't even realize this is not in good taste because "everybody does it".

    4. I agree, 8:33. Registries (and the weddings they go with) have turned into big "gimme" gift grabs. When I got married, and for many decades before that, you registered with a department store for a china and silver pattern, if you had picked one out. Other than that, you got pot luck on gifts and you appreciated it and thanked the givers for their lovely and thoughtful gifts! If you ended up with 3 toasters, that was part of the process and you exchanged two of them privately and discretely after the wedding. That was the bride's situation to handle, not the guest's. If asked, the mother of the bride might have given info to friends about what colors you were decorating your house or apartment, or if you already had something they were thinking of giving. But NO bride asked for certain gifts or made people feel they needed to stick to a list! The way registries these days are mentioned in invitations and on wedding websites is beyond tacky. You may as well come right out and say "We expect a gift from you, a decent gift that is something we want so we won't have to bother returning it, and here are your choices, good luck finding something not already purchased. You can always give us cash instead or fund our dream honeymoon for us." Everyone doing it doesn't make it right, as you said. People have totally lost sight of the difference between a gift (given freely by someone) and and a want (dictated by the recipient).

    5. 8:33 Traditional decorum is often not practical. I appreciate having the registry info when I receive an invitation. I'd rather get them something they need and know that they haven't received duplicates. I don't care if it's a cookie sheet or a power tool. I remember 'back in the day" receiving half a dozen crystal vases, which I had to return. I did have a registry, but some chose not to look at it.

    6. It's a sad world if we've chosen practicality over politeness, or discarded thinking of others to do what's easiest for ourselves.

    7. Why go through all the rigmarole? It is much more practical to give a gift they want or need versus the exchanging and behind the scenes manuveres.

    8. I agree with 1:48. As a gift giver I would much rather buy someone something that they actually want or need rather than going "pot luck." The registries also keep track of what has already been bought so you don't give the bride the inconvenience of returning things. Both reasons are actually being considerate of the couple, as well as making things easier for the givers.

    9. 9:38 So you'd prefer to shop blindly, not knowing what gift to buy? How is that easier for anyone? There's nothing at all polite about the old traditions mentioned here. Why on earth keep your guests guessing about what to buy you and then having to deal with duplicates? I think the issue for some is about keeping up hypocritical appearances that make no sense... pretend you're not greedy by not having a registry, even though you're inviting people to a wedding where they will feel obligated to bring a gift.

    10. Sorry but a bride and groom making a registry the way they do these days is putting out there the expectation of getting gifts. That's not polite no matter how many people do it.

    11. 3:51, brides and grooms DO get wedding gifts. That is just a fact of life. It's silly for a bride and groom to coyly pretend they aren't going to get gifts and make people guess what to give them.

    12. 8:39 No, it's silly to give people a list of gifts you expect to receive. It's a wedding, which is supposed to be the main focus, not a gift grab. You should never expect to be getting any gifts because they're supposed to be totally voluntary and not your idea.

    13. 3:51 With that logic, people shouldn't invite anyone to a wedding, because it might look like you expect a gift. The reality is, a wedding invitation alone comes with an expectation of gift-giving. Make it easy for all concerned.

    14. 5:48, as has already been explained, it is highly practical, not silly, to have a list of gifts that you actually would use to save your guests time and not waste their money on something you don't want.

  4. Congratulations Lawson and Tiffany!!!

  5. Congratulations to Lawson and Tiffany on your upcoming wedding. Lawson was one of my favorite Bates because he shares the same birthday as my son.

  6. Congratulations to Lawson and Tiffany. And the entire family. Thank you for sharing.

  7. Congratulations Lawson and Tiffany! I'm old fashioned and think its kind of silly to have a wedding on a weekday. If and when I ever get married,I'm sticking to tradition and having my wedding on a Saturday. I imagine this is going to be the BIGGEST and Best wedding ever in the Bates family with over 1,000 people in attendance and lots of Hollywood stars in attendance with Tiffany being an actress and 12 bridesmaids and groomsmen,4 flowergirl's,4 ringbear's and 4 ushers. I imagine all 10 (and 2 married into the family) Bates sisters having a role as a bridesmaid or musician and all 9 Bates boys (and 7 brother in-laws) as groomsmen or ushers. How many siblings does Tiffany have or is she an only child? I can't wait for May 12. I'm going to mark my calendar so I don't forget the date.

    1. You can save a lot of money by having a wedding on a weekday. Typically, venues give discounts on those less in demand dates.

    2. May be a MUCH smaller wedding than you imagined. UPtv pulled the plug you know.

    3. I agree, I like Saturdays as well. It's tough during the week because most of your guests have to use vacation days to get off work to be on time for your wedding, especially if they have to drive a couple of hours. Extra demand on your wedding party too to miss a couple of days of work.

    4. I got married on a Friday because the venue was substantially less expensive… judge all you want, but sometimes it’s just good sense.

    5. Technically, Sunday is the traditional day for weddings in the USA. A wedding on Saturday is modern.

    6. Sunday was the day for weddings in my day. Still was considered a "day of rest" and was the only day the farmers were not in the fields.

  8. Lawson Bates what gives, U were the 1 Bates Boy that was not like the others , but U are worse,I am sorry I ever loved U!!!(not in a silly way), but Karma will find U!!!!!

    1. One comment should not make you hate. Forgive and forget.

    2. Excuse me????? That’s such a strange thing to say!!!

    3. Are you mad because he’s getting married? That doesn’t make sense.

    4. 12:54 probably has to do with the Carlin video episode. A lot of people found it insensitive and racist, me included.

    5. I am in no way in love with Lawson, I am 50 years old, OK, he is like if I had kids ages, and that is not right!!!!! I just loved him, cause I love his music, I hate country OK,and Electronica is my fave kind of music !!!!! I loved the fact that he displayed real heart, and I just thought he was above all the racist stuff!!!! I love Floyd, and I just can't believe it!!!! I held The Bate way above that other family, ( I will say it like that, to be fair), so learning this, makes me dislike anything from these parents!!!!!! I LOVE THE KIDS, well maybe 2 I don't like now, lol, but I've been watching them since 2007!!!! OK!!!!!!!!!

    6. Agree on this. As a Christian i was in shock. I loved this show but understand why they cancelled it now.

  9. Lawson and Tiffany I'm so sorry people feel they need to leave you ugly negative comments. I'm so excited for the two of you. Congratulations and many blessings.

    1. I agree! I’m happy for them also. This is a happy time in their lives. I don’t know why people want to throw hurtful comments on them. It’s ugly and unnecessary.

  10. Congratulations Lawson and Tiffany. It breaks my heart to see that UPTV has cancelled the show. Thank you Bates family

  11. Congrats to Tiffany and Lawson...hope they have a wonderful life together. May god bless them.

  12. No reason to turn to UPTV anymore. Maybe another channel will pick up this show.

    1. I hope you are right. I want to keep watching this family. Love all of them. Boy fitting uptv.

  13. The Bates was my favorite show. No longer will I watch UP TV. Even though I watch other shows on that network. .BRING THE BATES BACK!

    1. Perhaps they don’t want to be back…

  14. Congratulations Lawson & Tiffany. I really hope another channel picks up Bringing Up Bates. This was the only reason I watched UPtv.




  16. Congratulations Larson And Tiffany, I am so Happy For You Both ❤️

  17. I don't understand why you would post a wedding registry for strangers to send gifts. Likewise, I don't understand why anyone wants to buy people they don't know wedding presents. Stange...and kind of tacky

    1. Really tacky. And all the information on the wedding too. Do they want fans and strangers to come? This should be private.

    2. It's a simple matter to look up anyone's registry on Target's or other retailer's website, as long as you have the name. It's not private. But yes, it's odd that anyone would buy a gift for someone they do not know personally.

    3. @5:58 You can keep online registries private. You can register them under nicknames and only tell guests the names on the registry. There are ways around putting your registry out there for anyone to see.

  18. Gil & Kelly:

    I love you and your entire sweet family, in our Lord and Savior!

    You don't need me to tell you that Gods got you ... because you know He does ... for your good and His ultimate glory!

    You are inscribed in the palm of his hands, and loved so very much! ox, Destiny

  19. Dang some of the stuff on the registry is pricey

    1. I actually thought their registry was pretty normal....I did not see anything that was out of control.

    2. And most of it is not.

  20. Congratulations, why are people so worried who will pay?? Lawson has successful music career i am sure tiffany works the Bates will have a chunk of change in getting the family to Cali for wedding

  21. A Thursday wedding! Just goes to show how few of the Bates family/friends actually work a traditional job (where taking time off would be complicated or costly) Royalty marries on weekdays, too; perhaps that’s where these two got the idea!

    1. Oh please do not compare the bates to the royals. 180 degree difference.

    2. Maybe that was when the venue was available.

  22. Never heard/no of 1 song Lawson has done . Inlighten me please

    1. I would, but I don't know of any either. lol

  23. Congratulations! Love the Bates family.
    God Bless you all! Sure hope you post pics of your wedding! Miss your show. Have a wonderful wedding!

  24. Weddings now are held everyday of the week. My daughters wedding was and I am a widow on disability not rich and thankfully the grooms parents offered to split the cost. My daughters registry also looked similar to Tiffany and Lawton’s. So calm down and let them enjoy their day without negativity.

  25. Anonymous@8:33p said "It would be in the worst possible taste to allude to a registry in a wedding invitation nor even a bridal shower invitation! It just wasn't done . . .This decline of decorum is why the world despises the west."

    A decline in decorum like, oh, trolling a wedding announcement posted by proud and joyful parents to call them and their child greedy and the reason the world supposedly "despises" the west?
    A decline in decorum like, perhaps, trying to disguise your trolling by charitably concluding the hapless groom can't really be blamed for contributing to the world's disdain for the west because he's just a sheeple and too stupid to think for himself?


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