
Thursday, February 17, 2022

Bates #12 and #15 Turn 20 and 16

Between January 23rd and February 17th, a span of less than four weeks, the Bates family has a whopping 10 birthdays to celebrate, including two "double birthdays." The first double birthday was Trace and Jeb on February 1st, and the second is today. Jackson is turning 20, and Addallee is turning 16. Happy birthday to this brother-sister duo!

Jackson Bates and Addallee Bates

Nathan Bates, Trace Bates, Addallee Bates, 
Ellie Bates, Judson Bates, Isaiah Bates, Jackson Bates
Summer 2021

Photos courtesy of; @jacksonebates


  1. Happy birthday! I can't believe Addallee is alrighty 16:) And last I knew they get their purity rings at age 16! Exciting! Happy birthday to both,

    1. What on earth is a purity ring and do the guys get one as well, or is just for the girls?

    2. Anon 8:03 The rings are supposed to prevent unseemly activity prior to marriage. I don't know exactly how they work though.

    3. The rings are supposed to be a reminder to stay pure until you get married

    4. 6:08- So, the guys get them, too? What's good for the goose, is good for the gander!

    5. No, the guys don't get them,

    6. I find these "purity" rings to be creepy, especially since the males don't have them. Is it somehow supposed to symbolize the girls are held to a standard the boys are not?

    7. I don't know but it seems the guys don't get them. There have been several male celebrities who wear/wore them though. Agree purity rings are creepy..

  2. HAPPY 20th BIRTHDAY Jackson have a great day and a happy,blessed year.
    God Bless
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  3. HAPPY 16th BIRTHDAY ADDALLEE Happiness and Blessings . Enjoy your day.
    God Bless
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  4. Happy Birthday to both Jackson and Addallee!!!! Today is my youngest grandchild's 2nd Birthday!!! Love this family!

  5. Happy Double Birtbdays Jackson and Addallee! Jackson,your becoming quite a young man and will make a good husband and father someday to some lucky girl and Addallee,your becoming quite the young lady. I've noticed your wearing makeup like your older sisters now and it makes you look so beautiful and grown up. You look like Tori the most out of all your 7 older sisters.

    1. Little late here but 16 is still a child. Most young people have naturally good skin and don't need a ton of makeup.

  6. Wow, these kids have grown so much, I don't even recognize them! Wish Bringing up Bates was still on:(
    Happy birthday Jackson and Addie!

  7. Hope they both had a good day but Happy Sweet 16 for Addee!

  8. That's a lot of cake to eat in a month, and it's a short month too!

  9. Happy Birthday to you all! Love your sweet family!

  10. Gil and Kelly sure have produced some good-looking people. The girls are so pretty and the guys so handsome.

  11. Happy belated 20th birthday Jackson🎈 I wonder if you're still joining the army?
    Happy belated 16th birthday Addallee 🎂
    I'm glad to hear you're driving now. I hope your hearing is doing ok. I hope the Bates family members and the Duggar family members come back on cable TV soon I miss the shows. I have been praying for this a very long time. I love both shows. It would make me very happy and make my day. Natasha b


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