
Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Five Little Paines

Chad Paine and Erin Paine

Erin Paine recently welcomed her fifth child. We thought it would be fun to compare the birth weights of all her children. Erin has had all of them early, at around 35-36 weeks, and they were all under 6.5 lbs at birth. Brooklyn was the heaviest of the five, followed by Carson and then Holland. Evelry and Finley were tied for the lightest. Here they are in birth order:

Charles "Carson" Paine Stephen Paine IV: 6 lbs (May 14, 2015)

Gap: almost 15 months

Brooklyn Elise Paine: 6 lbs, 6 oz (August 6, 2016)

Gap: almost 20 months

Everly Hope Paine: 5 lbs, 4 oz (March 30, 2018)

Gap: almost 20 months

Holland Grace Paine: 5 lbs, 5 oz (November 26, 2019)

Gap: almost 26 months

Finley Marie Paine: 5 lbs, 4 oz (January 18, 2022) 

You can hear Erin and Chad tell Finley's birth story in their latest YouTube video.

Photo courtesy of


  1. I didn't realize Brooklyn's was all 6's, lol! 6 lbs 6 oz, Aug 6th, 2016. Very cool.

  2. So happy for this beautiful family! May they continue to be blessed each day of their lives.

  3. Why would you continue to get pregnant if you have a history of preemies? Your body is trying to tell you something. You're gambling with two lives.

    1. They babies didn't have any health issues, and they were all pretty good weight while being preemies. I wasn't even a preemie (born at 37wks) and I weighed less than any of them (5 lbs 2 oz), no health issues either. As for Erin, I do know she was the one who had some health issues, but I don't know about it enough to tell her not to get pregnant. I think if they haven't prevented having children is because it's not that risky. Maybe if they'd had one at 32wks or less, it would be different.

    2. i have a lot of respect for women who can go all the way to 40 weeks. all of my children were 'preemies'. my second was an emergency c-section at 34 weeks. he was 7lbs 2oz. my last was born at almost 36 weeks because her twin died in utero earlier in my pregnancy and was causing problems so i had no choice but to deliver early. she was 8lbs 4oz. my doctor joked that i 'grew them big considering i was told i'd never be able to have kids'
      i believe erin was also told she probably wouldnt be able to have any more after all her covid problems and the fact that she did means it was meant to be. she also has an ob/gyn she sees regularly for bloodwork during her pregnancies that would be able to detect any irregularities that would need addressing, like more iron etc

    3. @2:40 Yes but Erin is not getting any younger and look what happened to Michelle Duggar towards the end. You can put both mother and baby at risk when you get older. If she can't carry to term now, who knows how bad it will get later.

    4. @Anonymous 3:38 PM "Erin is not getting any younger"...What???? She is still very young! She has another entire decade (or more) to have babies if she chooses and God allows it. In fact, more and more often women are waiting to START having babies at her age. Congrats to her and Chad for bringing these beautiful babies into this world, and their eternal souls into existence!

    5. Ayanna, there is a huge difference between having your first baby at 31 vs your 5th. The more babies you have the more chances of developing a complication.So no Erin does not have a decade of healthy years childbearing left.

    6. It is up to God to give her as many childeren as he wants. They don't prevent getting more and trust God with her health. So it is not a problem.

    7. You can't "trust God" with your health, you have to listen to your doctors and use common sense. Just like you wouldn't go driving around without a seatbelt because you "trust God."

  4. It's great that all five kiddos have their own birthday month!!!

  5. I hope she's done now. She needs to think about her health!

    1. I understand that’s what you think and maybe what would be best for her, but we should let Erin make her own decisions.

    2. Isn't Erin making her own decisions? What do you mean? How does a stranger's opinion affect Erin's decision-making?

  6. Interesting info ladies. Can't believe that Erin has Chad have the most kids (5) of all the Bates siblings who are married with Alyssa and John and Zac and Whitney both tied at 4,Tori and Bobby with 3,Josie and Kelton with 2 and soon Carlin and Evan being tied with 2 with baby boy's arrival this Spring. And right now Michaella and Brandon, Nathan and Esther, and Katie and Travis are tied with no children yet. Prayers for Erin and Chad as they adjust to having 5 kids under 6 years old and 2 of them old enough for school (soon to be 3 this Fall).

    1. They don't do school. Just at home. And she has lots of time for her childeren and her home.

    2. Home schooling IS school...

    3. When I meant school,I meant to say homeschooled. Carson I believe is in 1st Grade and Brooklyn in Kindergarten and this next school year this Fall Everly will be starting Pre-K4. Erin has mentioned that she and Chad homeschool to continue the tradition that Erin grew up doing at home. Even Whitney,Alyssa, and Tori homeschool their kids and I imagine Josie and Carlin will homeschool when their kiddos are old enough and same with Michaella,Katie and Esther and maybe even Tiffany once they have kids.

    4. In fairness, she probably doesn’t have a LOT of time for anything. I’m sure she’s handling it beautifully though. Congrats to them!

    5. Chad and Erin don't have 5 kids under 6. Carson will be 7 in may, and Brooklyn will be 6 in august.

    6. It's not a race.

  7. That's cool you showed us!!

  8. Nice YouTube video. Erin is gorgeous, Chad is sweet and supportive, and we didn't see Erin selling products in the middle of the video.

  9. So relieved that nobody came on here to tell her about her health or how many children she should have. I think she trusts Gods judgment above the women on here.

    1. Unfortunately, there are women who died trying to have children and not preventing them. God's judgement is that a mother should be taken prematurely from all her other children?

    2. Interesting comment. Shows God's love and Grace for others.

    3. Are there only women here? Also, what women do you mean? I only see happy congratulations?

    4. Anonymous February 3rd, 2022 at 2:28pm
      I think you should check again.

    5. It's fair to question someone's decision to have more children when they have health issues that could create major pregnancy problems. As was said above, you could end up leaving a whole family motherless in your attempt to produce more children. It's not "God's judgement" when you actively try for more children or do nothing to stop it. It's your own judgement, what you want for yourself.

    6. I haven't seen a comment from a male as of yet plus men aren't known for being catty like the comments I see from women on this website. It is Erin and her husband's decision on how many children they have, which is guided by God in their eyes. I understand people's concerns for her health but at the end of the day I'm pretty sure she isn't going to change her beliefs because of a comment on here so not sure why people bother making comments like those telling her to stop having kids.

    7. 11:58 Men aren't catty? They're human too. Maybe you don't know enough men.

    8. Only ones with class and respect for others decisions,whether they agree with them or not.

    9. LOL, so men are super kind, empathic and good at all times? Can't imagine why they are the ones to start wars, then

  10. Wow neat! That’s a lot of kids in a short period of time! I would love to know how she teaches her kids to sleep through the night, whether she chooses to breastfeed or supplement with formula or just bottle feed, how she handles taking the kids out and about. We hear so little about that kind of thing from the adult bates. I find the specifics of raising a large young family so interesting.

    1. Nobody wants to hear about breastfeeding! Perhaps that's why you don't hear from the Bateses about it, especially with their strict modesty standards.

    2. 5:54, that's just not true. There are plenty of pregnant women or young moms who are in the stages where hearing how others manage breastfeeding is very applicable.

    3. Modesty standards? They show them giving birth!

    4. The Bates are open about breastfeeding. It has nothing to do with modesty. It is an important part of motherhood.

    5. Showing a bith on tv is not really modest. So why not talk about breastfeeding.

  11. not bad going for someone who kept saying that she couldnt have children then it was couldnt have more but has managed to have 5 in 6 and a half years

    1. She didn't just "say" it. She went through several miscarriages before she was able to carry a child to term. Then she was told by doctors that her chance of having anymore was slim.

  12. When is Finley going to get added to the birthday/family lists????

  13. 615 In the first year of marriage Erin had 3 miscarriage, until she found out about her blood clotting dis. I think she is a miracle, because she, and her Doctor never lost hope, AND NOW ERIN is a MOTHER + 5 WWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW, I AM SUPER HAPPY FOR HER!!!!!!!!!!!! We should call those 5, Erin's 5 little Miracle, God helped, I know it!!!!! That is why it is a shock, she has any!!!!!!!!! I've WATCHED The Bates, since 17 Kids OK!!!!!! I am in love with U 7!!!!!!!


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