
Thursday, February 24, 2022

Lawson's New Album

Lawson Bates 

If you are looking for something to listen to, you will be thrilled to hear that Lawson‘s new album, American Dream, is officially out! You can stream it on various websites, including iTunes/Apple Music and Spotify

And in other news, Lawson and Tiffany are less than three months away from their wedding date. They plan to live in Nashville after they wed. We recently posted the link to a Q and A video that they filmed

Photo courtesy


  1. For your information ladies and everyone who reads the blog,Lawson's new album is also on YouTube Music for free for those who use that app (especially on an Android phone like I have). Going to listen to it tommorrow during my quiet time.

  2. Wow! He's not giving up on this singing "career," is he?

  3. Another album of corny worldly songs. How do they justify that?

    1. There isn't much visibly conservative about many in this family. It's easy to justify anything when your eyes are fixed on the world and not on the Lord. Be not conformed to this world...come out from among them and be ye separate...

    2. His songs are very worldly, and his music videos are not exactly rated G, not as far as Bates standards are supposed to go.

    3. Some artists who are Christians choose to do secular music because it's the only way they can reach non-Christians who may later be intrigued by some of their songs or stories that may have a spiritual/religious theme. Sometimes it's just enough of a witness to open the door to something more, whereas if he only sings Christian music he's just preaching to the choir. I've heard that from a number of Christian-based performers who have toured with secular artists, played in bars, or sang at secular festivals. Just because they're not singing about Jesus doesn't mean he's not central to their lives or their creative process. If he's trying to launch a career, sometimes you need to do what your representation believes will sell before you can secure your spot and do your own thing on your own terms. The guy's been falling in love throughout this album's lifespan so who can fault him for writing what he knows and what inspires him currently. Better than writing empty spiritual stuff just because that's what you're "supposed" to do. If he's in a committed Christian relationship, his love is a blessing from the Lord and there's no reason he shouldn't be excited about that and eager to share his joy. We don't know his heart, and while his relationship may diverge from previous Bates standards (which are extreme compared to typical Christians), it doesn't mean he doesn't have a genuine heart for God and is actively sinning in that relationship or in his career.

    4. I don't agree 12:10. If your convictions are for the Lord, you don't compromise those in order to earn more money and advance your career. I don't feel that his music is made for witnessing either. It's way too secular and his videos are another matter, as someone said.

    5. AmyRyb That's a bit of a stretch isn't it? It's about what will make him the most money and get him the most attention. There are countless Christian artist that only produce Christian music and make Christian videos and do just fine and don't produce secular music because they have convictions that won't compromise their Christian standard for any amount of money and atention. The love of money changes people and this is an example of that.

    6. @AmyRyb - You keep them how you win them. If you attract people to the Lord through worldly means, worldly is how they'll stay. It's not proven successful for any church or individual.

  4. I know I’m a little late to the game here, but someone above mentioned this, so Could someone explain to me what a committed Christian relationship is?


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