
Saturday, February 12, 2022

Tiffany's 23rd

Lawson, who will turn 30 in July, is only a few months away from leaving his bachelor days behind. (His wedding is set for May 12th!) Lawson's beautiful bride-to-be, Tiffany, just celebrated her 23rd birthday. Happy birthday to the future Mrs. Bates! Nathan and Esther Bates tied the knot last fall, which was followed by Zach and Whitney Bates' 8th wedding anniversary in December, so Tiffany will be the third Bates daughter-in-law.

Lawson Bates and Tiffany Espensen

Photo courtesy of


  1. Somehow those two seem to perfect for each other.

  2. Happy Birthday Tiffany!!

  3. Happy 23rd Birthday Tiffany! May you be blessed this year. I'm going to be 23 also this Spring on Easter this year(my first birthday to occur on Easter in my life).

  4. hope her birthday went well

  5. That dress is not really modest. Will he be more modern?

    1. I think you meant to say, “Doesn’t she look great?”

    2. Too bad the females in this family, along with anyone who marries into it, will be forever evaluated based upon their apparel choices. I think the Bates' Little House on the Prairie look from the early days are long over.

    3. Tiffany does not follow modest dress codes, but several of the adults in the family no longer do either--they mostly just waited until after marriage.

    4. This dress is the opposite of immodest. Modest doesn’t mean frumpy.

    5. Looks like he already is! She is a beautiful young woman and I don't see anything not modest about that dress. Young women wear their dresses shorter ... as a rule.

  6. Maybe she can be pregnant with Esther. That wil be so sweet.

    1. There’s more to bring a woman than having babies.

    2. Or maybe they'll just enjoy being married without kids for now and decide if/when to start a family on their own timetable, not anyone else's.

    3. It's really an insult to any woman's intelligence if the first and only thing that comes to your mind is when she'll be pregnant. I get that these mega-family TV shows perpetuate this relentless reproduction machine image, but let's cut these younger couples some slack and hope they aren't going to be exploiting their fertility for publicity and profit.

    4. She wil be married to a Bates man. And they like to have a big family. And soon afther they are married. I think she gets a family soon.

    5. @7:04 You never know... Lawson just might break the mold. After all, he wasn't in any hurry to get married.

  7. Time 6:27PM Sun 2/13/22
    I just watched their Q&A It was so
    Cute loved it so much cant wait for
    Tiffany to be Mrs Bates.
    Happy Valentine's day to her
    Family & Future In Laws the

  8. Will HE be more modern?? It’s not really his choice what
    she wears…..!

    1. It is. He is the leader of the house. It is part of their faith.

  9. I think Tiffany can wear what she likes….

  10. Tiffany is not only pretty, but intelligent and accomplished too. She even has a master's degree. I think this will be the first Bates wife to not be continually pregnant, and she will have a career too.


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