
Thursday, March 31, 2022

4 Grandchildren Born in March

March used to be one of only two months in which there were no Bates birthdays. Now, with the addition of grandchildren and in-laws, there are five birthdays in March. The first is Travis on the 8th. In 2018, Zoey Webster arrived March 28th, followed by Everly Paine on March 30th. Kolter Smith was born March 25, 2020, and Zade Stewart arrived four days ago (March 27th). 

Fun fact: June is the other month that used to have no Bates birthdays. Now, June has four grandchildren birthdays (Kaci Bates, Hazel Balka, Charlotte Smith, and Jadon Bates).


  1. That’s awesome! God continues to complete the family 💞

  2. What a fun post - wishing them all a Happy Birthday 🥳!!

  3. Pretty much what you typed I was thinking... until 2017 March was only month without birthdays then bam. It's sweet!

  4. We have a lot of March birthdays in our family. March is a great month.

  5. Awe. 😍😍 That's so cute!!

  6. Awe, 😍😍 Happy Birthday!!!❤❤
    God keeps bringing blessings!!💞

  7. Congrats! All those beautiful babies! Miss the show, praying a network picks up the show.

  8. June is a popular month for weddings, and March is 9 months later...

    1. Haha, very true! ;)

      Except that none of the Bates have gotten married in June. (2 couples were married in May, 1 in August, 2 in October, 1 in November, and 4 in December).

      And none of the March birthdays are for firstborn children. Travis, Zoey & Everly are #3 in their family, and Kolter & Zade are #2.

      Still, I thought it would be fun to see what the gap HAS been between weddings & firstborns. Here they are in ascending order:

      1. Carlin & Evan: 8 months + 6 days (Layla came early)
      2. Josie & Kelton: 9 months + 14 days
      3. Zach & Whitney: 10 months + 15 days
      4. Alyssa & John: 10 months + 17 days
      5. Tori & Bobby: 10 months + 24 days
      6. Erin & Chad: 1 year, 6 months, and 12 days (there were some losses beforehand, though)

    2. Wow, @10:31 AM -- great stats, and they all except for Erin and Chad had their firstborns in the first year of their marriages! We know though, as you mentioned, Erin had several miscarriages before Carson was born.

      I find it interesting that so many of them got married in December! I wonder what makes people marry in December, when it's in-between Thanksgivings and Christmas, so many holidays already :). I would rather get married in the Fall like October or early November, or maybe in the Spring.

  9. Miss the bates on tv
    They could get rid of all the crime and bad news and focus more on families like the bates
    The bates family always brings a smile to my heart


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