
Monday, March 21, 2022

Lawson and Tiffany's New House

Lawson Bates and Tiffany Espensen

Lawson and Tiffany bought a house! The soon-to-be newlyweds closed on March 4th on a home in the Nashville area. In true Bates fashion, it's a fixer upper, and renovations are already underway, with help from other Bates family members. Below is a link to a YouTube video that Lawson and Tiffany posted.

Lawson and Tiffany's House: Demo Day 1

Photo courtesy of


  1. Didn't she get paid from her professional work? Didn't he get paid for his albums? Why would they need to buy a fixer-upper in such poor shape? They should have been able to afford something brand new, nice and big.

    1. Some people enjoy doing renovations. This way they can customize the house to make it their home. In the future if they chose to sell they'll probably make a profit on the investment.

    2. What's wrong with saving money?

    3. Maybe that was the way they were both raised. Maybe they would rather spend their money on other things. Maybe they like to repurpose. Maybe they had a vision.

    4. I think they are so smart! It’s a great idea to get a cheaper house than one can afford (if they indeed could afford more). It makes life so much easier when one is not encumbered with a high mortgage! With a low mortgage or no mortgage, they have more choices over their time vs. being tied to the rat race forever.

    5. Why not? I say good for them. They are young and energetic and will take satisfaction in the hard work and sense of accomplishment.

    6. There's nothing wrong with getting a fixer-upper home and making it your own.

    7. Some people like to buy a "fixer-upper" so they can get the house they actually want by remodeling it to their taste.

    8. Older houses can be money pits. It's better to start with something new so you know you have years and years until anything needs to be replaced. I've seen too many renovated houses that look good on the surface but have big problems in the walls or foundations. This is especially true of houses built from the late 60's to the mid-80's when the economy meant corners were cut. Remember when aluminum wiring was supposed to be so great?

    9. And if they purchased a newer home; posters here would comment they were showing off. A can’t win situation!

    10. @7:18 Then maybe it's better not to talk about your home at all if you are going to be perceived as bragging, one way or the other. Maybe it's best to stay private.

    11. Yeah, they should buy a 5,000 sqft house. So they can have rooms they never go into. They are smart. Start small and save your $ so when they have a zillion kids they can afford somethi g bigger.

    12. 2:24 There are no guarantees with a new home, either. There's no shortage of shoddy work being done and short cuts being taken with new construction.

    13. @2:24 - I've bought five houses in my life. One was brand new. It was a piece of crap and is now a pile of rubble that was removed. Give me a good sturdy house built in the 1960s and 1970s when they knew what they were doing.

    14. @12:13 New homes usually come with warranties. We had that and separate warranties on windows, doors, appliances, etc.

    15. @8:32 I've had 4 houses built over the decades (70's to now) and the building materials are better engineered and more efficient now than they were in the 60's or 70's. Insulation, windows, and doors in older homes are terrible compared to ones these days, for starters. You have better choices for interior finishes. Building codes have improved and homes are safer than they ever were. Builders still know "what they are doing," if they are properly trained and licensed. Sure you can come across a lemon, but that's what building inspectors, structural engineers, and codes are for.

  2. Definitely jealous. Currently house hunting in NJ and houses are going for $50,000 over asking. Even fixer uppers. They are lucky to eat were Abe to get something.

    1. 5:23PM: Where I live, houses are going for $200,000 over. But a higher end house in a bigger city might go for $500,000 over. It's CRAZY!

  3. Watched the video of the demolition and beginning stages of remodeling their house and I have to say that it's going to be a lot of work but with the help of all the Bates boys doing all the dirty work and the Bates girls doing all the interior decorating,they should have it done in under 2 months before the wedding. Congratulations Lawson and Tiffany on your new house.

    1. The demolition part is mainly labour so they can get that work done relatively quickly. The delay in the timeline will be getting all the materials to go into the house. For example, window manufacturers may be months behind in delivery because they are waiting to get some of the parts they require. Same with kitchen cabinets, etc. It will probably take 6-12 months to complete but they may be able to make do and move in before then.

  4. How exciting! Many hands make light work so that'll make it a much quicker job. Still a lot of work though. So very happy for you both and can't wait to see it all finished and you starting your new lives together in it. God bless.

  5. Congrats to them and lucky to have the Bates family to help.

  6. Looks like the house should be condemned.

  7. March 21, @ 2:45 pm . Why should they buy a BIG house ? It's the 1st home for both, you work your way up to better homes start where you can afford something . Not like they have have 5 kids already.

  8. Wow, a movie star in a fixer up house?

    1. A movie star can live like a normal person?

    2. Yes. They can live like a normal person because they are a normal person just because there on TV doesn't mean there not normal. 😊

    3. Yes. They can live like a normal person because they are a normal person just because there on TV doesn't mean there not normal. ��
      I just feel that way. You can feel the way you feel I still think every Christian is a good person!❤

  9. Congratulations Lawson and Tiffany on your new home, courtship and engagement. Looking forward to the May 11th wedding and of course the honeymoon pictures. I miss seeing the Bates and Duggar family members on cable tv with new shows and new seasons for both families. There is always praying and hoping for them to come back on cable TV. That would make my day very happy 😁 and exciting ❤️. I would love for that to happen as I miss the shows. Natasha b

    1. Yes, Same with me. It would make my day and my familys day too we LOVE watching you all and I pray they put it back on TV!!!����
      I know...I hate missing what's happening in there life's because I grew up watching them. I don't know why UP Faith and Family took it off. ����

  10. God Bless Lawson and Tiffany, Congratulations Bates Family!

  11. Who holds the license for those major renovations being done? Do any of the Bates have it? How can Paine Construction employ minors? We see the child-boys working on that house. If it's being done under Chad's license, he would be in trouble with the authorities. Will it be inspected by the county?

    1. The Duggars and the Bates don't worry about such minor details.

  12. I'm curious.....
    who's houses are always seen when there's an aerial shot of the Bate's House.
    those extra houses are off the right of the Bate's Home.....
    do they also belong to the Bates or do the Bates actually have neighbours and share the same entrance road??


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