
Friday, March 18, 2022

Nathan in Ukraine

Nathan Bates is on the ground in war-torn Ukraine with the organization MEDIC CORPS. He and others are working to provide medical supplies, humanitarian aid, and trauma training. The team is currently in the capital city of Kyiv. To partner with them, consider praying for their efforts and their safety, as well as making a donation through the MEDIC CORPS website.


  1. I will pray that he is able to help many and that he is safe!

  2. Oh my gosh, I'm so worried about Nathan. My prayers for his safety and all others trying to bring aid there.

  3. May the Lord keep him and his crew safe! What a brave young man. So kind of him to do. I wonder if Lawson will be there as well? Very dangerous place to be!🙏‼️Praying for them!

  4. Oh my goodness.. I’ll be praying even stronger & will be lifting Esther & the Bates family up in prayer as well.. God Bless y’all & PLS keep up posted..🙏🙏🙏

  5. I saw pictures of some of these Christian aid groups proselytizing as opposed to offering help. I hope Nathan’s group isn’t one of those.

    1. What would be the worst possible outcome of "proselytizing" as you call it, if one should offer a human need with a word of encouraging TRUTH? If you are a true christian, you are MANDATED by Jesus Christ himself to go into all the world and proclaim the gospel. People can do with it what they choose.

    2. When you say proselytizing, do you mean helping people to get to Heaven?

    3. Gaining peace and comfort in your soul is being helped.

    4. @7:24 Great, you have someone else's idea of peace and comfort now, but your meager clothes are still dirty, you haven't had a shower or a decent meal, you don't have a home or a job, you possibly left family behind, your entire life has been turned upside down, you don't know if things will ever be the same again, you're in a daze, and you just want all of this to be not happening. No handed-out tract is going to change that. These people need REAL, tangible help. I guess you've never been through a disaster personally or you'd know what's really needed.

    5. I like to look at things from other perspectives. What if it was a group of people of islamic faith who was giving help and offering words of wisdom from the coran? Maybe a kind, selfless, laic help is what shoud be offered.

    6. I think I would rather go to heaven because of "proselytizing" than the other place.

    7. My uncle made a daring escape from behind the Berlin Wall in the 1960's. I guarantee you he didn't risk his life crossing that barrier hoping to find someone on the other side waiting to talk to him about religion.

    8. 2:41 you're ignoring the fact that Medic Corps is offering real, tangible help.

    9. Sis @March 18th and what Christian aid groups do you claim to have scene?

    10. There's literally genocide being committed and he is there to help period. He has done this for other world disasters and he is passionate about getting innocent people and victims the help they need as quickly as possible. He believes in the word of God and tries to live as sin free as possible and that should be enough for us, but so wno. Once again someone who is doing things from his heart for complete strangers is is being turned into something it isn't because folks want to judge. Leave him alone. He's doing something we all should be

  6. He is really committed to helping others. Hope he and others stay safe.

  7. OMGoodness!!! I’m not surprised helping this way is Nathan’s ❤️ heart!! God bless him I pray and end this evil man’s rapage IN JESUS NAME!!

  8. Thank you for posting this story. It's wonderful to hear about the Bates' volunteer efforts.
    Frankly, the endless stories about the Bates' courtships, showers, weddings, and babies are getting monotonous.
    I pray the MEDIC CORP stays safe.

  9. Does he really have the right kind of training and ability to do this? People are trapped and starving in Kyiv, so they really don't need extra people there taking up limited resources as if it were a vacation. How does he plan to get out when others can't? It this going to be like the last helicopter to leave Saigon, taking residents with it?

    1. You do not serve with the Medic Corps if you are not qualified. This question is raised every time these boys go serve with the Corps. Give it a rest!

    2. He is wjth an organization. He is not alone. He and others in the Bates family have experience doing this. It never said he was fighting in the war. It does not take much more than a kind heart to do humanitarian work. I am sure the organization has exit plans. People should be praying for him and the others i stead of judging him.

    3. No he is not a medical professional.

    4. As if it were a vacation??? I honestly don't think anyone in their right mind would look at helping save lives while endangering their own,during a war, as a vacation. Good grief.

    5. They don't send people untrained and unqualified to dangerous assignments. And believe me if Medic Corp or Red Cross or any other relief agencies were helping me escape Ukraine I'm not going to be asking for their qualifications!

    6. God bless Nathan and the Medic Corps. Nathan has already served in other disaster areas. They can give valuable aid to the people of Ukraine, there are a lot of civilians on the borders from all over Europe helping the refugees. They can probably free ukrainians for war service with their help. My guess is that they probably help locate people from collapsed buildings etc.

    7. @124 This is not the aftermath of a natural disaster, this is an active war zone. Nathan is not on the border.

  10. Prayers sent for everyone who is bringing service, protection and aid,and to all the victims of this terrible war . May peace and healing be found. God bless.

  11. What is Medic Corps doing there in war torn Ukraine? Are they crazy? Their going to get themselves killed by the Russians and the President of Russia strictly banned all countries from lending aid to the Ukrainean people or else face being attacked with bombs too. If the want to help,go to the Poland border where all the Ukrainean people are going to get away from the war. It's safer than the city of Kyiv. But I'll be praying for them. But why would Nathan go when he's married now to Esther?

    1. I agree with you 12:04. Despite our hearts going out to Kyiv, rushing in there as a US citizen is extremely foolish and dangerous on many levels. I don't believe Zelenskyy has asked for private citizens to come into Ukraine, and there are no humanitarian or relief routes established.

    2. You can go on international mission trips while being married. I know this from experience. I ahve gone on mission trips with or without my husband. We would never keep the other from dping what we feel God has called us to do.

    3. We don't know what they are doing there. And just a day or more? You can't stay in a hotel there. People are in bunkers. So it is possible they go over tge border for a short time with doms food and medicine and go back. A helicopter is not possible there.

  12. @Anonymous @ 12:04 - Because that is what trained medic/volunteers for Medic Corps do! Not everyone is called to active military. Many are called to serve the world as Nathan does. It is within the war zones that most urgent needs will be found. Jesus Christ came to serve - not be served. As Christians, you will understand that means you will go where you do not want to go to "Be Christ" to the nations.

  13. Some have no regard for the law and a President’s plea for no in-person assistance at this time.
    This is reckless and selfish of him to place himself in this position, and with a new wife at home no less!

    1. So selfish to leave his new wife and put himself at risk to help others. What are YOU doing to help them?

    2. Love the backseat driver comments from people who are safely behind a phone or keyboard.

    3. @6:10 That's the best place for nearly all of us to be, donating money instead of showing up in person. I wouldn't even pretend to be qualified to be there in person.

    4. 4:41, good idea. If you don't know what you're doing it's best to just donate. Good thing Nathan & Co. have experience and know what they're doing.

    5. Nathan has no experience with war. Few (thank goodness) guys his age do.

  14. Can some one explain what Medic Corps does and how they train their team? What is the mission for the Ukrainian people?

    1. I don't think anyone really knows for sure. But if the Duggars and the Bates are involved, good questions about training and missions.

    2. They have a website that explains it.

    3. The blog post tells what their mission is.

  15. Humanitarian help does not always require special skills. However one known skill that he does have is that he knows how to fly planes and is a certified flight instructor, which might be useful in getting supplies in and out?

  16. Praying for protection for them. 💙💛💙💛

  17. my son is also going to ukraine. he is retired army and has the experience they need in helping the citizens over there (medical, etc) when the orphanage was bombed, that was the straw that broke the camels back for him.
    if you've seen pictures of the devastation in ukraine, it's obvious they will need help in rebuilding every part of their lives whether its homes, work, hospitals etc. think of the tons of rubble that will have to be removed first though
    by the way, the people going over to help are not getting paid for it in any way, shape or form and are 'on their own'. they are told this by the embassy up front. they will get you in and out but that's it

    1. Won't those tonnes of rubble eventually be Russia's to deal with?

    2. 2:33 I pray that Russia's invasion and attempt to take over Ukraine will be unsuccessful.

    3. 2:33 What a cold comment! Do you think of the Ukrainian people and the aftermath something to just be "dealt with", and by the Russians no less?

    4. 9:31 Who do you think is going to clean up the mess? Whoever wins or keeps that land will decide to either do it or not. The ones who lose the land won't do it. This happens after every war. Germany didn't go back and clean up what they bombed in Great Britain. These are the facts of wars. Horrible, aren't they?

    5. @3:05 In that case Nathan can go back and help rebuild. But not til then.

    6. 9:31 here. My point was that I certainly hope that it isn't the Russians involved with cleaning things up as that would mean their invasion and war on Ukraine was successful. The Ukrainian people have shown their determination and fortitude these past weeks, as they have through history. I have no doubt that they can rebuild once the Russians retreat and peace can be restored. I'm sure there will be other countries stepping up to help them, including the US.

  18. I have been praying for the people of Ukraine all along, but NOW I'll specifically add Nathan and Esther as well as the whole Bates family!! And of course Esther's family as well! God please watch over them with special blessings!

  19. You can find info here:


  21. Medic Corps has been photographed wearing sidearms in disaster areas. I'd like the explanation of why this group would carry such weapons, when their use would go against the 6th Commandment.

    1. The Bible never said Thou shalt not protect thyself.

    2. If you were a student of theology, you would be aware of "just" and "unjust" wars. It would be morally just to shoot a person who has the intent of harming many people. With your line of reasoning - there would be no moral allowance to take out someone like a sniper, a Hitler, or their likes. I suppose if you are truly convicted of this commandment then you could join an anabaptist/quaker pacifist group and work with them to bring about the just society you aim for.

    3. @10:30 Humans are not supposed to be the ones to decide who gets "taken out" and who doesn't. I would be appalled to see anyone claiming to be Christian or doing Christian-based work carrying a weapon in self defense.

  22. I am frightened for Nathan's safety. Easter must be in constant pray. I will join her in prayer for all that are in harms way.

  23. Amen! May God Bless and Keep Ukraine Bates Family ministries, and the wonderful volunteers-

  24. Thank God U guys are trying to do something, but just be careful!!!!!!

  25. Keeping Nathan and all over there in my prayers!

  26. Why don't any of the Bates boys or the Duggar boys join the military? So many able-bodied young men, not in college, who claim to be patriotic, yet nobody will put on a true uniform and defend what they believe in.

    1. One of the Bates boys (Isiah or Warden maybe) was doing training to get ready to join the marines. Trust me when I say the m8,Italy is not just for anyone or a decision to be taken lightly.

  27. Has Nathan come back home yet? Just want to know how to pray

  28. It's beem a while, any updates? Nathan seems to be back in the US but haven't seen anything about what went on there, what the accomplished, what being on the ground was like, if MedicCorps plans to come back or if they are doing things here to help the effort. Please fill us in!


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