
Saturday, April 30, 2022

Another Graduation

This week, Kelly Bates traveled to New Jersey to celebrate with Katie and Travis. What were the newlyweds celebrating? Travis just graduated from Vision Baptist College, which is a ministry of the Solid Rock Baptist Church. According to Kelly, Travis studied music and media. Congratulations to Travis! He and Katie also just posted their official wedding video (link below)

Katie and Travis Clark Wedding Video

Travis Clark and Katie Clark

Photo courtesy of @kgbates2000


  1. Congratulations to Travis!👨‍🎓🥳🎉 Knew he had 1 semester left of college when he married Katie. Glad he is finished and can now take his education and advance his career with his family and solo with his music. Maybe even make it big time and perform one day on TV on a Southern Gospel show like The Gaither Homecoming TV special. Isn't another Bates graduating too this year? Isaiah I think is set to graduate High School if I'm right because he's 18 and born in 2004. My youngest sister is graduating this year and is the same age as Isaiah. But I could be wrong because with Bates kids homeschooling,they seem to graduate early. Plus Isaiah has been seen hard at work helping with the family tree business,helping siblings with home renovations and visiting Alyssa in Florida.

  2. Travis congratulations . May God bless you in your new journey

  3. Is this college accredited? It sounds okay if you want to be a minister as the Bible is their main textbook according to their web site. If not, not sure why anyone would pay to attend. You can study the Bible at church or with friends and family for free. I just don’t get this militant, conservative mindset. Take a look at their site if you don’t believe me. JMO I’m not bashing your beliefs or looking for a fight.

    1. Accredited by whom? What organization do you think needs to accredit Travis' school?

    2. The college is NOT accredited.
      The website states "We believe God and the Word of God give us the authority and approval to train Christ’s workers in local church ministry work. We seek no other accreditation."

    3. No, the college isn't accredited. I noticed that the education programs were lacking. If one graduated from this college, they would have to go to an accredited college to get their teaching degree to even teach at a Christian school. This college might be a good start, but further training would be required at some point in the future.

    4. 4:04 A college is accredited through an organization recognized by US Dept. of Education. Regional accrediting agencies are responsible for assuring that colleges and universities meet certain standards in terms of their missions, operations, and activities in teaching and student learning, discovery and promotion of knowledge, and service. Unaccredited schools are not eligible for many kinds of federal support and their students may not qualify for federal financial assistance. My nephew had a unaccredited degree from a church college. He had a very difficult time finding a job, because potential employers did not recognize his degree. Likely Travis will have no problem, because the Clark family run the college and the church.

    5. Well he already has a really good job so?

  4. The 'college' is run by Travis' grandfather, uncle, and father. Check the website

    1. Which means he probably had to work harder than everyone else

    2. They made their own "college" and are giving out their own "degrees"? That's handy. Wonder if he has student loans. I'm guessing not.

    3. Just because it’s not accredited doesn’t mean it’s not a good education.

  5. The Clark family runs the 'college' -

  6. I agree that attending this unaccredited college is a waste of time. What are Travis' career goals? What type of work does he want to do? If not a preacher, this education is useless in the real working world.

    1. No worries. His family runs the college and the associated church. He's a shoe-in for any position within the organization.

    2. It's not your judgement call to say if it was a waste of time. Do you know everything he learned or can tell the future?

    3. It appears Travis does want to preach or continue his performing music with his family. No other aspirations. Probably encouraged to be content with this goal; in his family eyes, this type of degree/career is of the highest calling.

    4. I think he intends to work for the "family business" as his parents own the college and the church associated with it. Sounds familiar to me.

    5. He has a job already so now I guess y'all are going to complain about him working

    6. It’s hard to find a calling higher than being God called. He seems to know what God wants him to do and he is very content doing it.

  7. I'm tired of these people saying they have college degrees when they go to these unaccredited "colleges" that few have even heard of. And on top of it all it's his family who runs the place. IMO it's not much to make a big deal about. Especially from those of us who have graduated from accredited Universities that everyone has heard of. They live in their own little world.

    1. Why does it matter what you think? Travis went to college for four years and graduated. He went where he wanted to go whether it was accredited or not. You went where you wanted to go. This is a free country. Everyone has the right to choose for themselves or didn’t you learn that in college? Congratulations Travis!!!

    2. I agree OP. The Bates and the Duggars need to stop using family connections to shelter themselves from the world. They use "wordly" people when it suits them (doctors, dentists, nurses, repairmen, etc.) but they won't get educated like those people, and they depend on family to give them jobs. It comes across as wanting the best that people can give you but not giving much of anything back to those people. In other words, selfish and distrustful. It's their loss - they're missing out on a lot of good education and good work experiences with other people.

    3. I don't care if they want to say they have a "college degree" but they are short changing themselves by going to such colleges. A friend's daughter went to an unaccredited college and got her degree, then a Master's degree there. When I asked my friend why she didn't get a teaching job (my friend and her husband are both teachers) my friend got very vague and evasive. I checked the school out and learned it was unaccredited. The daughter now earns her living giving piano lessons. Sigh.

    4. Yes they can go wherever they want but this is like getting your ring from a Cracker Jack box instead of Tiffany's and then proudly declaring that you have a ring.

    5. Do we really need our colleges accredited by a Government? They aren't taking Government money and the Government can't dictate what they teach. No Government for me

    6. Agree, it is not a real college. And run by his family.

    7. @ Patricia You can't live in a country and expect no government involvement in your life. It's give and take.

    8. The accreditation is more about not wanting government strings attached. I don't blame them.

    9. Patricia, I don't think you understand what accredited means. If colleges don't adhere to standards of giving their students a certain level of education any degrees they issue are meaningless. Employers want the people they hire to have had the necessary education to perform the job they are filling. Therefore we have educational standards for colleges to adhere to. Do we want uneducated teachers in our schools? Incompetent engineers working on infrastructure? Doctors that only were taught the Bible? See where this is going? Without some sort of basic standard set by the government our education system won't work.

    10. Patricia@6:44 Dunno about you, but I make sure of the credentials of any professional before I hire their services, like a doctor, lawyer, accountant, dentist, etc.

    11. No accreditation means they can teach from Dr. Seuss books if they want to. Accreditation means they must meet certain standards.

    12. 9:12 - Fascinating thought but probably not at any college the Bates kids would go to, unless taught as an example. Theodor Geisel was liberal and his works reflected his world views.

    13. And yet Travis already has a job and not at the college which would also be ok. Y'all just want to complain I guess

  8. Congrats Travis!

  9. Congratulations Travis!

  10. Congratulations!! God Bless.


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