
Friday, April 8, 2022

Q&A with Chad

Chad Paine and baby Brookly Paine, 2017

Erin and Chad Paine have received requests for Chad to answer questions sent in by fans, so they decided to film a Q & A. Sit down with the father of five in the front seat of his truck to hear him speak about his work, family, and wife (link below).

Q & A with Chad Paine

Photo courtesy of


  1. Chad's a great guy, but that seemed so staged. For example, the question about "Unusual thing about Erin." Chad didn't have to think at all, he had his answer on the tip of his tongue ("she brushes her teeth a lot"). It was pretty obvious the answers had been planned out.

    1. There is nothing wrong with being prepared and prepping for questions. If I was going to do a video like this, I would know what I’m going to say, especially when there are so many critical responders out there.

  2. I listened to this video and thought those same old 'religious' questions were a bore once again. It sounded more to me like a religious talk. I'm sure there were much better down to earth questions asked but they chose not to answer how are you going to provide for 5 children and a wife in this little house? Why is it that a construction person such as yourself has not yet purchased a larger home for your family....a fixer upper?

    1. Why is it you expect a complete rundown on their financials and future housing plans? Maybe they are staying put for the time being while the kids are small in order to save money for a bigger home.

    2. His video, his choice.

    3. They have already discussed their housing; Erin is super-organised and functions well in their little house and is content there until they succeed in purchasing a larger property (like everyone else, it can take many attempts in the current housing market).

  3. Chad clearly tries hard to be a good husband and father. But is it honest to prepare scripted answers to pre-picked questions?

    1. Ummmmm. They get many questions. They can't answer them all. They have to pick which ones to answer because nobody wants to make a video that's hours long. And there is nothing dishonest about thinking about how you're going to answer before you start recording yourself talking. 🙄

    2. What we were given in this Q&A is probably the best we can expect, even if it doesn't satisfy us. I too would prepare careful answers, because social media is not a safe place to be vulnerable and open.

    3. 8:19AM: I dislike this trend to write "ummmmmmm". It's one thing to say it when you're thinking on the fly, but to write it when you have all the time in the world to formulate your response? Drives me nuts!

    4. 8:54, so sorry to drive you nuts. Just think of it as a casual comment on social media rather than an essay question.

  4. Do the Paines have plans for ten years from now, when it will be much harder for Chad to earn his living in construction?

    1. I'm curious as to why you posed this question. Why will it be harder for him to earn a living in construction in ten years? He'll only be in his early 40's.

    2. 10:52 Do you have plans for your life in ten years? Do you know if your source of income will still be there? Please announce your exact plan for the next decade to all of us.

    3. Construction is a young man's job. It is very hard on your body. There aren't a lot of construction workers over 40--usually they have moved into managerial roles.

    4. Anon 12:40. It's a good idea for a father of five to have a long-term financial plan. Who wouldn't agree with that? It's a good idea fora a young man in construction to have a plan for when he starts to age. This seems very obvious.

    5. @12:40 Well we sure had plans in our 30's and 40's. It was to remain employed at or above that current income level (thank you, college educations), to live within our means, and to save at least 15% of our income in target retirement year funds with a big investment company. It worked. We could retire early and live off our investments until Social Security kicked in to help a little. Anyone who thinks they can live off SS alone after retirement is wrong. You need to start investing in your 20's and 30's and make the most of your working years. Every family should know this, should stay out of debt, and should save like they mean it because life will throw you curve balls and having money helps solve problems.

  5. The Paine kids seem to start out as blondes, then darken to a lovely brown like their parents. Adorable!

  6. Chad is an amazing person and he's the kind of guy everyone would wish for their daughter to marry! He & Erin are both very blessed to have found each other. It seems like they are doing a wonderful job of raising their family.

  7. Chad is such a sweet and nice man. good dad and hubby. Atleast when know when he gets volunteered to help, he is okay with it lol

  8. Thank you. I really enjoyed the video. Good bless you all.

  9. I think Chad is a very down to earth and kind hearted man. As for other peoples comments about his responses being scripted, wouldn't you want to be prepared when filming a video so there isn't a whole bunch of "um's" while your trying to formulate your thoughts to give a clear and timely response? Also I would decide what I was going to answer before hand too because some questions are probably not anyone else's business. The only thing that bugged me a bit was his comment about wanting a wife who honored her Father. What about the Mother,do they not count? Other than that I really enjoyed the video.

    1. I have often heard that "How a man treats his mother & sisters is how he will someday treat his wife, and how a woman treats her father & brothers is how she will someday treat her husband." That's probably the thought Chad had in his mind when he said he was looking for a woman who honored her father - because that meant she would likely honor him.

      I can relate, because when my now-husband and I were dating, I paid close attention to how he treated his mom & sisters, and I saw that he was very caring & compassionate toward them. And now that we're married, I see that same care & compassion directed toward myself. And while he certainly showed respect toward his dad, I guess you could say it was his treatment of his mom & sisters that stood out to me the most.

    2. It bugged me, too. What if her father had been an evil man? By "honoring her father" I think he meant being deferential, loving and thoughtful. That is not always possible.

    3. @11:16
      I totally agree with all you stated and loved the part about honoring her mother!!!

    4. Maybe because they say to watch how a person treats their parent of the opposite sex because when they get married they'll treat their spouse in a similar way.

    5. I agree - the "scripted" comments don't make any sense.

  10. Make sure you’re taking time for yourself chad. You deserve rest too! :) No one can work and serve all the time.

  11. I really like Chad. He seems like a genuinely kind person and a loving husband and father.

  12. First of all, no one asked for a complete balance sheet of their finances. The questiion asked was a general one about how will they continue to manage in such a small house with 5 children, maybe more? Nothing wrong with this obvious question.
    Regarding the question about construction work in 10 years, the poster, I would imagine, knows that one's body begins to "give out" for this type of physical work with age. What we can do at 30, we can't always do at 40. Another good question.

    1. 4:28 There are many people working construction who keep at it until retirement age. The guy who remodeled our kitchen was over 60. Being over 40 doesn't mean you are ready for a nursing home.

  13. Do they really call Brooklyn "Brookly"?

  14. I think he did a faq post. He and Erin probably get the same question multiple times and chose to answer those. It makes sense he would have an answer ready. Also, editing may make it seem scripted.

  15. Chad and Brooklyn-Shoes look so happy together!!!!!! Love U 7!!!!!!

  16. I would love to know more about just Chad. What does he enjoy for himself, who are his buddies, what was his child hood and education like??? Does he miss being geographically closer to his family, what are his short term/long term personal and business goals???


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