
Sunday, May 8, 2022

2 More Bates Babies

In celebration of Mother's Day, not one, but TWO Bates couples announced pregnancies. Nathan and Esther Bates are due with their first child in October, which is the month of their first anniversary. Tori and Bobby Smith are expecting their fourth baby in August. They are having another girl, which will bring their count up to two boys and two girls. The daughters will be 14 months apart.


  1. Congratulations to Nathan and Esther on their 1st child and Tori and Bobby on their 4th. A friend of mine is due with her 2nd in October too and she and her husband will by then have a 14 month old too when the baby arrives. They haven't found out yet what they are having,but we suspect another girl maybe the way she feels with barely no morning sickness.

    1. Congrats to them both. Tori is such a good momma!!! So happy for all of you guys!!

  2. Tori needs to give her body a break.

    1. I feel the same way. She's trying to be too much like her mom having a baby every year or two. She's just like Kendra Duggar who's rumored to also be pregnant with her's and Joe's 4th child as well.

    2. Same! And the gaps are smaller each time! 16 months, then 15 months, then now 14!

    3. I agree. So many babies in such a short time frame is very hard on your body.

    4. Where did you hear that Kendra is pregnant?

    5. 10:15, there’s a picture of her at a wedding that was leaked. She’s definitely pregnant, like full on baby bump.

    6. It is not good for mommy or baby. Bobbi should give her a break and enjoy the young childeren they have.

    7. She was seen with a very visible bump in Jeremiah and Hannah's wedding

    8. These women are free to choose to have children close together if they like. They believe in the way they were raised, and if they want to keep getting pregnant that's up to them as well. I was raised to not judge others and it's sad to see so many on here that do.Are you fans or just here to give your opinion and negativity? It's not necessary. These are good people.

  3. How sweet !!! So happy for each couple & their precious babies.. & congratulations to Gil & Kelly.. A precious gift from above..✝️ God bless..😇

  4. Such wonderful news!

  5. CONGRATULATIONS to both families!!!!

  6. Replies
    1. Yep,one baby for each couple expecting. Wonder if any of the Bates couples will ever get pregnant with twins for a change?

    2. 8:17am: TWO...I was going to suggest the same typo correction.

  7. Wow! Tori is going to be the next Kelly. She even looks the most like her.

  8. Congratulations to both couples. Very nice news!!!!!

  9. So excited for these pregnancy announcements! I hope Nathan and Esther have a boy. I’m glad Tori and Bobby will have two and two. Tori might end up with close to nineteen if she keeps having her babies close like her mom did!

  10. Tori’s babies are getting closer together. Kade is 16 months older than Kolter who is 15 months older than Charlotte who will be 14 months older than the new baby girl.

  11. Yay for two more babies! I wonder if Katie will get pregnant now that Travis has graduated? And I wonder if we will hear any more announcements this year....Whitney, Erin, Alyssa, Josie, Tiffany?

    1. I hope Michaela can be pregnant with invertrofertilizations, but if not I hope she adopts since Brandon and Michaela Keilen should experience parenthood 1 way or another.

    2. Alyssa, Erin and Whitney have 4+ kids and modest incomes. I doubt they are looking to expand their families.

    3. Alyssa and Erin have serious health problems. They should stop.

    4. And Carlin has some health issues also. But these girls do have such beautiful babies.

    5. I wish they would check the epidural she had. My sister had a bad reaction to that when her first two were born. after a year she stopped. Dr said he was a side effect. Baby 3 was born with out a epidural and she had no trouble at all. Its worth at least to ask the dr any way.

  12. Congratulations to both couples!
    How exciting!

  13. Congrats to them!

  14. Sigh. I guess it's too much to ask for a college- or career-related announcement for once!

    1. This is the future lifestyle they personally chose,that suits them, and its awesome!

    2. We just heard of 2 graduating college!

      Would we say these things IRL? We've stooped so low. Sad. I grew up never verbalizing these thoughts. Manners and all.

    3. I agree with you @8:31. I think it's awesome too. There is absolutely nothing wrong with these families choosing a lifestyle that is different from what strangers on the internet think they should do.

    4. This blog does make college and career related announcements all the time. I believe there were a few just in the last week or two regarding Travis & Evan. They are highlighting all the major events and a pregnancy does qualify as well.

    5. At 0842 I'm not the original poster, but I was thinking the same thing. Yes, I would have said that in real life, and I don't care who knows it. lol

    6. You mean like the college graduation that was just on this blog?

  15. Congrats to both couples.

  16. Hooray all! May you have safe abs healthy pregnancies

  17. So wondeful! Congrats to the Smiths!

  18. Congratulations to everyone! I'm excited to hear this.💗💗💗

  19. So happy for both families. Can't wait for more baby news. My family and I miss you guys on television more than I can say. Bringing up Bates wad our number show we faithfully watched every season, every episode. PRAYING YOU WILL RETURN TO TV ON SOME NETWORK?

  20. Congratulations Tori and Bobby and Nathan and Esther on the announcement of your lil bundles of joy. I pray everything goes well. Also for John and Abby Duggar. I would just like to say that the Bates Family and the Duggar Family really deserve another chance to be back on cable TV. Natasha b

    1. Nobody "deserves" or is owed a TV show. They've all had a good run. Let it go.

    2. The Bates family didn't deserve what happened to them but the Duggars have some serious issues to deal with. The way the show got cancelled was ridiculous and the Bates do deserve to be back on.

  21. Babies are always good news! Congratulations!

  22. Congratulations! God Bless!

  23. Congratulations Tori and Bobby and Congratulations Nathan and Esther!!!

  24. Congratulations to Nathan and Esther,Bobby and Tori,Kaden.Kolteramd Charlotte.
    God Bless
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  25. I love this family and am happy for the new additions to this large and loving clan! Congrats! 🙏♥️

  26. What these families do in their private lives is absolutely NO BUSINESS of anyone but the parties involved. As long as they provide food, shelter and LOTS OF LOVE, who is to say how many children anyone has?

    I think it's absolutely wonderful that they love each other, their children and above all, GOD.

  27. Not only having babies so
    close in age is hard on the
    mothers body, it can affect
    the new babies health.
    Congratulation to all . I wish the best for all the the Bates.I miss the show

  28. I do wish I could see the Bates on a weekly show. I was so happy for Nathan when he found lovely Ester. Now I would love to see their beautiful baby be born. Miss getting to see Tori and Bobby and their beautiful children.

  29. So many congrats for the happy couples. Tori is incredible and those babies are such a blessing, I have four-ages 5 and younger! I can’t wait to see my babies grow up together.
    In regards to a body and giving it a rest… I’m healthier than most women I know, mothering littles keeps you in shape believe it or not, and my body know what it’s doing when deciding to successfully carry another child.

    1. 10:44 Everything goes fine until it doesn't. My mother nearly died having her sixth child. It was very traumatizing for me and the rest of the family. She had permanent damage that affected her until the day she died.

  30. Why do you people on here even follow the duggars and the Bates family if all you want to do is focus on the negative? First of all it's their lives and this is the United States of America. If they want to have 4 babies or 20 babies, that's their business. Follow someone else if you don't like what they do or what they believe!!!

  31. I miss these families and all the love. Being vulnerable to the public and still sharing it all. So positive. We need more people in this world like this!! Congratulations and please do not stop being you <3

  32. To all those making negative comments about how many children the Bates and Duggars have, are having, or will have and the time between each child, how is that any of our business? We don't financially support any of them and are not raising the children. Let them live their lives the way that makes them happy.

  33. I think we forget that God makes the baby in His timing and it is no one else’s business how many children Tori and Bobby decide to have.

  34. Congratulations to Tori and Bobby. I think we forget who makes the baby and is Soverign. Let God be God and everyone else focus on your own relationship with Jesus. It is no one’s business how you feel about how many children they decide to have.


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