
Friday, May 20, 2022

A Big Move for the Paines

Erin and Chad Paine just made a huge announcement. They are moving! And they haven't just found a new home to live in; they have found a new state to live in. Hear them discuss their news in their latest video (link below).

YouTube Announcement: The Paines Are Moving

Photo courtesy of


  1. I listened to their YouTube announcement last night. They did not say if they would be living near Alyssa or if Chad had a job lined up. Besides praying about a future plan for their lives; they have no concrete reason for moving.

    1. I don't think Chad or Erin would be impulsive and move without having a job/jobs lined up. They appear to be very responsible. Maybe he didn't mention what his job would be for security reasons. As hard as it is to believe there are people who do not like the Bates. I don't understand why, but if I were Chad I wouldn't want my employer to potentially be harassed by someone just because they employed him.

    2. Or none that they told you about

    3. I'm sure they have plans. Not telling the world is not the same as not having plans.

    4. Yeah, I also did not understand the reason they are moving. Like, they have 5 kids and live quite close to the rest of the family, at least to Erin's parents, who can always help with kids and so on. Chad initially had some degree in ministry, so maybe he becomes a pastor at some church?

    5. I think it's more so a case that they did not desire to share the reason. In order to keep some level of privacy, at least for now. It's understandable.

    6. Although they were rather vague about their plans, I'm sure they have something in mind to support the family.

    7. How would you possibly know that? What part and how much of their lives they choose to share should be enough. I have never in my life seen so many judgmental people than I have on here. Just focus on your own life and never mind what anyone else does or doesn't do. Good grief.

    8. Yes they said they plan to serve in a church there. That is what God was calling them to do.

    9. @10:38-settle down; we’re all on here because we are curious. I like Chad and Erin and we’re simply wondering making such a big move what do they have lined up to support themselves. Chad seemed to have a good job he enjoyed.

    10. According to video the boys will carry on construction in knoxville while he starts up in Florida. I wish them the best.

    11. Didn’t Chad have a very profitable home construction and remodeling business and Erin was extremely talented in interior design. Perhaps they see FL as a better place for those businesses to thrive. Im certain of this, they havent made this decision without much prayer and guidance from prayer warriors. I think they will be just fine. Erin had a rough time after having Covid. Perhaps they feel her health will improve in sunny FL

  2. Congratulations to the Paine Family moving to Florida! At least Erin's sister Alyssa lives there,so she'll still have family living in the same state. And Chad can start over again with his construction company there. God really answers prayers in ways we don't expect because Trace talked about in his last Q&A with Lydia that he wanted to start his own construction company and now he will thanks to Chad moving away and taking over his Tennessee based construction company.

    1. The Paine's never explained why they were moving to Florida. If they thought God was answering their prayers, it would have helpful to know what they were praying for.

  3. Moving five children and all those farm animals is going to be a huge undertaking. Erin looks nervous (and I would be too). But as my Mom always said "It'll all work out". Can't wait to hear more details on why they're moving, and where in Florida.

    1. I recently moved to Florida with five children. One of them was just nine months old. We moved all the way from California to Florida, and don't regret it for one second. We do not have any family or friends out here, but that doesn't mean we won't be making new friends.

  4. Wonderful news! I hopw that all goes well as Chad, Erin, their children, and pets (and flowers 😉) relocate to Florida!

  5. I read that they are moving to Brooksville, FL, which is in Hernando County; about 45 minutes NE of Orlando. I have been there many times and it is a small, rural county. I don't know what Chad will do there for work or what Erin will find attractive about living there other than if you live on acreage somewhere, you can have she seems so concerned about. Good luck to them.

    1. Hernando county is northwest of Orlando. I lived there for 9 years. Housing prices are outrageous, whether to buy or rent. I hope they have jobs lined up and housing.

    2. I live about 20 miles south of Brooksville. It's a small town, conservative values, and a real hometown feel.

    3. I thought I read somewhere that they were moving to Deland FL ?

  6. Wondering why they’re moving to Florida? They didn’t really say why they were.

  7. I just moved to Florida... I never thought of myself as a Florida girl but here I am. Moving is stressful, but you're young and this will be an adventure. I dread the summer, this will be my first in hot Florida. This is retirement for me, we built a home and I never want to have to move again. I wish you both all the happiness in the world. Take heart, you're still pretty close to Tennessee. :o)

  8. Good luck… the market here is horrific!

    1. The market is horrible everywhere! We were raised in Fl and retired and went to NC and had to come back it was terrible there.

  9. I’m curious as to why they are moving to FL? I heard them speak about praying for a year and something about a church family in FL??? Is the “church” family in FL more important than the TN blood family to them??? Or Chads family??? I’m confused!

    1. Why is the word church in quotes? Isn’t it a real church?

    2. Obeying where God directs you is the most important thing. Jesus talked about that.

    3. Why do you say "church" in quotes? Isn't it a real church?

    4. Church is in quotes because they use that term as a reference. They do not name it or share any concrete reasons. Seems vague.

    5. It's still a church, and not a "church", whether or not you know the name.

    6. Oh my goodness- the word church is in quotes because it’s connected to the word family. The poster is asking for clarification on what church family; since they have one in TN.

  10. Good luck to them! least they will be close to The Websters!

    1. They do not seem really close. And Alyssa is more modern than Erin. Maybe Erin picks up some tips from her sisther.

  11. Best of luck as you enter this next adventure in your life

  12. I wish they would say where in Fl. and why they're moving ? Good luck.

  13. God bless y’all for following ur calling.. not everyone does & miss out on Gods biggest blessings...I know that the Lord has many, many, more blessings for the both of u & ur little ones.. I know that ur Tennessee family especially will miss u something awful, but I’m sure that their all so proud..u didn’t say where to in Florida ur moving to.. close to John, Alyssa & the girls? PLEASE keep us updated often.. love y’all..🙏 ✝️ ❤️

  14. I think everyone needs to realize if they feel God is calling them to Florida then that is what they should it doesn’t matter if they give details or not it’s Thier life and Thier choice. It’s ok to have different opinions or views but it’s not anyone place to judge them or anyone else on what they do or where they live . If you don’t agree that’s fine but it really doesn’t matter who agrees or not it’s what’s best for them and they feel to do . And a church is family As children of God we all share the same Father so weather they have Thier actual family there or not if obeying God they will be just fine and also the bates siblings are close to one another they don’t have to live in same state or do everything the same to be close . We all live our lives as God leads if choose to follow him and obey them that’s all that matters


  16. Just wondering if they're moving to a more conservative state and governor


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