
Monday, May 2, 2022

Bates #3 Turns 31

Happy 31st birthday to Erin Paine! She is the 3rd of Gil and Kelly Bates' 19 children. Erin and Chad have five children, ages six (almost seven) through three months. 

Erin Paine, 2019

Photo courtesy of


  1. I'm sure she's a nice person, but she seems so smug.

    1. I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought that!

    2. Happy Birthday Erin! Wishing you a wonderful day!

    3. What an unkind thing to say on a birthday post. I don't understand the need you feel to say something like that. Perhaps it's your perception that could be off. I am now almost 66 years old but many years ago as a young teenager I was at a sleepover and got to visiting with another girl there who I knew, although not very well. After talking together for quite some time she told me she thought I was really nice which she never knew before because she always thought I was a "cold" person. That totally shocked me at the time because what she perceived as cold was just that I was extremely shy and reserved, not to mention insecure, and I didn't think I had much of anything interesting to contribute to conversations so I was just quiet a lot of the time and mostly just listened to other people. Just remember that there are all different types of personalities and try not to be so critical. I think Erin is a sweetheart!

    4. You definitely aren’t!

    5. Or you could just say Happy Birthday . . .

    6. No, U don't know their history, the reasons she is super proud about her family is that, for the first year she lost a few babies, then they found out she has a condition where she could not keep the fetus, so she is X proud because, she thought she never have a family!!!!! That is why she is like that, is she thought she never have what she does!!!! She is also the first kid in The Bates, and The Duggars to get a BA, which she is also shocked to get that also, too, She is just shocked at getting 2 things she never thought she'd have!!!!!! She X happy, because she thought she never had what she has!!!! I love U 7!!!!!!!!

    7. Crown College is unaccredited.

    8. Well, I mean this in a kind way, Just Erin going to College was a big deal, at that time, so that is what I mean. It does not matter where she went, her going, getting an education was a big deal, she spent years there, so some respect!!!!

    9. So, 5:24? I went to an unaccredited college, and we still went to lectures, took notes, studied for exams, researched, wrote the long papers, did the projects, and earned every bit of those degrees.

    10. What an unkind thing to say. You don’t know Erin at all.

    11. She has a lot to be proud of. And having 5 babies is no small task for her. Its my understanding that she has to take either daily or weekly shots her entire pregnancy to insure a safe and healthy delivery. Knowing she has to do that and still wants as many babies as God wants her to have. That is faith in action

    12. @6:36 You may have worked hard for an expensive unaccredited degree, but it's still not recognized as a credential by most prospective employers. Three of my siblings got degrees from unaccredited church colleges and they all regretted their choice. Unless you want to be a minister or minister's wife, the degrees were meaningless when it came to employment in their areas of study.

    13. 5:46, my school actually has a great record in that regard.

  2. Hope she had a good day. such a lovely lady

  3. Happy Birthday Erin!!! You have grown into a beautiful woman, wife and mother!!!

  4. Happy Birthday, and I hope U will have the best day!!!!!!!! I love U 7!!!!!!!

  5. Hope that you had a wonderful day. God bless you.


  7. Happy Birthday Erin! You are a beautiful, talented, and amazing young woman, mother, wife, sister, friend...

  8. Happy Birthday Erin. God has blessed you with a great family and the talent of playing piano.

  9. Happy Birthday God Bless.

  10. Happy Birthday Erin! You are a super Mom, organized and great at decorating. I miss seeing the Bates on TV. I wish TLC would pick up the Bates and continue the series.

  11. Erin I truly hope you had a wonderful birthday and got to spend it with the family you worked so hard to get. You have so much to celebrate in your life that I hope some of the rude comments on here don't bother you. You are a college graduate, amazing woman and a wonderful mom and wife I wish you the best


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