
Saturday, June 4, 2022

Update on Carlin

As many of you know, Carlin Stewart has been having some serious health struggles, which are most likely seizures, that her doctor is trying to get to the bottom of. He put her on a seizure medicine to suppress her episodes and will take her off the medicine and do an EEG next week. She can trace the episodes back to Zade's delivery at the end of March. What she doesn't know yet is why they started so suddenly or what is causing them. 

On a happier note, Carlin and Evan are working on their house. Below is a link to a YouTube video showing their progress. 

Video: New House Demo Day 2


  1. Have any of these people ever thought that maybe having babies all the time isn't good for one's health?

    1. Has anyone ever thought that people who don't have babies have health problems too?

    2. She’s only had 2 babies.

    3. Carlin had hers the two years apart recommend by doctors. She has also only had two kids.

    4. She's only had two!!!!

    5. She literally has 2 babies. 2 years apart. She doesn’t have 19 kids in 19 years so back off.

    6. This is her SECOND child. It's not like she's had a dozen kids.

    7. She’s only had two.

    8. Two with no signs of stopping is par for the course in these families.

    9. 1:23 Thank you for sharing that comment!

    10. @1:23 Pregnancy and childbirth are not health-neutral events and can pose serious short and long term risks for the mother. US maternal mortality rate is higher than many developed nations and the numbers are increasing, especially among minority women. This is attributed in part to lack of adequate health care. My own mother nearly died while pregnant with her 6th child and suffered from life-long physical effects.

    11. 4:48, but not every medical condition these women have can be attributed to pregnancy.

    12. 9:22 Of course not. However, health problems not attributed to pregnancy can be exacerbated by it, such as heart conditions, high blood pressure, epilepsy, and auto-immune disorders. Clotting disorders run in the Bates family and that affects pregnancy. It needs to be addressed that relentless pregnancy and childbirth are not always what's best for a woman's body or mental health. There are good reasons why some women limit their family size to just one or two, or have none at all. The fundamentalist culture promotes a doctrine that women should "let God decide" and have as many children as humanly possible. IMO, God gave us a brain for a reason and there's nothing wrong with using contraception.

    13. Have they checked her for a spinal tear from the epidural? I had a friend who had rhe exact same symptoms and was leaking CSF fluid (spinal) from the epidural site. Gave her headaches and she would pass out. Required surgical repair. Just a thought.

  2. Praying Carlin gets better soon.🙏

  3. God bless you Carlin. ❤

  4. I've been watching every episode they put on since Zade was born and it is puzzling to see this continue to happen to her.🤔 Hope through this she's been able to still feed her son breast milk and not have to stop and supplement with hard to find formula. I'm praying they will get the answers they need so they can get home to Knoxville and finish renovations on their house and move in soon. Love they installed lights in the living room so they didn't have to use lots of lamps to light the room and opening up the kitchen wall more so Carlin can watch Layla and Zade playing and interact with guests in their home and not be hidden from view both sides.

  5. Continuing to pray for Carlin

  6. I just can't stand that they took my favorite show off the air. I have watched this show from the beginning & enjoyed watching the kids have their kids. Just the love they showed each other. Why? just to put movies on to replace them. I just really miss them. Prayers for all the Bates. Love you all

    1. Why? Their connection to IBLP. Their political views. Some things they've said and done. If UP tv doesn't want to be associated with any of that, I don't blame them. It's their network.

    2. That's why I don't do Up TV

  7. Please look into a possible injury from the epidural Carlin had during Labor and Delivery . There has to be a connection there. Antiseizure medications can have serious side effects that you don't want. Praying for you all.

    1. I don’t think Carlin reads these comments so it doesn’t really matter. But I agree with you I wonder if it doesn’t have something to do with a bad epidural. I have also been wondering if one of the first things the doctors checked for was postpartum preeclampsia.

    2. I had to have a blood patch after an epidural because the needle punctured my spine and was allowing fluid to leak out

    3. Seizures are neurological and an epidural is a nerve block so it makes sense to think that may be the origin of her troubles. Seems if it were common the doctor would have it figured out....praying for a quick resolve.

    4. My daughter only had one child, almost lost her and my daughter had had health issues ever sines. I pray you find out what’s wrong and get well

  8. Prayers for you, Carlin 💕

  9. Carlin has symptoms of postpartum preeclampsia

    1. Exactly what I was thinking!

    2. I think it's postpartum eclampsia as well (not preeclampsia)


    3. I could be wrong, but it doesn't seem to be postpartum preeclampsia or eclampsia. She would need to have really high systolic and diastolic blood pressure, which in their videos seemed to be fine, and/or and excess amount of protein in the urine, during and after pregnancy. For example, my readings have been as high as 179/115 this last time. I had this problem with two of my last pregnancies and my last baby was a preemie due to this condition as well as cardiomyopathy and fluid buildup around the heart. I was also in the hospital twice after delivery, after being discharged and while baby was in the NICU, with postpartum preeclampsia and trust me, the symptoms are not hard to miss or misdiagnose . It would not be difficult to diagnose either condition since blood pressure readings would read high, swelling would be visible, blurred vision, and the urine could show symptoms as well. With the the testing that Carlin has been through, if it was these conditions, they would have been picked up pretty quickly. I will say though that I was given anti-seizure medication (magnesium sulfate) for the entire duration of my labor and delivery, as well as the postpartum hospitalizations because, yes, if these conditions are not carefully monitored, a stroke or seizure occurs due to extremely high blood pressure.

    4. I had preeclampsia in first pregnancy. It was scary (((( but i didn't have seizures... As for me, it's important to do MRT of Head to be sure they're not any problems as multiple sclerosis or anything worth...

  10. continued prayers for a proper diagnosis and treatment

  11. Praying for Carlin! I'm wondering if there wasn't some nerve damage due to the epidural. Maybe a CT of the spine might shed some light on it

  12. Keeping you in our prayers. God Bless.

  13. May the Lord be with you, Evan and the children as you walk through this. Prayers sent for speedy answers

  14. Dear Evan and Carlin:
    I am a mother in Florida who was an eye witness to exactly the same issue you are going thru.
    My daughter had her first born and started seizing shortly after the baby was born but was able to control them without meds but after the birth of her second baby the big scary ones started to happen her epilepsy specialist here in Tampa was able to find out what was happening only after doing a glucose tolerance test while having the electroencephalogram. The sugar level went from 300 to seventy in less than thirty minutes . I hope this information will help you ask the questions to your neurologist and maybe get the answers you are looking for. May God bless and keep you mhm in Florida

  15. Sounds like POTS syndrome she's in the right age bracket when symptoms appsar. More prevalent in women. I had a friend who had the exact same symptoms and came in suddenly please get to a cardiologist that specializes in this syndrome for proper management

  16. My daughter experienced similar health issues as you are going through. The only way her epilepsy specialist found what was happening was with a glucose tolerance test (gtt) while on a electro encephalogram(eeg)hope this helps

    1. I don't think Carllin's doctors read this blog and probably already know about the test.

  17. Ladies I’ve noticed this blog isn’t monitored daily I’ve never seen it take so long to see new comments and the new posts are few and far between compared to the past while the show was airing what’s up? And with the family expanding by leaps and bounds there are so many family members to report or update on it seems one of you or the other could post on something daily. Hope to see more more often soon! We fans MISS this family’s show SO SO SO much!!🥰

    1. Your comments are so rude, demanding, and disrespectful. These two lovely women put up with so much negativity and opinionated people in order to bring all of us this forum. Just STOP the attitude and judgment.

  18. please have the check the epidural my sister went through this and it all stemmed from when she had the epidural. after 8 to a year it went away. So the next baby she had she had to another one and it left her for a few days where she could not feel her legs and the same with the trouble as last time again it lasted 8 to 12 months so baby 3 she did labour with out any epidural and she was fine.

  19. While extraordinarily rare my best friend has this/had similar after birth of her son. Her second child. The first was healthy as was mom. They had one miscarriage. Then she gave birth to her son. The symptoms began soon after his birth. By the time he was two and half months she seized for over three hours and had to be put in medically induced coma. We were extremely fortunate to have option to transfer her to the Mayo Hospital. Here, the drs were also perplexed but through drs and resources in MN and here, a combo of eeg, spinal taps and sending all lab to MN for testing, she was diagnosed with Hashimotos Encephalitis. Important note. Hashimotos ENCEPHALITIS not thyroiditis, which is very common. HE is very rare but not with internet and diagnoses perhaps is being more diagnosed by Mayo now. It’s been twenty years. She was “cured” by high doses of prednisone. Not fun. And a variety of other treatments over five years. One primary thing to know - this is an auto immune disorder. The hashimotos antibody attacks a part of body. Your body tries to reject and overcome. If it by slimest of chances attacks your brain…your eeg will be so unusual and show atypical extremely unusual activity. It took a team of drs months to rest at my friends diagnoses. She was one of only 80 in world. The worst thing Dr can do is discount and prescribe for epilepsy. People die from the pro fed seizures. In another state, she and other mat have been diagnosed in early pre seizure cases as diabetic. Mentally ill, etc as visual issues suck as seeing black spots and times of intermittent blindness occurs in my friends case and continued with mild episodes over years. When it gets worse - half of her body was as if she was having a stroke. She would fall unconscious and be in a fetal position in hospital while they were trying to figure this out. Teams of Drs would come and observe. I believe she is in some med journals as other case in our state resulted in death, as had others. Another sad but true reality was she advised she could not have more children. The body, in theory, attacked the fetus as a foreign body which is why it tends to coincide with childbirth. Please, tell this person to seek treatment for potential of Hashimotos Encephalitis at Mayo facility if not other tests are able to diagnose this. Seek Dr Julie Roust, or knowledgeable colleague of today, who is an endocrinologist, and neurologists who would be working in tandem to diagnose this. This is life threatening.

  20. My niece had something similar happen to her, only it was determined to be a post-COVID reaction. The virus is not to be taken lightly- my BIL died from a heart attack due to damage done after nearly dying from a serious bout with COVID.

  21. Carlin I love U, and I just hope U find out what is wrong!!!!! Maybe the shots, Carlin, took pregnant, screwed around with how thick your blood is? Maybe Carlin, does not get to have the oxygen she needs, was wondering are those shots, for thinning the blood??? I Love The Stew Crew +3

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. I will pray for her! Maybe when she had Covid, it affected her health in certain way and now this is a side effect of it. Just figuring out, the COVID side effects are a mystery...

  24. Has Carlin considered doing a gluten free diet for a month just to see if anything changes? It has contributed to a lot of ailments I used to have. She may be sensitive/intolerant/allergic to gluten. AND if she is, ailments will NOT go away with drugs. She has to stop consuming gluten!! I know this from experience!


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