
Tuesday, July 5, 2022

July 4th in South Carolina

For the Bates family, spending Independence Day in South Carolina is a tradition, and this year was no different. Gil and Kelly Bates and a number of their children, including some of the married couples and grandchildren, visited Papa Bill and Mama Jane at their peaceful farm in Honea Path. Papa Bill and Kelton Balka also celebrate their birthdays on July 4th.

Gil Bates, Papa Bill, Kelly Bates

Photo courtesy of


  1. Happy Belated Birthday's to Kelton and Papa Bill! 🥳🎉🎂🎈 Our family spends the day at our church participating in the town parade giving out John-Romans Gospel booklets,our church info,and VBS advertisement flyers in packets our walkers hand out to people walking alongside our church bus,then we go and enjoy time with our families for the afternoon then come back in the evening for BBQ at the church and fireworks done on our local golf course. This year my family had my youngest sister's new boyfriend hang out with us,which was neat because he leaves next month for Bible college in Oklahoma City,OK and my sister wants to spend as much time as possible with him since he will be gone until Christmas break.

    1. I find it very ironic that on INDEPENDENCE Day you choose to make others try to read about or listen to YOUR faith. Some of the first settlers in this country came to do what? Get away from someone else's religion.... So why can't your church observe Independence Day without trying to tell others about your particular religion? That's not very American, or Independent, or Constitutional.

    2. @9:38 Sounds like a wonderful way to spend 4th of July.💗

    3. Thank you Regina 😁

    4. We celebrate Independence Day from a country that was not allowing freedome of religion - in our country we are free to practice our religion, which in OP's case is obeying God's command to share the good news of Jesus with others. And others are free to listen and accept or not - with no government interference. THAT is what our independence means.

    5. 1:24, how is that not constitutional? Quote, please.

    6. 10:20- I think that handing out tracts is a harmless endeavor, but a line is crossed when there's any form of intimidation, such as dire warnings about internal torment if you don't follow a certain religion. I also see a growing danger with Christianity being pushed into politics, government and SCOTUS. We are a nation of diversity and all faiths, or lack of one, should be respected.

    7. 7:04, Far better to find out about eternal torment here, where something can be done to prevent it, especially when eternal life is a free gift for everyone who will believe. John 3:16, 36; Romans 5:15-21

  2. Good to see Papa Bill still kicking, and hope he/Kelton had a good birthday as well as a good holiday. Hope Mama Jane didn't stress too much

  3. I'll bet it wasn't a "peaceful farm" last weekend!

    1. What are you talking about?

    2. There's nothing peaceful about having 20+ people invade your space. Having to be around that many people for an extended period of time sounds like a nightmare to me.

    3. @5:32pm. Probably the fireworks off in the distance from the neighbors or the township.

    4. They seem to enjoy their quiet time, and I"m not sure if they enjoy being "visited" by a huge number of family members. I bet they are glad when they have the farm to themselves again!

  4. what a beautiful family and God Bless You all

  5. did kelly cut her hair? looks so much better

    1. I think she did. Looks great being shorter. It fits her age and it's probably easier to style and take care of.

    2. Shorter hair "fits an age"? Women should wear their hair as they like, without arbitrary rules!

  6. Papa Bill and Mama Jane sure have patience. My grandparents couldn't take more than 30 minutes of noise. The Bates family sure is blessed!!!!


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