
Saturday, October 29, 2022

Webster Baby #5 Gender Reveal

Today was a big day for the Webster clan. They found out the gender of Baby #5 and announced it to the world! After four girls, Alyssa and John have only ever had girl names picked out, so you can imagine their surprise when they found out that it's a BOY! You can watch the family reveal the news in their most recent YouTube video.


  1. Grand finale and it's a boy, yay for them

  2. I'm so happy and excited for the Webster family finally getting a boy to top off the completion of the their family.πŸ’™πŸ‘ΆπŸΌ As Alyssa said,if it's a boy for their Grand Finale,she's going to go all out spoiling him. Well now she can.😁😍πŸ₯°πŸ˜‰

    1. Oh wow, nobody needs a boy to "top off" or "complete" their family! That's like saying daughters can't "complete" you! I was a daughter, the last child, and I'm sure glad my arrival didn't make my family feel incomplete!

    2. Hope the girls don't get jealous of their baby brother being spoiled but rather spoil him with love and affection and lots of gifts when he arrives.πŸ˜‰πŸ˜

    3. 2:46 don't be offended, it's just that the parents said they would never have another child (this one wasn't actually planned) so they are happy to have a boy for a change, after 4 girls. These girls are very be much loved, and spoiled. πŸ™‚

  3. Congratulations to a boy. my favorite names are: darcy john, and rorry john, toby or koby. i think darcy is a good name to the four girl names of his siblings. and the letter d at the beginning has'nt no grandchild in the bates family.

  4. Congrats to a boy! My favorite names are: darcy john or rory john.

  5. Congratulations John and Alyssa and girls❣️My parents and I are so excited for you on your little boy. We can't wait to hear the name and see the birth of him. Also my dad and I would really love to see the Bates family members and the extended family members also the Duggar family members and extended family members back on Cable TV with new shows and new seasons sometime in 2024. It was a beautiful gender reveal party. Thank you for sharing.

    1. These families are NOT coming back to TV no matter how much you wish for it.

    2. If they did come back to TV, some network would only be exploiting them or making fun of them after everything that has come to light. Is that what you want to see?

  6. Congratulations John and Alyssa!

  7. Darling. Made my day!πŸ’™ Beautiful family.

  8. Congrats Webster/Bates families on the coming baby. Prayers going up for a healthy Mommy and baby. May God our Father bless you all.

  9. This might not be their last baby even if their obstetrician thinks it is. I hope they're able to have more children after this baby, but if she's unable to get pregnant again after this one, they'll be happy for the children they already have. God has good plans no matter what.

    1. They have said this is their last baby, by choice.

  10. His name will probably be John but they’ll call him a cutesy nickname that rhymes with the girls’ names! JMO

  11. How exciting to have a boy after four girls!

  12. So happy for John and Alyssa having little boy. Miss all of you so much on tv praying πŸ™ you will come back soon.

  13. That's exciting. Maybe this will be their last child after all.

    1. Not if they refuse to take any preventative measures.

    2. Alyssa has literally said she uses birth control

  14. After what she's been thru with her health I can't believe she's still getting pregnant on purpose. Two lives at stake here, not to mention the thought of leaving 4 children potentially motherless. There's trusting in God and then there's being selfish and hoping God overlooks that and covers you anyway.

    1. Not that it is anyone’s business but theirs’ and her doctor’s, she said the baby was a surprise.

    2. She had a heart issue that has been treated. I'm sure if her doctor thought her having more children were detrimental to her health she would not put herself at risk. My mother had open heart surgery when she was 18 years old in 1966, she went on to have 4 children in a 5 year period. She lived to be 72 and her heart never gave her any trouble, ultimately dying of cancer. What Alyssa does with her body, and how many children she decides to have, are her business and only her business.

    3. That little baby boy is a miracle as is every single baby. Yes, every. single. baby. If you kept up-to-date and listened to Alyssa explaining a pregnancy she honestly shouldn't need to have an "excuse" for, you would know that this miracle of a baby was a surprise to both of them. Surprise or not though, that boy is a gift from the Lord; a gift that God already knew was going to be given.

      Jeremiah 1:1a states: "Before you were formed in the womb, I knew you, before you were born, I set you apart."

      As for leaving four children motherless: every single person is faced with different battles throughout their lives including health battles. God is going to take us to join Him in heaven whenever it is our turn. None of us know the plans the Lord has for this family including the baby and Alyssa. All the same, we don't know what plans He has in store for us on an every day basis either. Honestly, I personally wouldn't want to know because then we wouldn't need to have faith, and without faith, we can't trust Him. All in all, He has them "covered" no matter what happens so it is according to His will, just as He does you and I. All we need to do is praise Him and hand ourselves over to Him. That in itself is amazing!

      "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." - Hebrews 11:1

    4. Before opening your mouth to judge, be sure to have an informed opinion. This baby is a surprise.

  15. This video brought tears to my eyes. Just so sweet! Congratulations!!!!!

  16. Congratulation's! Don't think Alyssa should of said she was going to spoil her baby because it will be a boy. The look on Allie's face made me sad. I hope from now on Alyssa will watch what she says in front of her girls.

    1. I agree. There's an old saying "be careful what you say in front of your kids because they'll repeat it at the most embarrassing possible moment."

  17. The Gender Reveal was one of the most exciting and special posts I have ever seen. So happy that the Webster Girl Squad is getting a Baby Boy. May God Bless This Beautiful Family and Their Bundle of Love to Come Always I also pray that Alyssa's morning sickness goes away 100%.

  18. Congrats on a baby boy. You can name him Andy.

  19. Perhaps Allie being little though "spoil" to her met her mother was going to make the baby sour or go bad. Don't be such a Negative Nancy or Debbie Downer.

  20. I am beyond happy to see this beautiful family expand as much as they would like it to. Their choice, their lives,and if anyone else has a problem with that go see a counselor and talk about your own life and how you could become a better person.

  21. My parents had 4 girls, then a boy, 3 girls, then a boy, and, finally, 2 girls, then a boy!


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