
Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Florida Bound

It has been a bittersweet Christmas for the Bates family, as they said goodbye to Erin and Chad Paine and their five kids, who are following God's call to start a new life in Florida. After months of planning and waiting, the Paines are all packed up and on their way.


  1. Congratulations on your new venture. New memories and new beginnings. God Bless and have fun.

  2. Come on. It's not as though the rest of the family is never going to see them again.

    1. You seriously can't see the difference between being able to see them any time and having to plan a trip to see them?

    2. No one said that. But now they can't just see each other whenever they want.

  3. I'm excited for them and sad too because it's hard to live further away from your family. I'm sure they'll all visit regularly though. Best wishes to them in their new adventure! God bless.

    1. If you live further away from your family it makes you grow up and not be so dependent on family. It makes you form friendships that are like family. Nothing wrong with that.

    2. I never said there was anything wrong with it. Touchy much?

  4. Is their new house anywhere near Alyssa?

    1. They said it’s about an hour away

  5. God bless them as they settle in Florida! Can't wait to hear more soon.

  6. I am still in shock about this move. Erin and Chad are being vague about the “church family” as their reason for moving. Why is this church family more important than their blood families??? I don’t get it!

    1. I learned a long time ago that people come up with reasons to justify what they do. It means something to them, but the rest of us don't understand their reasoning.

    2. Church family bonds can be just as strong as blood family. If God is calling them to minister to a particular church, then they need to be comcerned

    3. GOD'S calling them to do His work and their families understand that

  7. Congratulations Erin and Chad and family on your move to Florida finally. It's sad that now 3 Bates kid's now live out of state now,but happy they get to live in the same state as Alyssa and John and the cousin's can see each other often and grow up together.😁👍 I absolutely love the Paine family and their YouTube channel and how honest and God-centered it is. I believe all the same things they do about modesty and wearing skirts and dresses all the time (though I do wear pants just at home when I don't go out) and being Independent Baptist and using the KJV Bible. I even was homeschooled from Kindergarten to Grade 12.

    1. I don't think it's at all "sad" that these family members have branched out on their own. It's not as though they're not going to visit each other and remain close. I've lived and worked in four different states. I would have missed out on so many wonderful experiences and friendships if I had remained in close proximity to the "family nest".

    2. @11:18pm. It's 4. Alyssa and now Erin in Florida. Katie in New Jersey. And Nathan in Arkansas.

  8. God's call? Or their own decision to do what they want to do? If it fails, do they blame God and not themselves? Or do they justify it by saying God wanted them to learn a lesson? I need help untangling the God-centered decision making. It's much easier when you decide things yourself.

    1. This is just my view on it. I wonder if God let's us decide for ourselves what it is we wish to do then when we pray about it and we're asking for guidance things either fall into place or you run into one obstacle after the other, which kind of tells you to take a different route/path (or to wait a little longer)that would make things turn out even better. Sometimes when life takes you a different way its because there's something even better for you that you wouldn't have dreamed yourself. No need to place blame its just part of the journey. Hope that made sense.

    2. Ha. People make wrong decisions all the time.

    3. Easier does not mean better. That's true in many areas of life.

    4. So as a Christian I've had times where I knew God was calling me to something and things weren't perfect. Life isn't perfect. But the Bible also teaches how to deal with that. And yes, going through hard times the way the Bible says brings a much greater peace than trying to handle them my own way. And yes, you become a stronger Christian with greater faith as a result. And that strength and experience are there the next time you have a struggle. And you can help others who go through similar things because you've been through it. Life isn't perfect, but God gives help in handling that.

    5. Anon 1:12. I tend to disagree with your assessment of life. If every time we encountered an obstacle in life, we just gave up and said "it's not God's will" and give up on goals, then nothing much would be accomplished. I've spent a lifetime overcoming many obstacles and have grown as a person for doing so.

    6. Yeah, it seems only the "good" decisions get associated with God. Kinda forget about that when it's a bad decision. Somewhat one-sided there.

    7. Anon 1:12. If everyone gave up when they encountered obstacles they would get nowhere in life. My son recently got his license as an architect. It was a long and difficult journey and there were many obstacles he had to overcome. However, he NEVER gave up the dream and I'm so proud of him and his accomplishment. Saying something you really want to do "isn't God's will" when you face obstacles is a losing mentality IMO.

    8. Sorry 8:51 but I've known people going through tough times who came out much better and much stronger in their futures when they solved their problems themselves and didn't listen to what "the church" was telling them they "should" do. Your strength should come from within, using your own reasoning.

    9. I think it makes people feel better thinking that God is directing their lives, even though it contradicts the free will theory. This pretty much has them covered, no matter what happens or what decisions they make. If a plan works out, they can say "God was leading me." If the plan doesn't work, they can say "God was leading me in another direction." IMO, it relieves people of owning their own choices.

    10. I could not have stated that any better.

  9. I hope their transition goes well and that they are soon settled in their new home and ministry.

  10. If God had called them to go to Alaska or the Middle East or Russia, would they go even though they didn't want to? Seems uncanny that they were called to move to a warm southern American state with a Republican governor.

  11. Time will probably tell what their real reasons for moving so far from family were.


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