
Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Baby Boy Webster Update

Alyssa Webster is about 31 weeks pregnant with her fifth child (her first boy!). You can see footage from a recent ultrasound appointment in Alyssa and John's most recent YouTube video. The second half of the video shows a sporting event in Tampa that the Websters attended with Gil and Kelly Bates and other members of the Bates family.


  1. Brandon and Michaela Keilen just suffered a miscarriage early in Michaela's pregnancy with an unborn baby girl. I'm glad she can now conceive and is fertile now, but I hope she has babies born on Earth to her and Brandon. They'd be wonderful parents. They are aunt and uncle to several nieces and nephews, already.

    1. I'm sorry to hear that.☹️😭 Prayers for peace and comfort at this time. At least she can have the support of her mom,Whitney, Erin,and Josie who have all suffered previous miscarriages. Hope they try again soon when they heal from this loss. Wish Brandon and Michaela would do a YouTube channel too because I like them. I don't do social media like Facebook and Instagram, so it's hard to keep up with them and others who don't do YouTube. That's why I come here for updates.

    2. 4:22pm

      As far as I know she has a blood clotting disorder like some of her sisters, she was told she can't do IVF or have a sister of hers be a surrogate. I also read that they are praying about adoption.

  2. They just revealed his name today on YouTube and I really love it! Not going to reveal it here so others can be surprised and watch the video on their channel,but let me say,this time it's an old fashioned name you don't hear much anymore and the room he's going to share with Zoey and Maci looks wonderful and very gender neutral.

  3. Prayers for a safe birth

  4. wow! 1st baby boy after 4 daughters. Its really full of happiness. Praying for his healthy life.

  5. I am praying micheala and Brandon have a baby. They are such a beautiful couple. Love kids ❤️ I too wish they would do more videos of them nowadays

  6. I just love this entire Godly family. God is so good.

  7. I miss your family so much. My prayers are with your family. Sherrie


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