
Monday, January 16, 2023

Paines Settle into Florida Life

Erin and Chad Paine and their five kids are settling into the new home that God has blessed them with in Florida. It is larger than the house they rented in Tennessee, and it has plenty of land for their animals. As you can imagine, leaving their family and friends behind was difficult, but they say they are excited for this new chapter. The Paines posted two videos, in which you can see their emotional last days in their old home, as well as a tour of their new home.

Goodbye Tennessee

Moving Update and House Tour

Photo courtesy of


  1. Congratulations, You and Chad have a beautiful family and new home! Thank you for sharing and God bless you all..

  2. God blessed them with a home? How does that work? I know people who could use a home. They live in shelters, under the bridges, and in homeless camps in every city in the US. God doesn't favor them? But God blesses you with a larger home if you already have one?

    1. I don't begrudge the Paines a new home, but I see your point. I'm always puzzled by the "God's Blessing" platitudes, as if some people are more deserving than others. Countless innocent children are born into horrifying homes and circumstances every day. They haven't known sin of any kind, yet they suffer. Every child should be blessed with a stable home and loving parents who can provide for them. It's by sheer good luck that we are.

    2. It does seem a bit unfair, but some people get the goodies and others don't. I have no idea why it works like that.

    3. They didn’t have a home in Florida so they obviously needed one, as they no longer had a home back in Tennessee 🤷‍♀️

    4. If you get a new home, you should say you worked to get it, not say some invisible force gave it to you.

    5. Just be happy for them no negative replies congratulations Erin & Chad so happy for u all its nice to hear good news can't wait to see how Erin decorates the new home

    6. I agree; it’s confusing to understand Gods blessings. Was it God’s hand that found them a home big enough for their large family with acreage for their farm animals or personal connections? Like others have noted; aren’t homeless, children and those who are struggling entitled to blessing like theirs? It sure seems like when the Bates need something; it materializes soon for them.

    7. That’s the thing about God’s blessings. We don’t deserve them but we receive them anyway, just because He is good. We can’t know what is going on in the lives of people who seem to us to be less blessed, or how God is going to turn their stories into something beautiful. 100% for sure, if you love the Lord, He WILL turn the hard things into something good. It may not be in this lifetime, but wouldn’t you rather be extra blessed in Heaven?

    8. 12:29 I agree. And since the Bates have so much, they should be giving extra generously to others to make up for any blessing shortcomings. Usually it's the people who have the least who are willing to give the most to anyone less fortunate because they understand what it's like.

      9:14 I disagree. It's no comfort at all to tell children going to bed cold and hungry tonight that they will be "extra blessed in Heaven." People need to drop what they're doing and BE THE BLESSING right now, right here! Don't wait for "God" to act. That's not the solution.

    9. Everyone is making good points about Gods blessings related to the Bates. Maybe Chad & Erin could be more transparent in how they can upon this home. I understand prayer; but somehow they were lead or told about this property.

    10. I’m curious as to why they felt the Lord’s calling them to a church family( their words)in FL over staying close to Erin’s own family???

    11. Saying God blessed you makes you sound extra special and deserving. But it totally forgets about those less fortunate. When you have bad luck, you don't go around saying God is snubbing you.

    12. 1:17, blessings come in all shapes and sizes and someone can always, always find something to be thankful for. Thankfulness is healthy for you.

    13. @9:13 I can tell you're not exactly in touch with a lot of unfortunate people in terrible situations. Sometimes misery is overwhelming. Thankfulness is a luxury for some.

    14. 7:00, really, no. Knowing the Lord makes a difference. Even in the fiery time I'm going through, God shows me things to be thankful for, which lifts me out of the temptation to worry, focus on my pain and myself, be discouraged. Negative, selfish thoughts can make you feel worse physically as well as emotionally and spiritually. Even scientific studies show measurable benefits to gratitude.

    15. @9:14 I don't understand this religious ideology that admonishes human beings as being "undeserving". That's like a parent telling their kids that they don't deserve anything, when the child never asked to be born let alone had the opportunity to choose their parents.
      If there is a loving creator who brought us all into this world without invitation, it stands to reason that same creator would think of us all as deserving of the good things in life- loving family, enough to eat, a home and a bed to sleep in, etc. If God is "good" as you say, it's very puzzling that innocent people, including children, are suffering every day in all parts of the world.

    16. I think the point here is to stop going around claiming you got blessings straight from God because it comes across as vain and proud.

    17. As those of us who are christians know, that because of sin from the beginning of creation, none of us deserve God’s love, grace, mercy, forgiveness, longsuffering or anything at all from Him but He gives it to us anyway. It’s unthinkable that people have to suffer as mentioned in comments above but they do so because of sin that entered into this world, that was created perfect by God but sin cursed by man, because of the first sin committed against God by Adam and Eve at the time of their creation.

    18. I know; it is confusing when they use the word “blessing” for something they received when there are many suffering and also praying for help! Maybe, they could change how they speak of personal goals?

    19. I don’t think there is anything wrong with counting the good things in your life as blessings from God. Yes there are people in this world who are struggling and are in need. We should thank God for everything good in our life, whether it is waking up to another day or being able to move into a new home. As Christians we should be thankful of Gods blessings no matter who they went to. Yes they had to work for their new home but God blessed them with the health and ability to be able to work. God loves everyone equally. Congratulations Chad and Erin on your new home.

    20. We are called to pray for those who suffer, not blame Christians. God will allow things, sometimes terrible things to happen, to bring us to Him. Its our choice.

    21. It’s a way to give the Glory (credit) to God. Rather than oneself.

  3. God blessings on your new home and family adventures.

  4. Congratulations on your new home and this new mission GOD has yall on

  5. Great couple - good videos - it is nice to see these and I'm glad they are doing so well. If we could get America looking at this family instead of the messes that get wide publicity, we'd be a better country.

    Thanks for loving God and taking good care of your family.


  6. So excited for them to be starting a new ministry! Their new house seems to be a much better fit for the size of their family!

    1. Yes. It looks like a really nice place. I hope they'll be happy there.

  7. Thanks for continuing to post about the Bates and Duggar families!

  8. I hope that the Paine's love their new home and continue to keep us updated.

  9. I miss seeing parents and family. Are you coming back to UP TV?

  10. I love your family and hearing your news.God bless

  11. Adults move where you want. Why all so worried about them moving?

  12. Are the Bates all still a part of IBLP, the same organization that Jinger Duggar has exposed in her new book? I remember Gil Bates was in a leadership position.

  13. They never stated what it is that they (or Chad) are going to actually DO in this church? Why not? Why would they pull up stakes and move to a rural part of Florida for a church?

  14. God is faithful and blesses everyone, it is our responsibility to care for Children and Families in need. The Bates Family shares their blessings, without displaying it.

  15. I don’t know if it was said before or not, but what originally took them to Florida and do they live close to Alyssa and John?

  16. Congratulations to Chad and Erin and thier beautiful family. I admire them sharing thier Christian family for others to follow.


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