
Saturday, February 4, 2023

Webster Reveal Baby's Boy Name

Alyssa and John Webster just revealed the name they chose for their first son. Rhett Alan Webster will join sisters Allie Jane, Lexi Mae, Zoey Joy, and Maci Jo in the next couple months. The expectant parents revealed their newly decorated nursery in their most recent YouTube video.


  1. Absolutely love his name!😍 It fits well with his 4 older sisters yet is old fashioned at the same time. The nursery turned out cute.☀️ Although I don't think Zoey and Maci will share the room forever with little brother because as the girls get older,they will want privacy when they reach puberty. That's just my opinion since I know a family with 2 girls and a boy who share a room and the oldest girl is starting to show signs of puberty and wants more privacy now in her own space but they don't have but a 2 bedroom home,so it's hard.

  2. I think they might be able to have more children someday. Who knows.

  3. Alan is John’s dad Dan’s middle name and John’s older brother Brent’s middle name,

  4. I like the name of baby boy, Rhett Alan Webster, but his initials are RAW, lol!

    1. That was exactly my first thought - weird initials lol

  5. Congrats on all of your hard work. You have a beautiful place for Rhett and your daughters. Prayers for a happy family and a healthy baby and Mom.

  6. I've always been curious about how many bedrooms their new house has, given that they've doubled up the girls, but now seeing that the boy ended up in the same room got me extra curious. Some quick Googling and Zillow-ing determined that the house is listed as having five bedrooms. All I can figure is the playroom was maybe considered one once and they took the wall down, and there's probably a guest room they feel they need to keep for family coming into town (valid in this family especially). I feel like Alyssa probably likes to keep the toys contained to the playroom to keep the rest of the house looking nice, but hopefully they either move in a couple years or make the playroom a bedroom as he gets older and the toys become less. Although I'd personally probably reclaim the guest room as a bedroom and add a murphy bed to the playroom for guests so their day-to-day in between family visits works a bit better. To each their own, but I've always felt mixed gender bedroom sharing is temporary at best.

    1. It's an infant and two toddlers. What's the big deal?

    2. Why do the girls get cutsey names but the boy must have a "strong name" (John's words)?I hope there is not an emphasis on this boy being "manly." I hope he is allowed to play tea party and dolls with his sisters.

    3. That’s funny, I was thinking through the bedrooms too! The guest bedroom is nice and they do have family visit all the time (it seems from their YouTube channel), but seems like they need or at least will need that as a kid bedroom on a daily basis which should take priority over a guest room! I can picture them putting a big kid or 2 down there eventually and just moving kids out when guests come. It’ll be fun to see what they decide as kids grow! I bet that downstairs homeschool room counted as a bedroom in the room count.

    4. Oh, heaven forbid a man should be strong or manly.

  7. Alyssa's house has one bedroom and bathroom downstairs, 3 bedrooms upstairs and what is now a loft- play area. The bedroom downstairs is a dedicated guest room & bath. I think they should re-figure the large loft play area and make an additional bedroom for their son. They would still have square footage left over for a play area, albeit a smaller one. I don't know what they are going to do with their son when the girls need him out of their room. On another note... Allie, Lexie, Macie, Zoie.....and Rhett. Not a fan of the name. It reminds me of the word "runt". I think they could have come up with something better. I wish Alyssa well in her delivery.

    1. What is wrong with you people. Rhett is a cute name. Why to you call him a runt.
      Do people call you names maybe they should.
      Alyssa& John can name him what every they want your not their Mother

    2. At 3:18 get over it, the op never called him runt. They merely said the name Rhett reminds them of the word runt. They're entitled to their opinion of what a word makes them think of.

    3. I agree! I do think of Rhett Butler from Gone With the Wind!! Great name.

  8. I know Gil Bates is still part of the IBLP hierarchy. I wonder if the kids are. Jinger Duggar's book certainly pulls back the curtain on that theology and not in a good way.

    1. Anyone still wondering why the Bates aren't on TV any more?

    2. I thought one of the streaming services was doing a documentary on IBLP.

    3. @3:26 My understanding is that a documentary is in the works with Netflix, to be released next year.

  9. I expected the name to have an EE sound at the end like all the girls have.

    1. Me too! Like Brady, Henry, or Jamie for James

  10. Alyssa's visiting family should check out the local hotels when visiting. Our area has many nice, affordable ones. No need for a dedicated guest room when the family itself needs the space.

    1. At their current ages, I doubt any of the children would want to be downstairs in the guest room, away from the rest of the family.

    2. None of the kids are old enough to be in a downstairs bedroom and be that far away from the parents. If that house catches fire, they are not going to know what to do

  11. Nothing wrong with a sleeper sofa or air mattresses! I think the Aero air mattress is comfy actually!


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