
Sunday, May 14, 2023

Paine Party of 8

Happy Mother's Day to all the mamas out there! Today is the perfect day to share this post...

Less than five months after moving to Florida, Erin and Chad Paine are preparing for another life-altering change: they are having another baby! The parents of five just announced that they will soon have six children under the age of nine (Carson turns eight today--happy birthday, Carson!). Their new YouTube video shows the scavenger hunt that they set up to share the news with their kids.

Erin and Chad Paine: Surprising the Kids--We're Pregnant!


  1. They are already concerned about having enough space for the kids they have! Why would they add another one into the equation? How irresponsible!

    1. They believe "God controls the womb" so guess they don't see it as irresponsible to have another baby they really don't have room for in their current house.

    2. To 9:44. When did the space in their house,or how many children they have become a personal concern for you? Is your life that dull,that you have time to question strangers as to their family planning? Good grief. To throw around the word "irresponsible " when you can't help but notice what happy,thriving,healthy, children they have,seriously makes me question your level of integrity, or lack of integrity is a better way to say it. Have a great day and mind your own business. Remember judge not,lest ye be judged.

    3. Because they don’t use birth control

    4. They are in rental home so they can just find somewhere bigger to rent, easy, I presume Chad earns more in California that's why they moved, anyway there's time baby will have to sleep in parents room until finished nursing.

    5. They are in Florida, not California.

    6. Babies don’t “have” to sleep in the parents room while nursing.

    7. They're capable of figuring out sleeping arrangements. 🙄

    8. I’m guessing 11:31 meant after going through the effort of moving and rearranging spaces for their four daughters and one son; being pregnant immediately after the renovations just posed questions. Like-you just got everyone settled and soon enough you’ll need to make more room! Maybe “irresponsible “ wasn’t the perfect word to their announcement; but it does give an outsider pause.

    9. May 29th-12:29,having a thought is one thing, voicing it out loud in a rude manner is another and unacceptable. Kindness is a wonderful thing to use when asking a question. I just don't get why people bother because it isn't like the Bates family are going to come on here to explain, justify,anything. Have a great day. 🙂

    10. I hope they have another boy so it makes it a little easier on them. Boys LOVE bunk beds! As someone else said, this is between them and the Lord, only. They’re amazing parents with very solid values, even if they may not be YOUR values. They are happy, their kids are happy and I am happy for them. They have an incredible support system.

    11. All boys don't feel the same way about bunk beds. I know quiet, sensitive boys who'd prefer their own room, or space to do experiments, or privacy.

  2. Congratulations you are great parents

  3. Congratulations Chad and Erin! God is so good to be giving them another miracle when they were thinking Finley was their last due to Erin only having half an ovary left. Hope Carson finally gets a brother this time. This is a big year for babies since Katie had Hailey,Alyssa had Rhett, Whitney is having a girl in August,Lydia is having a boy in September and I just found out rumor has it Tiffany might be pregnant as she and Lawson hinted a big announcement soon and Brooklyn said in the announcement video they were praying for Lawson and Tiffany's baby. That's 5 grandbabies so far in 2023 and maybe could be more soon into 2024 if others announce in the coming months they are expecting.

  4. I just watched the video on YouTube. Happy for them! The kids are so cute and the names they came up with are so funny. Lovely family. As a side note, Brooklyn looks so much like her Aunt Josie.

  5. Holy Moly! They’re just tossing out babies left and right anymore.

    1. Yeah. For someone who thought she couldn't have more babies, Erin sure is pumping them out.

    2. However many children a couple wishes to have is entirely up to them. They are supporting and raising their children, not you. And they are raising them in a healthy and respectful environment, and in my opinion, we need more children raised with faith and values. These children have two parents, are taught good vale’s and morals, they are well taken care of. These are the kind of parents that should have children.

    3. May 17, 2023 at 1:42pm, thank you for agreeing to my comment.

    4. May 18th, 2023 at 11:23pm. Hey yeah. I agree. All Parents should rise their children with good morals and values. However that wasn’t the case with me because my dad left me and now I live in a single parent household with only my mom.

    5. @6:50 Divorce doesn't mean you lose all moral direction or abandon values. I hope that's not what you're thinking. I know plenty of women who kicked bad men out of their lives and lived better without them.

    6. @4:45pm. Excuse me. My dad left me. You have no idea what I’ve been through with being on the spectrum and my dad choosing to leave me because my syndrome was hard to handle. He was not a supportive parent. Please, if you can’t respect what other people have been through in their lives, then don’t say anything at all. Let’s have respect for each other on the internet.

    7. Is there anyway to block people on here?

    8. @9:10 It's best not to share intimate details of your life online. (Actually you didn't say anything @6:50 about any of that.)

    9. @4:36pm. Hello. May 18th at 11:23pm started it first. I am only just defending myself.

    10. @9:10, Excuse me, I was just sticking up for myself and advocating on behalf of individuals who live with A-typical disabilities and the households some of us may live in as a result. It is my choice of what to share online and what not to share online. It is a free country. Please, if you cannot respect what somebody shares online, then do not say anything at all.

  6. Happy birthday Carson! Congrats to Erin and Chad. Prayers going up for a healthy Mommy and baby.

  7. Didn't they just finish fixing their house to accommodate the kids they already have? Looks like they'll have to figure out how to squeeze in another baby.

  8. Wow. That's exciting. Looks like this year will see another bumper crop of babies.

  9. Another baby in a house that’s not big enough for the children they have now! I’ll never understand how these people think.

    1. They don't "think", they just have babies. They believe it's God's plan to have many, many children.

    2. Too bad God doesn't ever seem to be thinking ahead about practical things like sleeping arrangements and car seat space and affording food and healthcare. I guess parents are supposed to do that.

    3. God gave them brains to figure it out along with giving them babies. They'll be fine.

    4. @1:21 Be careful how you talk about God. The Bible clearly tells us He knows that we have need of food and clothing and shelter before we even ask.

    5. @11:12. If this "God" knows about need for food, shelter, and clothing, then why are there so many people starving and homeless??

    6. @12:17 I'd love to hear their answer to that question, and it had better not be that only people who are "deserving" get what they need from God. I know people who think like that and it doesn't sit well with me at all.

    7. It seems they believe God gives them babies. Then the parents have to figure out how to feed, clothe and house the babies.

    8. I’m like Sheldon Cooper. I’m an Atheist and don’t believe in God. Sorry. 😐

    9. Same here 11:41. I don’t get religion at all!

    10. 11:12 If your God knows what we need, but can't provide it, he's powerless. If he has the power to provide, but chooses not to, he's either indifferent, or just plain cruel.

    11. The Lord God is most definitely NOT powerless, indifferent or cruel. Look at this world and ALL that He has created. He provides and promises food, clothing, shelter and all other essential needs to His children, the people who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and have faith and trust that He will provide, no matter what, as He says He will. He still requires us to work and do our part as His children.

    12. @8:26 Am I reading that right. Only people who have accepted Jesus are worthy to be provided for? The rest of the world's population is left on its own? That seems like an arbitrary system where some are chosen and some are left out. Got operates that way? I thought Christians believe that God created everyone the same, all in His image, and that they're all children of God. In this country, it's the ones who can't work for some reason who generally go hungry and homeless. They're not doing their "part"? Are they being punished? I don't understand your comment as it applies to real life.

  10. There go the triple bunk beds and the side toddler bed if it's a girl.

    1. Yeah, Wow! The Bates do sure tend to have a lot of girls.

  11. Didn"t they just move? Going to move again since your having another baby, sheesh 4 girls 1 bedroom. Will need there privacy soon . Not well thought out.


  13. I am ecstatic! Oh this news just made my day. Praise God for His mercy and blessings on you Erin!!!!

  14. Congratulations, I hope Carson gets a brother!


    1. Justine,you are just a ray of sunshine and I always scroll through to look for your comments. If everyone could be as enthusiastic and kind as you,what a wonderful treat it would be to come to this site. As it stands because of the rotten comments that are allowed to be posted about this amazing family,I'm considering not coming here anymore. I would sure miss you though. Have a fantastic day!!! 😊

    2. We are all rays of sunshine in Gods eyes

    3. 8:07, I don't find that in any Bible verse.

    4. @8:07 Far too many of his "rays of sunshine" continue to suffer horrifically, including innocent children who are victims of neglect, abuse and gun violence.

  16. It would be fun for Carson to get a brother! Six kids will be wonderful for them!

  17. I am so unbelievably happy for this family. What a huge blessing that Erin and Chad were given another soul to raise on this earth…nothing of a miracle. Congratulations!

  18. Wow!!! The Paines are going to need to build on a couple more bedrooms. God Bless them and Congratulations 🥳🎊👶

  19. When is their due date?

  20. How do they support all those kids?

    1. How many kids do you have?

    2. @5:16 I don't know about 10:21, but we have one child because that's all we felt we could support on a military salary. Plus pregnancy was hard on my body, so we stopped at one. We sure didn't "let God decide." We had to raise the baby for 22 years, not God. I saw (non-military) friends have multiple children, and then get caught in the spiral of needing daycare to be able to work, and needing to work more to be able to afford daycare. They struggled to provide for multiple children. Not that Erin Paine has to work, but just imagine if she had to and had that many children in daycare. I wonder if they've given any thought to what would happen if Chad suddenly couldn't work? As a parent, you need to plan for those worst-case scenarios. Having a house full of cute little kids is one thing. Having no salary and having that full house is quite another.

    3. How do they support them? Is Chad working?

    4. By working and earning money.

    5. Chad probably doesn't work, there's no mention of him ever going to work. He must survive on youtube proceeds. Not sure if that's best for the kids. A lot of adult kids who grew up on youtube now say it was really bad for them. Maybe he should go back to carpentry?

    6. So, did Chad not receive any inspiration from his Dad or his remarkable grandfather (see Erin’s recent interview of him). He is a talented carpenter and seems to have a loving patient character; but no further education.

    7. Who owns Paine Construction then if he doesn’t work? I know for a fact they talk about him working and his company at times on the show and also on their website in their devotionals. Many people who post comments on here don’t know the Lord Jesus or anything about Him and don’t realize that what the poster that was talking about the Lord taking care of food, clothing and essential needs is referring to Him taking care of His children. The ones who have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior and have faith and trust in Him that He will supply all their needs no matter what. Just as Chad and Erin and the Bates family do. He still expects us to work and do our part but we can’t, as the song says, do anything without Him holding our hands and helping us.

    8. He gave/sold Paine construction to Erin's brothers. I guess he lives off youtube.

  21. Only love going out to y’all!! God is so good and His blessings are great! Those children are going to remember growing up in a home full of love and togetherness, it being ‘cramped’

    1. A teenage girl who can't get any privacy will definitely remember being cramped.

    2. Once upon a time before we were all so spoiled and entitled siblings not only shared a bedroom but often the bed. We all survived just fine.

    3. 8:21 Are you SURE about that?

    4. She has no idea whether "we all survived just fine." She is talking about millions of people. I imagine some did and some didn't, but most yearned for more privacy than they had.

    5. It’s well known; back in the day large families couldn’t afford lots of beds; so a bunch slept in one bed.

    6. It's well-known that they did so. It's not well-known how it went, whether some kids were unhappy, whether they slept well, whether they longed for their own space.

  22. Happy Mother's DAY to you too.

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  23. Are they still a part of IBLP? I recall that both their fathers were among the organization's hierarchy. I'll be watching the upcoming Amazon documentary about IBLP and the Duggars.

    1. Gil Bates is on the board of directors of IBLP. I hope that documentary exposes everything...

    2. Nope. Erin and Chad left some years back due to the sexual allegations against Gothard. If I recall correctly, they seperated immediately and went public with their decision to leave.

    3. It seems that when any couple have"alot" of kids, people tend to immediately wonder if the couple is IBLP. "Alot" is relative, but I suppose if the number is above average, which is 2-3 kids, then one could say that could be considered "alot" of kids. For me personally I think 5 kids is officially "alot". I looked back on my 20 plus years of life and have come up with 31 women I personally knew or knew of who have had anywhere from 5-15 kids! 6 moms had 5 each. 8 mom's had 6 each. 5 mom's had 7 each. 4 mom's had 8 each. 1 had 10. 2 had 11. 3 had 12. 1 had 13 and 1 had 15 kids! Out of those 31 families, only ONE family was part of IBLP. The rest were Lutheran, catholic, reformed, baptist, Nazarine, evangelical and Mennonite. 3 of these women (moms of the 11, 13 and 15) had their kids during the Great Depression. They successfully managed to feed, clothe and house their families. So saying a couple is financially irresponsible for having "alot" of kids is not a solid argument. Two of those women were my great grandmothers and to have managed to raise their large families in such economically poor times should be praised not criticized. To wrap it up: having "alot" of kids was not Gothard's idea.

    4. @ 6:05 Don't get me started on The Great Depression.... My mother was in the foster care system during that time and people took foster kids in just for the money they could get from the state. My mother was horribly abused during that time by families who had no interest in kids other than for the money. It wasn't all sweetness back then, and not all women wanted all the pregnancies they ended up with. When "the pill" was finally approved, it was a blessing for a lot of families, even Catholic ones who were done listening to what Rome had to say about family size. I know because I lived those years and remember well. Also, you can't compare "Grandma's" time to now because a lot more families back then lived in rural areas, on farms, and could somehow manage to feed "one more mouth" with what they raised or grew. But they often neglected or postponed important things like health insurance, schooling, dental care, doctor care, eye care, and so on. Most families these days do not live on farms, and having more children is a burden on the household budget in many ways. Parents should realize this before increasing family size, or it is irresponsible. Re Gothard - IBLP does want women to have large families - it's all part of their submissiveness to their husbands and to God.

    5. Both the Bates and Duggar families appear to be deeply involved with IBLP. It stands to reason that since Gil is on the board of directors that most if not all of his children are still associated with the group.

    6. If all those families had adopted 2-3 kids, what a blessing it would have been. We are commanded to help widows and orphans. They could still have had many biological children as well. I dont understand religious people who ignore this important commandment. For that matter, how are Erin and Chad helping widows and orphans? Because if they were, it would be in their youtube channel, for sure.

    7. @6:05 Historically, many women ended up have a big family because of a lack of birth control being available. They certainly demonstrated fortitude in enduring the hardships that came with it, but I would bet a lot of them would have gladly taken a pill to prevent yet another pregnancy. After my great-grandmother's ninth child, she took to sleeping in another room with the door locked.
      Here's the thing with Gothard and similar religions that advocate relentless childbearing- they actually preach that contraception is a sin. That's coercion of the worst kind, as pregnancy and childbirth come with inherent risks to the health, life and well-being of a woman. No woman should feel pressured to have any kids at all, let alone an army of them.

    8. To all birth control advocates....quit telling us to stop having children. If we have no right to tell you to have more then you have no right to tell us to stop. The Bible does NOT teach us to have as many children as possible. THAT is Gothard's idea. God merely wants us to trust Him with how many children we have. The Bible teaches us that the womb is completely in His control. Just because someone doesn't use birth control does NOT mean they are going to get swamped with kids, and God promised He would not give us more than we could handle. For some reason, He gave Gil and Kelly Jo 19 kids (and their testimony as to why had Gothard nowhere in it by the way). The average woman in the Bible had 5-8 kids. Some only had one or two. But that was God's choice. Not theirs. BTW, birth control methods have been around for millenia, so please stop treating it as some modern thing.

    9. God doesn't give you more kids than you can handle? Then why did Gil & Kelly need Jim Bob Duggar to provide them with a larger house and a TV show? God wasn't providing fast enough?

    10. Of course people have a right to tell you to stop. Did you want the government to intervene to control people's speech? That's not my kind of government. Just ignore them if you don't like what they have to say. In the USA, we have the benefit of freedom of speech!

    11. Okay fine then quit getting so mad when we say bc is wrong. Certainly the government has no right to tell us we can't preach for or against bc but between individuals do you know how discouraging it is to get negative remarks every time we announce a pregnancy? It's a pregnancy announcement! A new life, a new daughter/son, a new grandbaby. Not something so devastating that it calls for sympathy. Good grief. And no you don't have the right to TELL us to stop. You can say you think bc is a good idea but you can't order us to stop having kids just like we can't order you to stop using bc. This is not a freedom of speech issue it's an issue of what to us is our way of pursuing life, liberty and happiness and no one can stop us from doing that!

    12. @11:55 Prior to the Pill, none of the available methods were as effective as women desired. Many were messy, awkward to use, and ineffective. There was also a long period of time when the making and sale of contraception in this country was a federal crime. (Read up on the Comstock Act of 1873). The Pill was a huge technological advance because it was simple to use, highly effective, and could be taken anytime, anywhere and without anyone else knowing. No method in previous centuries had ever achieved that level of effectiveness, privacy and female control.

  24. Erin is a great mom and does great with her kids. She is the one I would think would have a large family. Hope she has a son for Carson. God bless.

  25. They're well on their way to having their desired 10 children.

  26. Even if Erin has a boy, Carson will be nearly 9 years older than he is. They won't grow up together. They will have very different interests.

    1. Im 11 years older then my brother and we have many similar interests and we did grow up together. Come on. Carson and baby will be in the same house. Plus they're homeschooled so that will keep them together versus being in different classes at public school.

    2. This baby won't be ready for homeschooling for 6 years--it's not even born yet. Carson will be almost graduated. He'll probably be out of the hose most of the time, working with his dad. Of course, they'll know each other, but it won't be the same sibling friendship that Hollie and Everly have. Erin had wanted a companion brother/friend for Carson, to wrestle with and climb trees, but I think it's too late for that.

    3. That may be true in small families, but believe me- large family culture just hits different. They'd be good friends! I'm very close to my siblings, even though some are up to 15 years younger.

    4. When you have a brother 9 years younger, it's more like a parent/child relationship, with the older taking care of the younger one--driving him to get ice cream or teaching him to ride a bike. It's very different than siblings close in age!

    5. @4:54 I don't think there are any hard and fast rules about families, big or small. I came from a large family and we all started drifting apart once we started having our own families and our parents passed away. Religious conflict has been a big issue, as some family members are evangelicals and think it's their job to save the rest of us heathens! The pandemic also brought more division.

    6. 4:44, that's just not true. My younger sister and I are 8 years apart, and while I got to, and enjoyed, doing things with her like helping her get dressed or whatever, I was still just the big sister. My mom was still very much her mom.

  27. I’m curious as to where these church families are they spoke about as to the reason they moved to Florida??? Also, is Chad’s business up and running?

  28. I live about 20 miles away from Brooksville, FL, where Erin and Chad currently live. Brooksville is a conservative family-focused community with many churches. I'm sure it will be no problem for them to find a Church Family.

  29. Chad worked he worked with Josies husband for awhile and with the girls at the shop

  30. I thought Erin and Chad live near DeLand, not Brooksville. I, too, am familiar with this part of Florida. I lived 20 minutes from Brooksville myself. Please update if they found a home not near DeLand. thank you.

  31. When I see these Bates videos, I now think of "Shiny Happy People". As with the Duggars, if it looks too good to be true, it's a safe bet that it is. I think this social media promotion for money is just asking for trouble and they should learn from the experience of their good friends.

    1. I wonder why the Bates family wasn’t included in the documentary?

    2. @3:00 They may have been approached, but declined to participate... just like JimBob and Michelle.

    3. They could have been included without being interviewed. The family’s ties to IBLP are well-documented.

  32. What a miracle ! They must be over the moon to have another baby after Erin was told it was very unlikely for her to get pregnant ever again ! She may be incredibly fertile because that's two babies since she was left with half an ovary ! I wish her a smooth pregnancy and delivery.

  33. The last update to Paine Constructions instagram was two years ago! It's clear it has closed.

  34. praying for a safe and healthy pregnancy!


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