
Thursday, June 22, 2023

Lake Day with the Bates

It's no secret that the Bates love the lake. Some of the family members recently met up for boating and swimming, and you can watch footage of their day on Carlin and Evan's YouTube channel (video link below). 

The first half of the video details a big purchase that the Stewarts' recently made...a new car. They purchased a Tesla, which is Evan's dream car and also the same brand of vehicle that Katie and Travis Clark have. But for the Stewarts, this purchase wasn't all about fulfilling a dream. Carlin was told by her doctor that she is likely close to being cleared to drive again, and Teslas have fantastic auto pilot features, in case Carlin were to black out. Evan explains that this will give him piece of mind when Carlin is driving.

Video: Bates Family Lake Day and Evan's Dream Car


  1. Going green? Good for them. I wish I could afford a Tessla.

  2. Wait, you have to have a Tesla in case you black out behind the wheel? Something wrong with that logic.

    1. I agree. I thought there was some sort of time you had to be free of blackouts before you could drive.

    2. Yes, if there is a chance she may "black -out" behind the wheel, she should NOT be driving at all. A Tesla is not designed for her health issues. She could be a danger to the innocent folks around her. I am surprised at the lack of awareness in this family.

    3. 7:49 It doesn't surprise me. Kelly and Gil seem unaware of a lot of things themselves. Why would they have raised children any differently. I agree that a Tesla should not be depended on as a medical device. My friend blacked out behind the wheel (pre-Tesla days) and that's how they found out she had a brain tumor. Thank goodness she wasn't driving fast and she only hit a parked car. But the cops gave her a breathalyzer test because they could see she wasn't acting normally. When she got to the hospital, they did imaging and found the tumor. She was not allowed to drive again, ever. But her first sign of anything wrong was blacking out and having a crash! Scary to think someone is depending on a Tesla to prevent that.

  3. So glad that Carlin is doing better. Prayers still going up for a full recovery.

  4. I loved watching Season 11 of Bringing Up Bates. I do hope they will make new seasons after watching this last one.

    1. Do you mind sharing where you were able to see season 11? I've been trying to find it but haven't yet.

    2. Do you mind sharing where you were able to see Season 11. I've been looking but haven't found it yet. Thanks!

    3. TubiTV is a free internet service. This site has all 11 seasons of Bringing Up Bates. I have watched season 11...there are only 6 episodes that went unaired.

  5. Bummer they got a Tesla. I read an article saying that 70% of crashes involving auto driving features are Teslas. Bad decision. Sorry Evan and Carlin, thems just the facts.

  6. If you're in danger of blacking out, even if a doctor has "cleared" you, you shouldn't be behind the wheel of any car. Tesla autopilot systems do fail. That is the craziest reason for buying a Tesla I've ever hear.

    1. Agreed. Hopefully, she does not drive again anytime soon especially with her kids in the car! Additionally, I hope they got the necessary construction permits for the Tesla charger. Improperly installed chargers have been known to cause fires. They don't need their new house burning down on top of everything else they are dealing with.

    2. It is so gross how Evan calls Gil "Daddy Bates."

    3. Why do you see that as gross, 4:40? Maybe you're coloring it with something that's not there.

  7. I have not watched their video yet this week,so now I will so I can figure out if they got the Tesla used or new (probably used as it's a better deal and Travis got his used). I do hope Carlin can drive soon. Glad her seizures are better controlled with medication and living normal again.

  8. I'm just amazed at how far some of the Bates have moved away from their strict upbringing and wonder how Kelly and Gil still think raising their kids that way is beneficial. I am not saying the adult children are wrong, but that I find it surprising to see them buying new homes, expensive cars, traveling, etc, and then you have Josie posting videos of herself cleaning house in a catsuit. When they switch to pants on the honeymoon, was the the upbringing a fail?

    1. Josie looks great! Are you jealous?

    2. The upbringing didn't "fail". The children are now adults, have their own families and make their own decisions. If they want to buy nice homes and cars they are allowed to do that whithout incurring disapproval from others.

    3. I don't understand why you're so offended by them buying nice houses and cars for their families.

    4. @10:08, I'd like to know how they can afford these things. In today's economy its hard for me to grasp how young families can buy such brand new things. Do they practice frugality at all? Sometimes i wonder. My family has to save up a long time to afford new things and my dad makes a really good income. We buy most things second hand. I shake my head at these people and their endless rounds of vacations and new stuff.

    5. Why do you feel the need to concern yourself with other people's finances? I don't care how other people spend their money.

    6. @9:21 People like the Duggars and the Bates were on TV telling us how frugal they were and how that was the best lifestyle to have. And then they go and do the opposite.

    7. Anon 2:39. I know. Obviously they were only frugal because they didn't have much money. lol

    8. @10:15 Do you realize we're coming off some really good years for the stock market? Those with money made a ton more. Now they're spending it. Student loan payments were also voluntarily suspended, making some feel like they had "extra" money. "Today's economy" that you mention is still a reflection of the good times of the recent past and the bolstering effect the economic programs during Covid provided. If you think "today's economy" is hard, just wait..... This has always been a roller coaster ride with big ups followed by big downs again.

    9. The Duggar and Bates families were only "frugal" out of necessity. Once they had money that went out the window.

    10. @10:15 You forget that the Bates were on TV for years. Just one episode can bring in tens of thousands of dollars. No doubt, it was quite a lucrative endeavor, and they may have invested the money wisely for their kids. Some of them also have quite successful YouTube channels that brings in more, along with the boutique business some are involved with.

  9. Why do they have to act that way in public?

  10. I don't think it wise to rely on auto-safety features of a car if you are at risk of blacking out while driving.

    1. Agreed. Hopefully, she doesn't drive again.

  11. Seem very greedy and want new cars etc. Why worry about a baby now, focous on your health. Also a Tesla will not help her if she has a seizure. They are very child like couple.

  12. I can't imagine why any doctor would "clear" her to drive if she's still having blackouts. Doesn't matter how many safety features a car has she still poses a risk to herself, her family and other drivers on the road if she blacks out while driving.

  13. On their recent YouTube, Evan stated that he brought Layla to VSB and will volunteer and stay as Carlin was left at home to tend to a headache. I thought she couldn't be left alone and with their son too? What is her real update and status regarding her mystery illness? Does anyone know?


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