
Thursday, July 13, 2023

Another 4th at the Farm

Throwback: 4th of July 2017 at the farm

Spending 4th of July at Gil's family farm in South Carolina is a Bates family tradition. Even though many of the kids are busy with their own children and their adult lives, they still try to go back to the farm on the 4th. We have posted about the trip year after year because of how much coverage it has gotten from the Bates family and their show. A couple of the kids posted videos showing this year's festivities (links below).

4th of July Video By Carlin and Evan Stewart

4th of July Video By Trace and Lydia Bates

Photo courtesy @thebatesfam


  1. Love this tradition! I’d really like to know more about their grandparents. What did their grandfather do? Farming? I presume Jane was an at home mom. What do Gil’s siblings do for careers?

    1. Jane was a nurse, and Bill worked as an Anderson County magistrate judge for many years. I think they also owned/operated a grocery store, and they are Methodists.

  2. Nathan’s wife is so pretty . I was surprised to see how much weight he’s gained. It’s not fair to her plus it’s unhealthy. I was aghast at the tank tops, tight jeans, and bare chests lol!

    1. Pretty women should not have to be stuck with overweight men, you mean?

    2. Now tell us how you really feel? Lol

    3. Maybe she's a really good cook! Hopefully he'll take time to work on healthy habits.

    4. No young woman should have a husband who gains that much weight in a short time. Sadly, our society has become very unhealthy.

    5. The fact that any of you are discussing another person's weight says nothing about him,but it sure says a lot about you. How much do you weigh? The arrogance on here is truly unbelievable. Just because your online doesn't mean you have the right to act like a bunch of judgmental teenager's. Grow up already,and the next time you feel like commenting on someone's weight, go look in the mirror and see how you could improve instead.

    6. Well, life happens and no husband is going to be perfect. We can't go around policing and trying to correct people. It doesn't work.

    7. 7:25- A person can lose weight. It's much harder to lose a judgmental and arrogant attitude.

    8. Nothing like being a critic. It doesn't matter what they wear or how much they weigh. They're happy and having a good time. There's no "weight clause" in a marriage contract you know.

    9. Maybe Nathan is a really good cook. And eater.

    10. Nathan has been able to cook for himself as a single too.

    11. Apart of having a healthy marriage, loving one’s spouse and children is keeping yourself healthy. I’ve only been married a few years myself and I completely understand how easy it is to gain weight. It’s so easy to fall into poor eating habits and lack of exercise when you are busy starting this new chapter in life. They are obviously deeply in love with one another and his wife perhaps feels uncomfortable addressing his obesity. It’s a difficult conversation to have but if neither him nor his family face reality eventually it won’t just be a weight problem, it’ll be a cardiovascular, type II diabetes, hypertension etc problem that will eventually lead to high medical bills, too many medications, heart surgeries, missing out of beautiful family moments and eventually an untimely death. It’s sad but the truth. May G*d guide and bless them.

  3. Don't forget Travis and Katie and John and Alyssa too had clips of 4th of July at the farm. Was glad to see all 19 kids make the effort to go to South Carolina to visit Mama Jane and Papa Bill. I can see they both are getting old and soon may no longer be able to travel to Tennessee anymore to see Gil and Kelly Jo and the family, especially for I Love You Day in February.😥

    1. Michaela, Erin, and Zach were not there for the 4th of July birthday celebration.

    2. Not all 19 kids went. Zach & Whitney, Michael & Brandon, Erin & Chad were not there this year.

  4. I love the YouTube updates and love seeing these guys continue with traditions. God bless you all.

  5. hi Ellie, could you do me a favor? I'd do this on Trace and Lydia youtube channel but i dont have a youtube account. Let them know that they should find out if her placenta is the right size for this time in pregnancy. If its too small maybe its restricting Ryker's growth. Sometimes a placenta will not grow with the baby.

  6. Well, from the looks of Alyssa, Carlin and Katie's YouTubes, their households have gotten sick from attending this event. I would think that Alyssa would not have traveled to it with such a young newborn; Carlin is never home and taking care of her family and of herself; Katie seems to still be dealing with a kidney stone; etc. Why does most of this family seem to think that "go go go" is the way to stay interesting and exciting?

    1. You mean why do they want to spend time with family, especially family who lives out of town? If it were my family, the great memories made would far outweigh the sickness. You can get sick in your hometown too, you know.

    2. With a family this huge, somebody's always bound to be sick at one time or another and kids tend to be little Petri dishes. This was their annual July 4th birthday celebration for the grandfather and I can see why they want to spend time with their aging grandparents, who are experiencing health issues.

    3. Where's the Pro Life if you're sick around babies, toddlers, and pregnant women?

    4. 11:38, are you really comparing passing germs unknowingly to willfully killing a baby?


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