
Monday, July 3, 2023

Assumptions about the Websters

This is an interesting watch, if you have a few minutes. Alyssa and John Webster respond to some of the assumptions that fans have about them and the way they live (video link below). Would they have 10 kids if morning sickness wasn't an issue? Do they argue in front of their kids? Do they make their three older daughters look after Maci? The Websters address those assumptions and more. If you enjoy the clip, Katie and Travis Clark filmed a similar video about assumptions last fall.

Video: Assumptions about Alyssa and John Webster


  1. Hopefully Alyssa will be able to get pregnant again, but if not that’s still okay since there’s always additional nieces and nephews as well as the children they already have and love that are growing up.

    1. She already has five kids and has had health issues. Additionally, she had very rough pregnancies. Why would you want her to suffer even more than she already had?

    2. She already has five children, why would she want MORE?

    3. Why? No disrespect, however, it is a personal decision

    4. Alyssa will get pregnant again if she wants. But, she has wanted a boy from the get-go. Maybe now that she has Rhett she will be content

    5. Kinda rude to ask why she would want more. That's their choice to make.

    6. I think she clearly stated she doesn’t want anymore children. Rhett was a surprise baby. And then you’ve got poor Michaela over here, trying to have a baby for years, all the while, watching her sisters pump out babies. I really hope Michaela can have a baby. She’s been watching her sisters have multiple babies. And then you have Erin, who thought she couldn’t have any more, then she gets surprised pregnant. I’m sorry, if I was Michaela, I would be like, what?

    7. What’s the assumptions? I just watch their youtube videos. I know people aren’t as perfect as they seem.

  2. Neddy constant
    Happy 4th of July the
    Bates family & Everyone
    Time 11:55PM Tues 7/4/23

  3. Never gave direct answers or avoided answers.One comment do they ever fight no. Get real

    1. Agree with this comment, i thought the same thing. They never really gave answers to any of the questions. I didn't even watch till the end.

    2. I have NO "assumptions" about these people so I don't bother with their videos.

    3. Well, they admitted they have disagreements - just that they don't have "knockout dragouts" as John worded it. That might very well be true. My husband and I haven't had an actual "fight" since we got married 1 1/2 years ago - and supposedly my inlaws have never had a one in 30 years of marriage. That doesn't mean there have never been disagreements or conflicts; just that they haven't been handled by way of a shouting match, haha. In my own marriage, we have been blessed to know how to address small issues in a calm and humble manner before they become big.

    4. I know a couple who claim they haven't had a fight in over 40 years. This was largely achieved by ignoring things and refusing to talk about what's really bothering them, because otherwise it would get too ugly... Skating on thin ice if you ask me.

    5. I've been married 11 years, and we never fight. Disagree, sure. Fighting with your spouse is sin, and unnecessary. Talk things through!

    6. I think what constitutes fighting is very subjective. What some call fighting others call a disagreement. Now my hubby and I ( married many decades) have had some no holds barred fights...never physical...but definitely what would be called fights. It’s life. You get it out and move on.

  4. Why would anyone believe anything they say? After all in one of their other Q and A’s they “joked” about how they deceived fans about having their first kiss at the alter, but years later said they actually “made out” all the time.

    1. @3:10. I completely agree. I remember watching that Q &A and thinking “ you all just lied for the cameras...”.

    2. I remember that too. It saddened me as I thought what a poor witness. All those story lines about chaperones, purity, saving your first kiss for marriage. I guess they were truly just *ahem* stories after all.

    3. Yep. I saw that one too. Was waiting for some noses to start growing.

    4. I think they just put out a lot of stuff to make themselves look good and then every once in a while the truth comes out. Of course they have fights no matter what they call them as they're two different people with different views on some matters.

    5. Reality TV! The least “real” thing on TV.

    6. I wonder how John and Alyssa justified lying? They were laughing about it so I guess it was funny to them they got away with pulling the wool over the eyes of their. fans. I don’t have a problem with some physical affection prior to marriage. But that was not what they publicly proclaimed.

    7. LOL@4:16!! I doubt Alyssa and John were the only couple that shared a few stolen kisses before marriage. The only reason, and it’s a big reason, that it’s an issue is because of the lying.

    8. I never watched the Bates as a guide for a personal moral compass so I don’t care if they “made out all the time” prior to marriage. But, I do care about people laughing about their deception. As the saying goes “fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me”.

    9. I've always thought the Bates and Duggars spent too much time "polishing their halos" to be very credible" as role models.

    10. Most of the adult married couples admitted to kissing before marriage.

  5. So the "courting" couples kissed before marriage?...where, in front of their chaperones? I doubt they were truly chaperoned when the cameras were turned off. This is just plain deception on their part. The Bates parents need to really sit down and tell the truth for once.

  6. I’m sure they are great people from what I gather. But, I had to get off Facebook because it’s just a bunch of narcissists and vanity. These days are sad, it’s all about, look at me and my life. And everyone is living on credit. Me and my husband paid off all our debts, and we aren’t in the nicest house, but our house is paid off.


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