
Sunday, July 23, 2023

Nails By Chad and Carson

What do you do when you have four daughters? You learn how to pamper them and make them feel loved. Chad set up an at-home salon for his girls, and sweet little Carson was eager to help. The video footage from this special day is sure to make you say, "aww!" 

Video: Chad Paine's Day Spa


  1. I know they make a lot of money showcasing their lives. But, some things should be kept private, such as a little boy learning to polish his sisters toes and fingers. Before anyone jumps all over me with the “he’s learning to be such a good husband someday”.. well those are his sisters....can anyone honestly say as Carson enters his teen years he’s going to want video’s of him doing “spa day” for his sisters in cyber world?

    1. I totally agree!

    2. At 13, he'll be so embarrassed to have that video up there. Embarrassed and angry.

    3. If he's comfortable in his own skin he won't mind one bit my dear. Now go live your own life and don't concern yourself with other people's lives.

    4. @12:31. Your comment was a bit harsh toward the OP. How many teens do you know who are “comfortable in their own skin”? And, Erin and Chad have CHOSEN to put their lives and their children’s lives on YouTube for the very intention of making money for viewers to be involved/concerned with the goings on within their daily lives. That’s the whole point.

    5. 12:31 People are concerned that exposure on social media can pose harm to children- if not immediate, certainly down the road. There are nefarious elements out there who pirate videos and photos for criminal purposes. There's also the simple truth that privacy is being compromised and kids don't understand the ramifications. Furthermore, the Bates are known for their "pro-life" stance and protecting every embryo, even if it isn't theirs. It's troubling that they don't extend this same concern when it comes to exploiting minor children on social media.

    6. 2:09 Do you honestly think any of the Bates are going to change their lives because of what some stranger said on here? Your giving yourself and others wayyyy too much credit. Also the Bates kids and their children seem very comfortable in their own skins regardless of their ages. I don't think the women who run this site had the intentions of having people come on here and pick the family apart. Think about that and how you would feel if this was happening to you and your children.

    7. Anon 11:10. That's the problem, exactly. By putting their young family on social media, Paines have opened the door to "picking the family apart." They've created the situation. They've also opened the door to polite criticism, as we see here. It is great the blog owners allow discussion about important issues such as this.

  2. Erin WANTS her little children on the internet? How is that good parenting?

    1. It's her choice. You can have your own opinion, but we shouldn't be judgmental. I'm sure, especially with the older children she gives them a choice as to weather they want to be on the internet.

    2. I agree. I wouldn’t want my children and their private moments plastered around for a bunch of strangers to view. I mean, to each their own, but with the way the world is today I would never do it. It’s too dangerous.

    3. 7:12 Children are not aware of the potential ramifications of social media and their privacy being compromised. Anything going out into cyberland will stay indefinitely.

    4. @11:14am. I have no comment to the comment you made about mine. I know you're just trying to fight me on about it and that every commenter on this website can’t have a respect towards anything I say. It’s sad that we choose to ridicule other comments. I’m sick and tired of being treated this way.

    5. The kids can't give informed consent. They don't know about the evil people out there, They don't know the internet is forever. They probably don't know the internet at all, other than a few childrens' site. Carson has no idea what it is like to be an adolescent, and how he'll feel about having images of his participation in "spa day" for his sisters. Once those images are out there, they can never be taken back. I think Chad and Erin should re-think what they are doing. Is a few bucks worth it?

  3. I watched it.. It was cute!

  4. Such a great dad you are Chad!!!!

  5. I hope the girls got to do Chad and Carson's nails! Little girls love to do nails!

  6. Who cares. Why does everyone pay for the bates on utube? That is why bates really work and are always on vacation. Everyone has babies and weddings. They are not special.

    1. I agree. However it's their choice so we shouldn't be judgmental.

    2. Then why are you reading the posts about them if you think so lowly of them?

    3. @12:33 It's good to look at things you don't agree with, to remind yourself of your own values.

    4. You don't have to pay to subscribe to their videos. They make money through ad revenue and the number of views they get.

  7. It’s wise to teach your sons a skill. Maybe Carson will own his own nail salon someday.

    1. Actually, nail salon operators can do quite well, financially. Wouldn't be a bad choice, if it's something he enjoys.

  8. I love watching this family and how much they enjoy doing things together. Just pure joy. Refreshing in today's world. You have a choice to see the beauty in it,or make it into something negative. I prefer to see the positive. 😊

    1. I agree 100%. Even if you someone doesn’t agree with anything, we can still learn to respect whatever that may be.

  9. I enjoy watching this family and was glad to see the final season come out recently. I love to watch the Paine's and agree with most of their values. I pray that God bless them and that they continue to do their best to serve Him as they serve others. Enjoyed seeing Chad be a good Daddy and so glad that he is training Carson to be considerate of others.

  10. I personally think this family is a tremendous example of Christian love for God and for family. Thank you all for sharing your lives with us all these years.


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