
Monday, August 28, 2023

Lydia Bates' Induction Date

Lydia Bates is approaching her due date with Ryker Bates. Baby boy is measuring small, but the doctor is concerned about possible placenta deterioration and has decided that the birth needs to take place on the early side. For that reason, Lydia will be induced at 38 weeks, on September 12th in the early morning. Expectant parents Trace and Lydia share the details in their most recent YouTube video (link below).

Trace and Lydia Bates: 35-Week Baby Update


  1. And this isn't the first grandchild born two weeks early this year, Hailey,Rhett and Lily were all born two weeks early,and baby William will be born early too although probably more as Erin usually gets induced three to four weeks early.

  2. I feel like she has been pregnant forever!

  3. They’re doing the right thing. It sounds like they have a good doctor and if there’s any chance the placenta won’t be nourishing the baby, he’ll be better taken care of if they have him early. Thirty eight weeks is not that early anyway. I had my second child at 37 weeks and all turned out great.

  4. 38 weeks isn’t that early, thankfully. Ryker should be very healthy.

  5. Praying 🙏 for a healthy, safe and easy delivery. Also, prayers for a healthy mom and baby.

  6. Doctors consider 38 weeks full term. Obviously the baby is fine if they are still waiting over two weeks to deliver.

  7. After reading the other comments and hearing that it's not unusual to be induced early,I feel better and not so worried for them. Thank you for sharing your experiences. 🙂

  8. 38 weeks is full term.

  9. My Mom always went into labor at 38 weeks. That's not too early at all.

  10. Watched their video and they sound excited and ready and not as nervous for being first time parents. Coming from big families,Trace and Lydia seem well educated on labor and delivery stuff more than a first time set of parents would be(thanks to having wise and seasoned mom's and siblings on Trace's side give their advice).

    1. They've admitted to being blindsided by a couple things now, actually. Drs. don't have enough time to communicate nearly enough with first time parents. This was clearly on display here!

  11. Sounds a bit scary. I hope everything turns out well.

  12. That's my birthday! Great day to be born. Congrats to them.

  13. 38 weeks is completely normal. If there was real concern, there wouldn't be a two-week wait

  14. Now this is nice to see! Not one mean comment! Awesome!

  15. These two young people don't seem ready for a baby right now. They are still both inexperienced in life and in their marriage. I wish they would have waited until they grew up a bit. You can see on their videos that they both are scared, really, of the responsibility of a baby. I think they may have been pushed into it by "you know who". Nothing wrong in waiting a bit and using protection. I wish little Ryker the best.

    1. Um weird. Didn't you watch their vid explaining how they were gonna wait but changed their minds? No one pushed them into anything. It was there choice. And pardon but if they're married they're mature enough to have kids.

  16. All the young Bates couples seem to be ready for babies. Heaven knows the Bates, spouses have experienced family life. I wish them all well. They are so wholesome in the world that is anything but.

    1. I agree. With all that help and support, they will do fine with Ryker.

  17. Sunny@2:56 I think it's important to take what you see on YouTube family videos with a grain of salt. Just like TV, a lot goes on when the cameras aren't rolling and they're editing the videos in a way to present themselves as "wholesome".


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