
Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Ryker Bates' Birth Story

It has been exactly two weeks since Ryker Cruise Bates' birth. In addition to adjusting to life with a newborn, Trace and Lydia have also been dealing with a very difficult and emotional situation, as Lydia and her family are facing possible deportation in the coming weeks. The new parents still took the time to post part one of their birth story. 

Trace and Lydia Bates: Our Birth Story (Part 1)


  1. I watched the video. Congratulations to them and may God bless them. Can’t wait for part two. Ryker is adorable and obviously so loved. Praying for this family. 🙏🩷

  2. I'm growing a bit weary of the Romeike family saga. They don't do anything that makes sense to me. Why didn't Lydia apply for permenant status here immediately after marrying Trace? Instead they did nothing and she's about to be deported.

    1. When our friend married an American, he had to return to his home country to apply for permanent status. It took nine months of being apart from his wife, and $8,000. It was finally granted, and he could return to the US.

    2. She did apply. And has an immigration attorney.

  3. Lydia did a great job going through labor and delivery. She was a trooper thanks to having the support of her husband Trace,Mama B. and Josie with her almost the whole time. Glad her mom and older brother and his wife came for a little while to show support too. Praying Lydia and her family don't get deported back to Germany. I recently signed a petition from the homeschool group that supports the Romeike family to show support for them to stay and the Biden Administration and ICE sign a document giving them to permission. You ladies should find it and post it in the blog for those interested in signing it.

  4. This family came here from Germany and asked for asylum to homeschool their children. They were allowed to stay until all the children they brought with them turned 18. Now they're out of gas and need to go home. If Lydia wants to stay here, she needs to apply for residency. Beats me why she didn't do so when she married Trace.

  5. Trace is so funny when talking about Ryker's head shape when he was born. Sooooo funny

  6. Considering the current angst, I'd say the Romeikes (including Lydia) weren't very forthcoming about their immigration status to the Bates. Lydia should have applied for permanent residency as soon as she married Trace, then she wouldn't be facing deportation.

    1. They have always been forth coming and complied , they said every year they did what they were supposed to. Don't be rude

    2. I agree. Same with her brother Josh when he married his American wife Hannah.

    3. That would be a comment for the previous page about her and her family facing deportation. This page is about their birth story.

  7. I think as the minor children became adults in their own right, they should have started the process of becoming citizens themselves. Certainly, you don't complicate the situation by getting married and having children before your own status is above board. Sadly this family has created their own situation. A petition will not and does not change the immigration laws of the United States. KellyJo, who is college educated should know this. Why is she showing ignorance of our own laws? Lydia needs to step up and clean up her own mess quickly. Not the fault of the government. Why didn't her parents move for citizenship soon after they got here?

    1. Lydia did start the process of citizenship and was waiting on the court to open up the case again. That hasn't happened yet.

    2. I mean, one could argue that a lot of people actually get married to get citizenship...

    3. Totally agree. If Lydia wanted to get married and have children here, then she needed to start that process as soon as she became an adult. Now I hear the family is complaining to Glen Beck about this situation. It's just common sense to secure your right to stay here when you marry a US citizen. I'm not sure why that didn't happen.

    4. And what's your opinion on the millions the Democrats have let in the last few years? Following laws?

  8. There’s talk about deporting this family but all the other illegals are welcomed in 😡

    1. 5:52 The family was allowed in too, like anyone crossing the border. Now whether or not anyone, no matter how they came, is going to be allowed to stay and for how long, that's a different matter. This family has made a case out of themselves and now their decision has been made.

    2. Right - what changed that these productive members of society who went to the US government for asylum have to leave?

  9. Congrats on the birth of little Ryker. I pray that God will bless, keep and guide him all the days of his life.

  10. A good Germany name from a country of educated people. Please have Kelly train Lydia in Nursing the new baby

  11. Praying for all go well fot Lydia and family. Please don't forget this country was made by immigrants from all over the world. You may have 3or 7 generations here now but your roots started elsewhere. We're melting pot of people. I wish that all immigrants that are here Now and have been here now get amnesty and are able work pay us citizens get paid. Who do you think builders use to make houses, restaurants use to cook your food etc.. it's OK turn blind eye to that and they makes less us citizens. Come on to be a true God loving Christian you sound ex president bring back racism and moving our country backwards instead of forward. Think about that.


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