
Friday, September 29, 2023

Update on Lydia's Family

The Bates family continues to pray for a very imminent situation involving Lydia (Romeike) Bates and her family. As we recently shared, Lydia’s family has been suddenly ordered to prepare for deportation. Her parents, Uwe and Hannelore Romeike, have seven children. This deportation even includes their two married children, whose spouses are Americans. Thus, it would affect Trace, Lydia, Ryker, and the entire Bates family greatly. The Romeikes are Germans who have been living in the United States legally for 15 years.

Uwe was a guest on The Glenn Beck Program on September 28th. Those interested can listen on Apple Podcasts or on the Blaze Media website. The interview starts at 1:25. The petition referred to by Glenn Beck can be found on the HSLDA website.


  1. They might not get deported.

  2. I am very confused. Why have the two children who married American citizens not applied for citizenship or visas? Lydia and Trace have been married for about 2 years right? Why would she be getting deported?

    1. they have applied, months ago.

  3. So is Lydia applying for her green card? I don't see that complaining to Glen Beck is going to help resolve the problem.

    1. Yes she is. She began the process with a lawyer months ago!

  4. Maybe they can pray that their favorite political party will not get their act together this weekend and will cause a government shutdown, including the immigration courts, buying the family more time. Forget the furloughs and the military not being paid on time - this is about one family getting what they want.

  5. If they are here legally, they should not be SO worried about having to go back to their home country. Stay here fine, but become a a citizen of the USA. Again more to this story than being told.Did they overstay there welcome?

    1. They have been here legally the whole time. They always did what they were required to do. They continued to do that but were told they would be deported. They have two kids who are minors and are American citizens. If they go back to Germany with those kids, it is still illegal to homeschool them. They still have the same wishes to stay int he US because of that.

    2. 5:17, read 1:51's statement right below

  6. This family spends too much time complaining and not enough doing what they need to do to stay here. They apparently were granted an "indefinite" visit. They didn't seem to understand that meant they were guests in the country and could be told to leave at any time. When Lydia and her brother married US citizens, their first order of business should have been to secure their right to stay here permanently. That's what everyone else I've ever known has done. I have no sympathy for them in the situation they created for themselves.

  7. There's something going on with this family we're not being told. They came here years ago and made the rounds of conservate groups with stories of how badly they were treated in Germany. Two of them married US citizens and have made no known effort to apply for green cards and/or US citizenship. Now they're asking for prayer and circulating a petition to stay here. It simply doesn't add up IMO.

    1. Efforts have been made about getting Lydia citizenship. Watch their video. It isn’t a quick, simple process.

    2. They have so applied for citizenship. Haven't you been watching Trace and Lydia's videos? They have been working with an immigration lawyer for months. Plus read some articles about their unique case. The family has been trying but our legal system STINKS!

    3. Sorry to have to say this, but should get educated about this situation before making comments like this. They have been in the process of getting Visas and/or an American citizen for years. Unfortunately it takes years.. and that’s without all the government shut downs and Covid bringing things to an halt. Even after Covid and the government workers came back often less than half staff so things are even slower than ever.

    4. @10:46 Well too bad, they didn't get citizenship, so there's only one thing left to do, go home. Not such a terrible thing. Eighty-three million Germans can't be all wrong about that country.

  8. In the light of what is going on at our border, I find it really mind boggling that this family who came legally is now such a threat that they have got to be deported. We have people illegally invading our border except for people from Europe hmmm. and Europe is dealing with illegals invading them also hmmmm, I'm picking up a theme here. No illegals invading the African continent, or the Asian continent or the South American continent, only passing through to get to us the USA. We now have illegals spread out all over our country by the millions, but the Romeike family who didn't break into our country have to go? There is clearly something deviant going on and America needs to wake up and elect leaders that love America and who don't sell us out like this.

    1. 100%. They have done what they had to do every year and paid taxes. They have come here and worked. I imagine they don’t vote democrat so are no use to the current administration. That is why they don’t care to send them back.

    2. AMEN!!! Well said 3:35!!!!

    3. "I'm trying to stay here forever without being a citizen, but I pay my taxes!" is not a legitimate reason to be allowed to stay.

    4. It’s crazy how so many negatives comments about a family who came here legally, worked and paid taxes, but mention NOTHING about the millions slipping, walking, climbing over the border to illegally enter. And many bringing drugs and sex trafficking with them..I hate the politics regardless the side ppl choose! The red tape is ridiculous. This Government needs to change the restrictions, do background checks, and greatly sped up the process for good people to enter the US legally. I signed the petition! After 15 yrs here, it should be an easy fix.

  9. Signed the petition and continuing to pray to them. 🙏

  10. Thank you Lilly and Ellie for sharing this information. I found and signed that petition a week ago and pray others sign it to be a help to the Romeike family.🙏

  11. Doesn't make sense with all the massive illegal immigration going on 🤔👎😟

  12. Hmmmm 🤔 yet the Democrats have allowed millions to enter illegally in the last few years

    1. Time to drop that argument. Illegals enter the country no matter who's in the Oval Office. Things started getting worse in the 70's. And I remember before that, it was Cuba and the Caribbean that was the source in the 50's and 60's.

    2. This family probably doesn’t vote democrat so they are no use to the administration. They aren’t a drain on our taxes, work, and pay taxss. So, they get the boot.

    3. @12:56 Don't you realize that the government is actually transporting the illegals to wherever they want to go in this country and that they are actually using national park land to house them? The immigration issue at the borer is way worse now then it was in previous administrations. And its BECAUSE of Biden's lax approach. He doesn't care.

    4. Trump shut the border once he can do it again

    5. Anon 12:56 it is a legitimate argument! Why in the world would 2.8 million people ( not counting the ones who werent caught) breaking into our country this very year be ok with you? The border states are being absolutely overrun with illegals from all over the world. The border agents have never seen anything like this. This is a national crisis and a threat to the sovereignty of our Country. There has never been this many people breaking into our country in all of our history! To act like its no big deal is foolish and dangerous to us American citizens!

    6. @10:19 I don't know... Maybe there are people out there who want to see other people in the world have freedom from oppression. Maybe there's the realization that unless you're a Native American, then you're an immigrant too. The first ones walked onto the shores and across borders without any permission then seized land, so they were no better. Or maybe it's because some people value human life more than others, and want everyone to have a chance. God forbid you ever find yourself in a desperate situation where you have to flee your country. Which border would you head for, north or south? Wouldn't you expect to find help there?

    7. Anon 12:32 So because centuries ago this nation was taken over just like all nations were taken over at one time or another, we now have to give up our sovereignty and let all the world break into our nation? We have laws for asylum seeking and we have laws against breaking into our nation. The military age men coming by the millions are not coming because they are under severe persecution and we know this because the women and children aren't with them. Men fight for their women and children. Try breaking into the other nation s of the world and see what happens. We have the same right as other nations to preserve our traditions, laws and sovereignty. If you are so guilt ridden because of what happened centuries ago then go back to where your ancestors lived.

    8. 12:32 Illegal aliens who are truly fleeing oppression do not cut across other nations to break into America. The rule is when you are fleeing oppression you seek refuge in the first country you get to. Don't make excuses for this invasion. You said some people value life more then others, if that's the case then defending people who are bypassing other nations to break into our nation is not the right cause to try and defend, but defending a baby in the womb even up to the day of birth who is about to be murdered would make s a lot more sense since you said you value life and that everyone should have a chance. Maybe put your passion and energy into a real issue that would save millions of American lives.

  13. I'm not sure why they wore out their welcome, but they should comply with the order. Immigration deports spouses who are in the country illegally all the time and I doubt they'll make an exception for the Bates family. Prayers, petitions and talking to Glen Beck won't fix this problem.

  14. I don't think "imminent" is the correct word. Perhaps "immediate" or "emergency"? As for the family, they should have pursued legal ways of entering the country. They are also free to move to a different european country, they don't have to go to Germany.

    1. Exactly. I don't understand why after 15 years here they weren't able to go through the proper channels to become citizens as they obviously wanted to stay here.

    2. They were in the US legally this whole time.

  15. I've signed the petition and messaged Congress. This family is in my thought and prayers.

  16. What I don’t understand is our president is allowing illegals in at the border but, Lydia’s family, who is doing it correctly, could be kicked out. We need a president who has back bone and intelligence to run this country properly. Prayers for all of you!!!

    1. This adminsitration probably feels there is no use for them. They probably wouldn’t vote for Biden, are Christians, aRen’t a drain on our taxes, work, and pay taxss.

  17. What a dilema for Lydia. Barring some last minute reprieve, she will eighter have to go back to Germany or stay here illegally.

  18. We are praying for you and your family! So sorry they are doing this to you! Please keep us posted on what we can do to help who we can call or write too!

    1. I don't think they will see your message here but you might try their YouTube or if they have Instagram you could contact them there.

  19. Please watch Trace and Lydia on YouTube explain. Many comments here would be cleared up if you went to the source.

  20. It goes to show you how messed up our government is and we are NOT the land of the free anymore!

  21. It is up to God and he made this choice. They should obey Him and return.

    1. So you're saying the government is obeying God by deporting them?

    2. 2:26 Maybe it's God's will that they go back to Germany.

  22. Their original request for asylum was based on their religious persecution claim that they weren't allowed to homeschool their kids in Germany. The kids they brought with them are now all adults, no longer requiring homeschooling. Is that why they're being deported? If they want to homeschool their American-born kids, it stands to reason they'd have to apply for asylum again. Unless they are granted citizenship, they'll be in the same pickle when those kids turn 18. I do think that the adult kids should be able to apply for and be granted citizenship in a timely manner, especially if they married Americans and have American-born kids.

    1. Yes. But one has to wonder why Lydia didn't apply for US citizenship when she married Trace.

  23. Everyone who said they couldn't understand why the Romeikes didn't try to get their green cards or citizenship OBVIOUSLY has never tried to do this, and you also didn't listen to their story. Lawyers have been working on their case for years, but it's like pulling nails to get a legitimate asylum claim approved by the United States. I know that as a Latina who loves this country. If you run the border, you can stay, but legitimate asylum claims are almost impossible to obtain.

    1. We don't know what is going on with Ldia's family but they didn't come here through the usual immigration channels. As you say requests for religious asylum aren't easy to obtain.

    2. I had a related-by-marriage family member escape from a tyrannical country and become a citizen here without any of this drama or hoopla. It can be done.

  24. I don’t understand the issue. My husband and I adopted two children from a foreign country. This was before children adopted by USA families automatically received citizenship from the USA the minute the plane landed on the USA soil. The first week I had paperwork completed along with pictures and had FedEx’d the paperwork to INS. Even though we were US citizens we had to go to INS and complete the paperwork so our children could become USA citizens. WHY did we do this? To legally protect our children in every case! We even went to court and readopted our children in the USA so no one could claim they weren’t “really” our children as the US did not have to recognize foreign court decisions. Did anyone tell me this stuff- NO, I researched it all out. So, there are steps to be taken. The minute this family landed in the USA they should have been working on making sure everything was taken care of so there was not a chance of deportment. (Yes, an adoptive child who wasn’t a USA citizen could be deported if they were in legal trouble.) Know the laws, do your research, understand what you need to do. Don’t just complain! Your lack of action should not become someone else’s problem! I am not saying I am unsympathetic to their situation but I know in these cases you have to be proactive if you don’t want problems.

    1. 5:24 My husband and I have the same story as you. Two kids adopted from another country over 25 years ago, before the policy change with citizenship. We were given explicit instructions from our international adoption agency on how to apply for their citizenship. They emphasized the fact that if it wasn't done the right way, an adopted child without proper citizenship could be drafted by the country of their birth to serve in their military.

    2. Well said. I'm not sure why Lydia's family didn't do as you did. Clearly they didn't.

  25. This family should have applied to emigrate here instead of coming here and trying to prove their rather iffy claim of "religious persecution" because the parents didn't want to send their kids to either public or private school as required by German law. All the German born children are over 18. Time for them to go home.

  26. For the love of God. They are going to Germany, which is an amazing country, which more freedom than the USA in sooooo many areas. People are in real danger in other places in the world. Those are the ones who need assylum.

  27. It was announced today that more sections of the border wall are going to be built, and by the current administration of all people. Happy, all of you who have yourselves knotted up about illegals crossing?

    1. They'll find something else wrong to complain about, I'm sure @9:55

    2. What's wrong with you 9:55 and 4:20? Why would you want over 2 million people coming over our border illegally so far this year,, you don't see a problem with that?

    3. 9:55 What's wrong with you, they are catching terrorist on the terrorist watch list that broke into our country this year and there are no doubt more that didn't get caught, and Mexican murderous cartel that got in, millions coming in for freebies, drugs pouring in that our killing our people, human traffickers coming in. I don't know if you are from America but if you are then you need to get some help if you think what they are allowing to happen at our border is alright. Since when is it a bad thing to have a border and to protect the sovereignty and security of your own country?? Get help!!

  28. Does it take 15 years to become legal American citizens? I don't think so. If the government wouldn't allow their asylum reasons, they should have just applied for citizenship with another reason. What do other people do when applying? I'm sure they don't take 15 years. When Lydia's mother found out she was having her first baby here in the States, why didn't they immediately take action then to continue their status or seek legal citizenship; or residency? It doesn't make any sense. Praying may help, but God helps those who help themselves. It appears that they were laxed with their part.

  29. I heard a rumor that Lydia might get to stay because she's a nursing mother to an infant and married to a US born citizen with a US born baby and it's against the law to separate a nursing baby from it's foreign mother on the grounds that separating a mom and baby (unless it's an adoption) isn't good for both their physical and mental health.

  30. Not true. Not remotely true
    The child who was born in the US will not be deported. The mother has no legal right to remain in the US simply because she is nursing. Having a spouse who is a citizen serving in the US military does not necessarily mean that a noncitizen can remain in the US

  31. Any news on their current situation ?


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