
Saturday, October 14, 2023

Bates-Wells Wedding Details

And that’s a wrap! The 12th Bates wedding is officially in the books. Twenty-one-year-old Jackson Bates married Emerson Wells today at a venue near Orlando, Florida. PEOPLE Magazine has the first photos and details. 


  1. Their wedding photos looked beautiful. Was a bit surprised by Emerson's dress baring some cleavage but it was gorgeous,modern and may I add modest for a Christian bride. Hope to see more photos and videos soon of the wedding party,the families of the bride and groom and behind the scenes of the big day from all the Bates siblings who do vlogs on YouTube.

    1. I didn't even notice "some cleavage" until you mentioned it. I'm not one who goes around looking intently at necklines or spotting cleavages. It's possible to live like this and not make big deals out of any kind of clothing, or judge people by it. I wish the Bates and the Duggars could realize this.

    2. There was no cleavage showing, so it didn't go up to her neck,it's still of good taste though, she looked lovely in her dress,beautiful dress.

  2. She is beautiful! His hair, though. It really distracted me.

    1. What is distracting about his hair? Goodness, he looked like a handsome groom!

    2. His hair, actually, distracted me!!!

    3. I’m not surprised as it has been my experience in life, but you Christians are the most critical people. Always judging and nit-picking. This young man couldn’t even get his hair right for your approval. . All I saw was a beautiful young couple starting out in life. I didn’t see “inappropriate” cleavage or “distracting” hair. Just a bride and her groom looking lovely.

    4. 1:35. I totally agree. Very sad.

    5. So right, 1:35 And the more they claim they're Christian, the more they seem to find wrong with others who they think don't measure up.

    6. 1:35, you have no way of knowing which Anonymouses are Christians and which ones are not. Seems like some judging going on there . . .

    7. His hair is . . . tall. Distracting me from other details in their picture. How is that being a terrible, hypocritical person to make my own personal observation about my own personal experience of looking at a picture? What is the point of nitpicking my observation?

    8. To 9:27,if you think that person was nitpicking your observation,perhaps they were just returning the favor after you nitpicked his hair.

  3. I am glad that she has a real job. She is a dental assistant. I hope she keeps her job and helps to build their finances before they have baby after baby. Perhaps their intent is different.

    1. She will be pregnant before to long. And won't ever work again the BATES WAY!

    2. You have no idea what their current finances are. 🙄

    3. Nope she wont keep her job. We already know that. Baby next year @ this time.

    4. How can she be a dental assistant at barely 20 years old?

    5. I'm sure she's not keeping her job, as she'll be moving in with him... it's in another state, isn't it?

    6. Totally agree! Hope she is given a choice about when she wants to start a family.

    7. @2:51, it only takes trade school or an associates degree to become a dental assistant. Definitely able to be done with that by age 20.

    8. @5:57 pm,if the Bates aren't allowed to work why did Josie get a career in hairdressers,Erin in piano teaching and home design, Katie a diploma in nursing and esthetics,Michael in nursing,Whitney in real estate, Lydia in photography, and Tori in school teacher, I'm guessing Tori is having her kids back to back,they did decide on how many kids they want to have by the way they mentioned that,and when Tori's kids are bigger she will start her teaching career, my sister in law did that too after raising her four kids she started her teaching career in her forties,I don't know why people see the bates kids as different from other people, just because they are conservative Christians and homeschool.

    9. @2:51 The tech college I know of turns them out after 3 semesters of study and on-the-job training. I know, that seems fast. My dental office always seems to have students in the office during that last semester. At least my dentists don't let the newbies do much more than hand things to them. Average dental assistant pay ($23 an hour) according to the college is only slightly more than what you can make at McDonald's ($20 an hour now in CA)!

    10. @9:09- Tori will never teach and Michaela will never work as a nurse. College was just something to fill their time.

    11. @9:09 Which of those girls still works/worked after marriage?

    12. Katie doesn't have a "diploma in nursing." She was interested in nursing but strongly encouraged to be a cosmotologist. For some reason, that's better. (personally, I think it helps far fewer people). Whitney doesn't do real estate anymore, she did it for about five minutes. Erin decorates her home--that's not a career. And she used to teach piano, but she doesn't anymore. These are not careers, they are hobbies!

  4. The Bates do nice weddings. Congratulations to the new couple.

    1. I think Emerson’s family gave the wedding.

  5. Reading what was served made me hungry and I still haven't had my morning coffee! Well congratulations to the blessed couple.

  6. I don’t understand the point of getting Married so young? I would at least wait until a person is 25. But all in good fortune, I guess it their choice. I’m not her to judge.

    1. I agree: I mean, the human brain isn't even completely developed until what: 22 or 25 years old?

    2. But 20 and 21 isn't far from 22,oh I get it your been sarcastic, lol.

    3. @9:11am. Sorry, on the spectrum don’t understand sarcasm. My original comment was only trying to say that I think 20, 21, 22 is too young to get married. That a person should at least wait until they’re 25 before they get married. Agree with me or don’t agree with me, it’s still my opinion.

    4. Too young to marry, but not too young to make career choices? Financial decisions? Drug and alcohol decisions? Do we just take away all decision making from people until they are 25? Ridiculous, and you know it. Especially with how easy it is to get divorced, who cares how young people marry?

    5. @1:27pm. I’m not going to fight you about this. Please be nice and respect other’s opinion or don’t say anything at all.

    6. I agree with the opinionated who believes their ages are too young. I also think 25+ is wiser and a more mature decision, but that’s just me.

  7. Here comes more money for the new Bates couple.

    1. Yay for them. I hope they buy a huge home with it.

    2. More money? I don't understand, they are not being paid they are not being filmed for TV anymore, don't you mean more blessing, because that's how this family sees it when they are expanding their families.

  8. So happy for them! Congratulations! 😊

  9. Miss seeing your family on tv. You are an amazing family. Best wishes to all of you.

  10. Congratulations! Just can’t help saying they are so young to be married. I know you all will come for me; but I can’t help voicing my opinion! Education, work experience, travel and spend time with you friends before settling down.

    1. The Bible says it’s better to marry than to burn in lust and commit fornication.

    2. Well, Emerson is educated as she’s a dental assistant. They can experience travel together and still spend time with friends and family as a married couple.

    3. @4:24 I'm not coming for you. I agree with you. But seeing as how they're not allowed to casually date and they have very limited physical contact until marriage, what else can you expect two young people to do? They're entered into (in their views) an unbreakable marriage union, so it doesn't matter to them and their families if they're not really compatible. They have to work it out and bear the unhappiness with a smile. Ask Anna Duggar about that. How different her life could have been if she had waited and focused on herself for a few years, instead of being encouraged to marry immediately!

    4. Well stated 11:56

  11. Cute couple; but how is he going to support them? Does he work for Gil?

    1. I heard she's a dental assistant. Not sure what if anything Jackson does to earn a living.

    2. Emerson is a dental assistant.

    3. She'll be the family support, I guess.

  12. These people are "famous" enough to rate a People article??? That magazine must be hurting.

    1. Yeah. Unlike the Duggars they only are "semi-famous".

    2. To 4:29. You don't have to be famous, people just have to care enough to hear about you. Are you in any articles? Lol

    3. I doubt Jeb and Jed will appear in People, years from now. And that's actually a healthy thing. Who needs their lives broadcast in an online tabloid? Anon 11:38, I'm not in any articles and I'm delighted about that. It's not something to aspire to.

    4. I've been in an article, 11:38. Oh, now that I think of it, several articles, with pictures. Lots of people have. But unlike the Bates, we didn't do it for money or think that we were famous.

    5. Professional articles and human interest newspaper articles, yes. Based on personal achievements, not whose kid I am.

    6. 10:35am- first people run them down for making money, then they question whether he has a job. There's no pleasing you people/women. There would be nothing to see in magazines if there weren't photos and stories. Enough already.

  13. Congrats to the Bates & Wells family. Although, I like all the Bates family members, Jackson was my favorite Bate member, for he was so young (child) yet so mature and wise with his words. I just an article from Jackson and Emerson’s wedding and he was interviewed and wow, he is still wise with his words. You could tell he really loves Emerson. Emerson be good to him. I’ll be cheering for Jackson and Emerson to be happily ever after!

  14. Beautiful! Congratulations! I wish there were more photos but they seem to like to keep things private and that’s their choice. May God bless them with many many years of joy and happiness!

  15. For everyone saying they're too young - on one hand they feel like they've found their perfect match, so why wait? Not to mention that if they're trying to remain pure until marriage, waiting is super difficult and has probably been the main reason behind the many super short engagements among the Bates and Duggars. I can't say that should be a factor, but it is. It looks like the Bates have eased up (or are at least being more public about it) as a number of them have admitted to kissing before marriage, whereas before that was a definite rule to wait for the wedding day. I think it's smart to let things be a little less taboo because it may help them to think clearer with their brains and not...other parts :) I think what a lot of us on the outside know is that it's all too easy to evolve as a person throughout your 20s and maybe what seems perfect now won't be in a few years. But I think college and careers are big influencers in that and most of these kids have already sort of settled into whatever they're going to be doing so that's less of a factor. Otherwise they just need to be committed to growing up together and not apart. Easier said than done, but from the outside it looks like so far so good for all of these young couples (aside from a certain Duggar, of course). It's not the route I would choose but if it works for them, I wish them all nothing but the best and just hope they're being healthy and thoughtful about it because marriage is a big commitment.

    1. Boy am I glad I dated a lot before marriage. One guy I thought was wonderful turned out to have a bad "shortcoming" that would have been very difficult to live with. If I had locked myself into marriage without finding that out first.... Ooof. I feel sorry for some of these kids if they end up in that kind of situation. This whole courtship and purity culture thing benefits who? The ones who don't want you to compare them to anyone else, I think.

    2. Just curious. Besides Zach and Whitney, who else admitted to kissing before marriage?

    3. Alyssa and John have stated that they kissed before marriage. Just goes to show you what a sham this TV show was too. The daughters wore pants; Alyssa said she had to wear skirts/dressed on the show because it was her father's show. This tells me a lot.

    4. I def. know Alyssa and John have also stated on their YT channel that they kissed before their marriage.

  16. "I am definitely getting the best end of this deal!" said Emerson. What a thing to declare on your wedding day. It's scary to think that could be true for her.

    1. Doesn't say much for what the bride is getting, does it?

  17. I read Emerson is a dental assistant and somewhere else I read she’s in a community college. Either way good for her and I hope she’ll actually work for a while before the first baby. What does Jackson do?



  18. I never weigh in on these discussions, but there are people who really want to get married young, who really want to have babies right away, and who really want to stay at home raising and spending time with those babies. I am one of those people, and I’m so glad that’s what God has blessed me with. I worked before I married, and even though I married young I feel like I got a lot of life experience beforehand and haven’t missed out on things because of settling down. It makes me sad that some people only celebrate others pursuing some dreams but won’t celebrate the types of dreams that I and others like me have pursued.

    1. Betsy, let me say that I'm happy for you that you've gotten to pursue your dreams!

    2. Betsy ,I can so relate. When I would get asked by women "what did I do all day" it was with a crinkle in their nose,like being a stay at home Mom was the craziest thing they had ever heard of. Money's nice,but the memories I have are priceless.

  19. I watched the Clark's YouTube about their trip down for the wedding. Wow, he was just as annoying as Evan has become...talking so quickly, hyper and all. They need to relax and speak so we, who are listening and watching, can understand what they are saying. I also wonder how there young families with no real jobs can afford their lifestyle.

    1. Ask myself the same thing all the time. I guess their YT career must be very lucrative.


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