
Tuesday, November 7, 2023

William Paine's Birth Story

William Gage Paine, who arrived October 30th, is eight days old. Due to his premature arrival, he spent time in the NICU but is now home, surrounded by his five adoring older siblings. Proud parents Erin and Chad Paine just posted a YouTube video in which they share their birth story with Baby #6.


  1. None of the kids are jealous? They're all adoring? Even Finlay?

    1. The jealousy won't start until Baby William is a little older. Right now, his brothers and sisters think of him as a "new toy".

    2. Absolutely!! Because, obviously, everything in “reality social media world” is truthful😂😂

    3. My kids always adored their new siblings. They were fascinated with having a baby around.

    4. why do people assume kids are going to be jealous? Not all kids are the same and if they get jealous now or later who cares? Its a phase and most kids grow out of it unless of course the parents are overly lovey with the new baby and ignore the other kids. That could cause problems but Erin and Chad aren't those kind of parents. A parent can give equal amounts of love to all their children. I don't personally understand why some parents think they can't love more then two or three kids.

  2. Pass. Why would anyone want to hear the details of someone's medical procedure? Should I have called it the "birth story" of my gallbladder?

    1. LOL, want to hear the birth story of my kidney stone too?!

    2. Why do people feel the need to be miserable? You didn't accomplish anything with your comment.

    3. Your gall bladder is not a new life added to the world.

    4. @11:12 People who survive surgery are life preserved. Existing life is no less important than new life.

    5. 1:08, that's lovely, but a gall bladder still isn't the same as a baby.

    6. I agree we really don't need to hear the details of anyone going through labor and delivery.

    7. 1:08, you are not disproving my point. A life saved is still not a life added to the world. A gall bladder is not a new life.

    8. @4:29 I sure hope you don't work in the health care field.

    9. 4:29 You haven't proven that one is more important than the other. BTW, the person whose life is saved by having a diseased organ removed, or was successfully treated for a devastating illness, does indeed, celebrate a "new lease on life". Just ask anyone who has survived cancer.

    10. A gall bladder is not a NEW life. Comparing gall bladder surgery to the birth of someone NEW who has been added to the world is ludicrous. The original comment was comparing apples and oranges.

  3. Good to hear he's home with the rest of the family.

  4. Congratulations!! I know you're all excited, especially Carson!

  5. I really wonder if Finlay is adoring.

  6. I watched this video but I don't think it mentioned anything about William remaining in the hospital. What was the issue?

    1. Hospital policy for babies born before 36 weeks. He did have some issues with feeding for a few days and needed a feeding tube temporarily and got jaundice and needed blue light therapy. No breathing issues thankfully.

  7. Kids are kids will lose interest in new baby. Why is nothing private with this family ?

    1. What was supposed to be kept private? If you want them to keep everything private you would have nothing to read when you come here,and you are here commenting.

    2. Birth stories are something that some women enjoy hearing. That's just the way it is. I can think of other private things they don't share with us that other people willingly fling all over their social media.

    3. Why would you be surprised? Many of the adult children share much about their lives. Don’t read about them if it bothers you

    4. Why is nothing private? MONEY. That’s why.

    5. Anonymous November 14th 8:40 am . You just said MONEY!

    6. 11:24. I’m not understanding your comment. The OP is saying nothing is kept private because of the money. It’s kind of self explanatory.

  8. I wish they would have said how early he was. They just said he was early. But how early?

  9. Stories of how long someone labored and what happened during the labor should be of no consequence to anyone other than the parents, the medical staff, and the baby. Those details are certainly not internet-worthy or magazine-worthy and should not be used for any money-making purpose. What happened to keeping private things in your life private?

  10. No rush, but can we please have an updated banner?
    We're missing Lily, William, Kenna, Rhett, Lydia, Ryker, Baby Balka, Emerson, Hailey, Zade, and Cambree! That's at least 10!

  11. They put out a new YouTube bringing the baby home. I have to say there was a lot of "pushing and coaxing" the 5 kids to be "excited" about the new baby and "just how much do they love him"? I think this was uncomfortable to watch. Erin is so over the top about how "great this all is" that she made herself almost unbelievable. Way too much pressure put on the children at home. Those children need a bit of their own lives outside of the maybe school and friend play-dates, sports, ballet, etc. They have nothing outside of that house. It's a shame.

    1. I agree. Siblings aren't always thrilled with a new baby and this looked very forced on the part of Erin. Erin and Chad are happy but the house is already frather crowded so I don't see the other kids being overly excited about another kid appearing.

    2. Since a new sibling arrives every year or so, why would the others be all that excited? More like ho-hum, I'd think.

    3. 1:52, if the parents are excited, they teach their kids that a new sibling is exciting.

    4. Really?! Have you seen what the outside world offers?

  12. So very thankful that baby William is here and doing well. Praise God!

  13. Very long and way TMI.


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