
Saturday, December 9, 2023

Another Bates is in a Relationship

Now that Jackson is married, it seems appropriate for another Bates sibling to announce a relationship. Warden, who is next in the Bates family lineup, took care of that this week but sharing that he has a special someone. Her name is Taylor.


  1. Congrats Warden, follow God, read His Bible and believe and obey it, and put Jesus first in your life and you'll make a great husband if this is truly the woman God has for you. Happy courting!

  2. Warden is so talented and helpful. Taylor is a lucky gal. I wish them well.

  3. How sweet. Another wedding in the not too distant future? One can always hope.

  4. God bless Warden and Taylor!

  5. Slow down, what is this rush to marriage for these families? Next marriage and babies. More to life than just that. Never see them out with friends

    1. They have lots of friends, and they do post pictures of them with friends including the Duggars, and some friends don't want their pictures up and they would hardly take photos of themselves every time they are out with friends, they have good lives when they're single and they have good lives when they're married,you can see the happiness in their expressions when they post photos,I envy them,or rather I would if I were the jealous type but I believe we are all responsible for our own happiness.

  6. Congratulations Warden! I can't wait to see a picture of the two of them. According to the Bates Family Gossip YouTube channel I hear she is more worldly than most girls the Bates boys have courted and married because she a worship leader in her church (which must be non-denominational instead of Independent Baptist like the Bates are).

    1. Are you serious? If she's a worship leader then she's not "worldly".

    2. I don't think you should slamming someone that you don't know as "worldly" based on some gossip page.

    3. Women should not lead music in a church much like what the Bible said's about women preaching to a mixed crowd of men and women. They should only sing with the congregation,in the choir and direct a kid's choir and play an instrument for the worship music,and that's it.

    4. @10:44 Says who? Some man? Will the sky fall if she doesn't adhere to those "rules"? Nooooo

    5. Way to drag the women's movement back to the dark ages.

  7. Have a great admiration for this wonderful family

  8. How old is Warden now? They grow up so fast. Why rush into marriage? I can't believe that they don't believe in traditional dating. Nothing wrong with these experiences; it teaches you who you are and what you like and don't like about others. When you are never alone together, you don't have those necessary conversations and your behavior is always "on" for other to see how "good" you are. We all know that people are not always on company behavior. You have to see the other person for who and what they are when relaxed and no one else is around and watching.

    1. Umm we know why they rush into marriage lol!

    2. But they are genuine people they behave the same around others because they don't put up a show,although I reckon those three girls that had failed courtships with the the bates boys weren't as genuine as them, but that's just my opinion,well now Zach,Nathan and Trace are happily married to other women that are just right for them,none of the Bates kids are regretting who they married, you can tell how happy they are,they knew how to chose the right partner for them,they didn't do the courtship wrong because it helped find their ideal partners.

    3. Warden turned 20 last May.

  9. And if anyone is subbed to Tiffany and Lawson on YouTube, say a little prayer for them right now . 🙏

    1. 9:46-This post is about Warden. Let him,and us reading it, enjoy something happy. You know/knew the ladies would do a post about the miscarriage. No need to bring it up here. Having said that, they certainly have our prayers.

  10. Congratulations Warden and Taylor wishing you nothing but the best...

  11. gald he has someone no rush to get married at a young age.

  12. I was wondering if he was in a relationship because in one the youtube videos that the family posted, there is a young lady standing close to him when they were posing for photos. I didn't know if it was a cousin or a friend of his.

  13. Is Warden required to have a chaperone with them at all times as advertised on the show but not likely in real life off-camera? Are they allowed to kiss like the other couples did when the cameras were not on? So inauthentic of their parents to mislead like they did.

    1. There was rules set. The parents have said that as adults their children set their own standards when dating.

  14. Does anybody know if Warden and Taylor broke up? They each deleted each others pictures on Instagram. Nobody seems to know why. Thanks.


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