
Friday, December 15, 2023

Lawson and Tiffany's Miscarriage

Lawson and Tiffany Bates were married in May 2022. A while ago, they found out that Tiffany was pregnant and later that she had had a miscarriage. They weren't sure they wanted to share such an emotional event with the world, but they ultimately decided to. Yesterday, the couple uploaded a 30-minute video that shows them finding out the good news and ends with Tiffany in the emergency room. There will be another segment uploaded soon.

Lawson and Tiffany Bates: Our Pregnancy Story Part 1 (Video)


  1. A miscarriage is always a sad thing, but I can't imagine why anyone would video it. TMI

    1. It's good to share about it as many YouTube vloggers choose to hide it because it's embarrassing to them.

    2. Maybe not “embarrassing “; but very personal.

    3. Miscarriage is not embarrassing. And the days of not talking about it are long gone.

    4. Well, read the description of their video. It explains why.

  2. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. I'm praying for you both.

  3. Do these people have any boundaries? Why would anyone film their miscarriage, much less post it on the internet? Amazing.

    1. People grieve in different ways. If this will help them then we shouldn't criticize.

    2. @12:33 Lots of reasons. Because they think they're celebrities. Because they've known nothing but cameras and think that's normal. Because they make money from their videos. Because they need public sympathy. Because they don't understand privacy. I agree with you though. It's not appropriate. When they get older, maybe they'll cringe at what their younger selves did.

  4. I am so sorry, Lawson and Tiffany, may God bless and continue to comfort you. Oh so sad. I cried and what a wonderful thing that God collects all those tears of sorrow from all His children.

  5. Miscarriages happen to a lot of people and a lot of people don’t talk about it and they grieve privately but what they are doing is telling people it’s OK to be open about having a miscarriage and grief publicly just like you do for a child it was born and died tragically that sometimes happens or just like you do for a grandparent or parent or dog agree publicly with the support of your community!

    1. They don't need to "tell" us it's OK. Who looks to reality TV shows for moral guidance anyway?

  6. Very often a first pregnancy ends in early miscarriage. I was told by my doctor that it also increases fertility for the next few months!! Don’t despair! God will bless you two I’m hopingπŸ™

  7. Thirty-four years ago when I had a miscarriage, many people I knew said they'd had a miscarriage too, and said it's never talked about enough. And in all this time since then, not much has changed. People still don't talk about it. It's good Tiffany and Lawson shared, because it does help others to know they are not alone in their sadness.

    1. It's one thing to share your story but I think it's a bit much to video it complete with hospital visit.

    2. To 9:32,I couldn't agree more. I understand they want to help others but that doesn't call for a video sharing the miscarriage as it's happening. I don't think they realize that could be very triggering to those who have had one. They may not want to relive the hospital setting and the details as to what happened. I think talking about the loss is enough.

    3. What good does talking about it really do? Yes you're not alone in your sadness, but it doesn't undo what happened. Many people feel uncomfortable hearing about it because there's nothing they can do to really help other than to say I'm sorry and leave it at that. So now you're upset and so is the person you told.

    4. Miscarriage is very, very represented on social media today. You must not be online much! It's been a great outlet for people to process their grief.

    5. 3:19 - absolutely no one has to watch if they don't want to.

  8. I watched the video today and it was sweet to watch Lawson's reaction finding out after being tricked several times that Tiffany was pregnant and it finally being real when they went to visit her family in California. Anxious for Part 2 to find out how she ended up in the ER and found out she miscarried early on in the pregnancy. Hope she doesn't have a blood clotting disorder like some her sister in-laws have that caused the miscarriage or a blood type that causes fertility issues (I've heard of that happening from someone else who does YouTube and and now is trying to get pregnant with "help" through IUI/IVF after trying for over a year after she miscarried). Prayers they can get pregnant again in 2024 with a rainbow baby.πŸ™πŸΌ

  9. I am very sorry for Tiffany and Lawton’s miscarriage. However, as someone who has experienced miscarriage and stillborn loss I can tell you the last thing on my mind was getting a video camera out to record my grief to post on social media.


    1. That’s because you are normal

  10. Sadly, this family has become nothing more than a competitive one-upminship. Carlin’s in the hospital so Katie films herself in the hospital. Alyssa films her children going to the hospital ( just what every sick child wants…Mommy sticking a camerain their little face for her social media Chanel while they are sick or injured) so a few days later another Bates films their child in the ER or urgent care. Erin and Chad are in people magazine within 24 hrs of William’s birth while he is still in NICU. So of course Tiffany and Lawson film while Tiffany is having a miscarriage. With parts 1 and 2 so as not to be outdone for likes, clicks, and cash. Sad.

    1. I don't think they do it for the cash,they are used to sharing their lives with people and the sad times as well as good times,it's normal for them,I guess they just believe their fans are like family,I've seen worse for example a show that was filming children who survived illness,luckily this little boy was alive now but had his legs amputated to save his life from meningitis, and the family decided to show the video they filmed when he was close to dyeing,I'm sure they would have kept the video private had he died,just to remember their last moments together, but because he had survived they were overjoyed and happy to share his survival story,and like many others i didn't judge, just shared happy tears with them.

    2. 8:02. You hit it on the head. Well said.

    3. Yep. This! Now Carlin and Evan are in NJ with Katie and Travis doing a ginger bread house. So… within hours Trace and Lydia are filming …you guessed it…making a ginger bread house. Clearly these 19 kids DID NOT get enough parental attention growing up. They are now doing the toddler “look at me I can do this too”, but as adults on YouTube.

    4. When I saw Alyssa filming her little baby girl while she was carrying her to the car because she was so sick it made my stomach turn. If this wasn’t “Alyssa Bates” but some other “secular” celebrity her fans would have been in an uproar. In fact the whole video was about Alyssa. “I have 5 kids and I have to take them all to the urgent care…by myself…look at me”. Oh yeah, and my daughter who’s sick, but hey, that makes for a good view count, right?

    5. I’m empathetic to all of their troubles; however, my take on Tiff & Lawson’s recent post is in response to lots of observations their marriage is not great. I tend to agree…I just get a weird vibe from them.

    6. Wow filming your kid while they are in the hospital. This family is worse than the kardashians.

    7. These adult “kids” remind me of the old Ethel Merman song “Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better”. Your kid went to urgent care? Mine went to the ER and I had to drag along 4 other kids that I chose to have. Well, I can do better… mine was 5 weeks premature in a NICU and we made People Magazine within a day! Uh Oh…got to keep up. I’m having a very tragic loss of my first baby so pull out the camera, babe, we can make this a part 1 and 2.

    8. @1:02. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but that’s it! And not “it” in a good way. They’ve literally sold themselves. Long gone are the days where women hid their miscarriages and grieved alone. There are a myriad of support groups within churches and grief counseling now… not to mention their own families.

    9. @1:02pm,you make it seem like they made those misfortunes happen on purpose, they have decided to start utube channels to share their lives with people, if they just filmed going to a siblings wedding and celebrating their kids birthdays there would not be much content because this is the reality of everyone's life,we all have ups and downs and people watch their channels because they are interested in everything that happens in their lives,and there are many people that show empathy not criticism, and good on them.

  11. I know some of the sisters have the blood clotting disorder, I wonder if maybe she does too? Miscarriages run wild in the Bates family it seems. :(

    1. But she’s not a Bates daughter.

  12. I’m sorry but these videos are getting to be way too much. Way too personal. I mean c’mon. Do we need to see Lawson and Tiffany in bed at 3am? Do we need to see Tiffany in the ER having a miscarriage? Do we need to see Tiffany in the car grieving and crying? And there’s a part 2? This is to much. They’ve lost any semblance of having a personal life. For what? Monetizing a YouTube channel?

    1. Well said 12/16 @ 3:27pm. I don't want to see these things either. Tiffany in the bathroom with a freshly used pregnancy test stick is way too much. I suggest that they both get real jobs in order to support themselves....and BTW, grow up.

    2. I agree. What more can they show in Part 2? I have a feeling we're being played.

    3. I refuse to watch this video, they have no boundaries.

    4. Exactly, that bates have no dignity left. That goes for the Duggars as well. Showing intimate aspect of your life on social media is as vulgar as it gets. How about go to school get a degree and earn a living. So much better than selling yourself for money.

    5. I think the Bates and the Duggars have the same problem. They expected the TV money to continue forever and are now scrambling to make a living off their fame rather than getting jobs that provide long term income stability for their families.

    6. @3:27 Yes, the purpose of a YouTube channel is to make money. People will post just about anything in order to attract viewers. The good news is that no one is forced to subscribe or watch.

  13. I am so sorry for your loss. You guys are in my prayers. Thank you Lawson and Tiffany for sharing such a personal and tragic moment from your life.

  14. Stick with your travel videos Lawson and Tiffany. Show some decorum and keep personal things; well personal, between husband and wife.

  15. I don't know what's going on here, but I think this is some sort of a set up because there's a "Part 2".

  16. So sorry for your loss sending much needed love and prayers for you and your family at this difficult time πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  17. Continued prayers πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

    1. Why pray if you think everything is god's will and done for his purpose? Do you think he'll change his mind?

    2. 12:58, you pray that God comforts them, gives them peace.

    3. @10:09 God took their baby away and now you think the same entity is going to grant peace for that? I don't get it.

    4. It's a mistake to blame God for the evil in the world. Put the blame where it belongs.

  18. Click bait. Are they cash strapped?

  19. I’m very curious what goes through their minds as they edit their videos before posting? Does Tiffany say “oh yeah that’s a good angle of me crying capture that”. Does Lawson say “ let’s redo this emotional grieving scene the lighting wasn’t good”.

  20. For those who are being critical - just don't watch. People process and grieve differently and being in the public eye probably impacts that experience. Not only do they want to normalize this and make other women feel less alone, but they probably also want to be transparent with what's happening in their lives. When you put your life out there, people analyze and seek out news and I'm sure they want to control their own narrative so the tabloids have less reason to go seeking out inaccurate "sources". Also, I'm sure there's a desire to feel honest and open about their struggles so people understand if their behavior or posting isn't as happy or normal as in the past. I think when your life is on display there's probably a tough balance between being authentic and but guarding what you can. But they gave this a lot of time, it seems, and I think posting it now that the initial shock and perhaps resulting questionable judgment period has passed shows that they feel strongly about sharing it. So much shaming on here--if you don't like it, don't watch, and don't judge people who have just been through their own personal tragedy.

  21. Tiffany. I just watched your video. I’m so very sorry for you and Lawson. I experienced child loss too. It’s heartbreaking. Please, don’t allow Christians to spiritually gaslight you into thinking crying and grieving is some sort of lack of faith. I heard all of that nonsense too. You cry as much as you need. Grieve the loss of your baby. And know at some time and in some way The Lord will bless you with children and you sadness will turn to joy.

  22. I had a miscarriage and know first hand how devastating it is. However this overdone video complete with ER visit left a bad taste in my mouth. I think playing to the camera in this situation made them appear shallow and vain. Life isn't a TV drama after all is said and one.

  23. This just might be their way of grieving.

  24. Wow, so many comments. It’s certainly up
    to them if they want to share with people, and how much they want to share.
    If that’s something that people don’t want to read, or watch,-scroll on by. Your interest in their posts, and then running them down for doing it doesn’t make sense. I’m sure many people have been waiting for a pregnancy announcement and unfortunately they lost their baby.
    Please be kind with your words, and if these videos don’t sit well with you, don’t watch them,-especially all the way through to the end.

  25. Replies
    1. How can you love people you haven’t met?

    2. Excellent question 3:21pm I agree with you.

    3. Actually, a Christian has the capacity to love people they haven't met, because God can enable you to have His love and compassion for others. It's called a "fruit of the Spirit."

    4. Sorry about the miscarriage.I didn't know men had miscarriages ? It is the wife that lost the child. I hope she is feeling better.

    5. 11:24,men don't physically have a miscarriage, but their hearts are broken by the loss just the same. It's their baby too remember. That baby is a part of them,because they helped create it. Have a heart.


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