
Saturday, January 20, 2024

Bates Family Ski Trip 2024

The Bates family just returned from their annual ski trip out West. They spent time on the slopes of Colorado and made plenty of memories together. Poor 14-year-old Callie broke her arm while snowboarding, but according to Kelly she was a trooper and didn’t even complain. Trace and Lydia Bates posted a 25-minute YouTube video of their trip out there with three-month-old Ryker. 


  1. Didn’t another Bates child break their arm a year or two ago as well on the ski trip?

    1. I think they need to splurge for lessons before letting the kids on the slopes.

    2. Pros break bones

  2. Who is Dylan? The person in the car with Trace, Lydia and Isiah?

  3. Ouch, so sorry to hear that Callie broke her arm. I hope she heals quickly. My son is skiing today, and he's a new daddy. He doesn't ski very often, so I'm just praying he doesn't break something.

  4. They took a 3 month old on a ski trip in the height of flu, Covid, and RSV season? I don't understand why they don't protect their own born children the way they want to protect all others' unborn children.

  5. Wish the Bates would stop going skiing. That's I think 3 years in a row that one of the kids got hurt on the trip. Plus Lydia could not enjoy herself on the trip and do one of the activities on the slopes because she had to watch Ryker all the time. Take my advice and stick to family trips to the beach where nobody can get hurt. Or get proper lessons to ski and snowboard professionally instead of being a stupid amateur and act like you know what your doing.

    1. Accidents can happen anywhere. If they like to ski, there's no reason why they shouldn't go. I do wonder how they can afford these yearly trips with so many people. As for Ryker, many resorts have nannies you can hire to watch your baby while you enjoy some time on the slopes.

    2. Yes, the beach is very safe! Hopefully there are not any rip currents that day. Or jellyfish. Or large fish with names like Tiger, Bull, or Great White. Maybe kids should stop climbing trees and riding bikes. Or playing team sports. I agree the Bates are irresponsible and recklace. But, I don’t think it’s the skiing that’s the problem, but the immaturity of this family.

    3. skiing is a fantastic sport. but just like any sport it has it’s risk. You don’t just stop skiing if you get an injury. I just returned from a week long ski trip.

    4. Wow! 😨 Talk about negative & downright disrespectful! Mind your own business if you have nothing of value to say!😤🤐

    5. Sheesh! No one can get hurt at the beach? That’s news to me. 🤔

    6. ......people literally drown at the beach

  6. I'm glad they had fun but 25 minutes of Trace and Lydia is too much for me.

  7. So, how does this trip work? Is this gifted to the family or do all the adults pay for themselves and Gil/Kelly for themselves plus younger kids? Do they higher a private chef? Honestly just interested as to how you afford a ski vacation for this amount of people when no one seems to work.

    1. They never explain how they can afford these expensive vacations. Even if you have your own equipment, the cost of a trip to a ski resort with so many people would be huge.

    2. "Hire" is the correct spelling in this context.

    3. Maybe Gil’s church pays for this particular vacation for the Bates’ family.

    4. Saved money from years on a tv show?

    5. Yeah! And they no longer have their TV Show to provide extra income. They got canceled not long after the Duggars got their second cancellation.

    6. All of the men in each household work! It’s none of your business!! I personally happen to know a few of them! Heaven forbid-here’s a thought- they save up! Something many people don't think to do anymore.

    7. They have manual labor jobs. I doubt there were many other construction workers part-time sherrifs at that ski resort.

    8. We have been skiing Keystone for 30 years and from the video I can tell where they stayed. Extra large condo that fits a lot of people so easy to share the cost. Also, if you know the ropes you can get a 4-day pass for $200 dollars.

    9. Just curious if any of you who are wondering how they pay for things,trips etc,do you explain to people how you pay for your trips or anything else? If your on fb and sharing photos of a holiday,would you automatically explain how you paid for it? Yeah I didn't think so. 😕

    10. @9:51 Of course not. But if I posted nothing but leisure pictures and vacations, people would start wondering how I was doing it. And they would probably start asking.

    11. @9:51- I feel it’s the number of vacations and type of vacations those families take without showing what they do for work to pay for this level of vacationing! We know Zack, wife and Carlin , husband have the boutique; but what about the rest of them??? It’s hard to make sense of it all for readers.

    12. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. The Bates are promoting a certain godly lifestyle and pretending it's attainable. That's false advertising.

    13. Well this family sort of made it everyone's business by posting all this stuff on social media and going on and on about all the stuff they and all their expensive vacations that most of us can't afford.

    14. @8:42-auto correct got me as I typed. Thank you ever so much for the correction.

  8. Congratulations Bates family. So glad that you guys had a wonderful trip. Thank you so much for sharing. Prayers that Callie heals well and quickly.

  9. How is it that Callie has broken both of her arms more than one time? Something is wrong here with this. This family doesn't seem to be concerned?

    1. What is wrong, exactly? My kids went skiing recently and told us of several people who injured themselves on the slope while they were there.

    2. Actually there's nothing wrong with it, she just clumsy when she is skiing. You're making a mountain out of a mole hill

    3. Once you break a bone, you are more prone to breaks in the same area in the same bone. It's more common than you'd think

  10. When do any of these people WORK? Always taking picture in fancy expensive clothes driving electric cars big SUV all of this is expensive lifestyle.. They opened the door to this.

    1. Apparently their small home based businesses are quite lucrative and require little time. It doesn't work that way for the rest of us though.

    2. Always is not really an accurate word, is it?

    3. You do know it only takes a couple minutes a day to make a post, right?

  11. Most of their vehicles are previously owned. They have a thriving tree cutting business. One of the kids husband owns a plumbing company, thr girls have clothing store. One is a realtor. They have jobs. Also if you have a big family, big cars are necessary.

  12. This falls into one big category of Who Cares. Who Cares if they went on a ski trip, and Who Cares how they paid for it. They are long past their sell-by date. Their ten minutes of fame is over. They're just another Middle America family at this point, not newsworthy. I'm amazed this trip was even videoed or talked about.

  13. @8:49- I think some of us are still interested in the logistics of how do you gather such a big number of your family together for a ski vacation? When do they start planning for it, who or how is it paid for, do they eat out or who cooks the meals? Does each family bring food for just their family or submit a list and all the food is delivered??? Do they rent all the equipment? Does anyone take lessons?


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