
Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Bates New Year's Q&As

We hope your 2024 is off to a good start. To ring in the new year, two of the Bates couples have filmed Q&A videos. In theirs, Trace and Lydia Bates talk about Lydia's dream vehicle, their plans for moving to a bigger house, Lydia's photography business, and more. In Erin and Chad Paine's video, the topics include filming, Chad's work, how to de-stress, and others. The Paines also give a one word description of each Bates sibling.

Trace and Lydia Bates: New Year Q&A

Erin and Chad Paine: First Q&A of 2024


  1. How sad that they rely on this so heavily for income.

    1. I agree. None of them have any sort of job that would support their family long term. I'm becoming bored with their self serving posts and don't click on them any more.

    2. I agree, 6:40. Nobody should be relying on the internet or popularity for income. Fame is fleeting. Your 20's and 30's are when you should be developing your work experience and financial foundation that will carry you through your working years to retirement. Don't parents emphasize this to their children any more? It's so important. Time is something you never get back once it's gone, and making up for lost working years is very hard.

    3. Assuming they don't have other jobs and stating it as fact is just plain gossip.

    4. It seems so sad they have to expose their kids to the public like this, the internet is forever. Kids who have grown up being filmed generally report that they hate it when they are adults. I think the Paines should get jobs and stop depending on youtube income to support their families. Chad, at least, would probably be happier with a job.

    5. Yes, your 20's and 30's is when you should be building your business or career. Chad is pushing 40 and doesn't seem to be in a solid place. He should focus on that, instead of relying on the show's income. The show is over.

    6. Why not? You just want to find something to be negative about. Just move on and leave them alone.

  2. Love watching the posts.

    1. The comments are more interesting than the Q&A posts. LOL

  3. Once again, Chad was evasive when asked what he does for a living. People would like to know if he's self-employed with a registered company for handiwork, etc..or does he work for an established company that does this. Originally, I believe it was posted that he would work for a church in Florida but I don't think that panned out. People ask because they are a growing family, who pays rent on their home but seems to have no steady, reliable income they can count on every month. Does Chad pick up odd jobs for a living or not? This is a legitimate question, not a criticizing one. How do they pay their bills now being a family of 8?

    1. As far as I can tell, NONE of them have any sort of regular full time job. They all seem to live off internet posts and home based businesses that are only patronized by family members and friends. I don't see that as a reliable source of long term income.

    2. Starting to think that unlike the Duggars, the Bates paid their children or established trust funds. No other way for these kids to support lots of kids and have a seemingly idle lifestyle with vague job qualifications. I have a feeling the money has been given out within the last few years, too. Which son quit his job in law enforcement, and when? See a pattern here? Wonder if the Bates parents saw what was happening in the Duggar household (Jill's lawsuit threat) and said uh-oh, we'd better do something fast. If something like this were not the case, wouldn't we be seeing endless videos about hard work and the value of that? Not vacations and house decorating and new cars and new houses and fun all day with the kiddos.

    3. Curiosity is not the same thing as a need to know.

    4. Just because people would like to know doesn't mean they have to know! It would be good for people to learn to curb their curiosity in this world where virtual snoopiness runs rampant.

    5. Paine Construction Company. Ever see the shirts some of Bates siblings have worn? He's self employed, owner of his own company, and used to employ Trace and Warden when he lived in TN. I don't see anything to suggest that they're struggling financially.

    6. I would be evasive too if being asked something personal that I didn't feel was anyone else's business. There are many ways of making a living, and I don't think it should concern anyone else unless they owe you money. An income is private and not something you should have to outline in detail for anyone, never mind a total stranger. You may as well be asking to see his bank statements.

    7. If they're not willing to give straight forward answers to fans' questions, why do they post these videos?

    8. @10:25 There is no Chad Paine licensed as a contractor in the state where they currently live. The last time he posted any work accomplished on Instagram was 2 years ago.

    9. @9:30 Sorry, but I find it difficult to watch a family that size showing how they're prospering and then not be able to know how they do it or what their jobs are. What are other people doing wrong who have that many kids and have to work every day? I'd like to know and I'll bet others would too. It's not "snoopiness" to know what someone does for a living. Nobody was asking to see their tax return.

    10. The thing is these families have set themselves up as role models for the rest of us to follow. People are going to ask lots of questions so they can follow in their footsteps. I too want to know how they live so well with so little apparent effort.

    11. Where is there any info about Paine Construction? Does it exist currently?

    12. AMEn @ 11:37 am!!! Nobody else's business! I frankly do not understand why people are so hung up on how the Bates make their money. Who cares? Their kids are fed and clothed and have roofs over their heads. Why do people make this into such a big deal?

    13. @ 3:42. They do have regular jobs. Trace is a deputy sheriff and construction worker. Warden works construction. Lydia is a photographer. Michealla is a nurse. Lawson i think is a police detective of some sort. Why do you even care any way. As long as they can support their families what difference does their job make?

    14. How can you work in Law enforcement and always be on vacation? Also the one you say is a nurse , you work w/e and holidays in both professions. Show me where they work

    15. They must be living off the money Erin got from the show. It's not really right to promote a certain lifestyle and then pretend it is affordable. Most people don't have money from a show. It seems unlikely most people could afford 6 kids on an unlicensed contractor's income, especially a contractor with no employees.

    16. Lawson is a police detective? Is Barney Fife his deputy?

    17. Anon 10:00 Since none of them ever seem to actually work at the various jobs that they're said to have, one is left to wonder how they can afford these expensive trips to the Carribean and ski trips they take regularly.

    18. Michaela is not a working nurse. She holds some type of nursing degree; but has never actually worked as a nurse!

    19. Does anyone know if Florida pays families to homeschool? If so, could that money be their income?

    20. Why would Florida pay people to homeschool their children? Does not work that way!

    21. Many states do this. Families get thousands of dollars per child. Look up ESA accounts. I know they exist in Arizona .

    22. In Erin's most recent YouTube video after injuring her arm, she shows Kelly sitting on the sofa attempting to home school Carson with such confusion of sisters riding scooters in the living room, videoing and narrating, etc. going on. This is not an atmosphere where anyone can focus and actually learn anything. I feel badly for these children who will be undereducated with low standards to boot.

    23. 7:37,I understand your comment. My daughter described absolute mayhem in her classroom (a public school) when a Police Officer came to do a presentation. The kids wouldn't stop talking. The teacher had no control over the kids. She also mentioned about a outside sewing class that was so noisy she couldn't concentrate on what she was doing. When I asked the sewing teacher if there was a quiter class she could be placed in, she replied with that was one of the quieter classes she was already in. Lol It doesn't seem to matter where the kids are learning these days,there's no proper behavior being taught. You bet it'll affect how much the kids will learn and retain. Sad really.

    24. Not all classrooms are unruly.

  4. Anon 10:25. If Chad owns a construction company, why didn't he just say that instead of becoming very vague and evasive which makes people wonder what he's trying to hide?

  5. These people opened the door now explain yourselves.

  6. Maybe they shouldn't put their whole lives on display if they don't want people asking questons.

  7. @11:37 "What do you do for a living" is not a personal question. It's asked in conversation whenever you meet someone. It's like "Where do you work?" or "What's your occupation?" General interest question that anyone should be happy to answer. Nobody here asked for income or bank statements.

    1. Exactly. People often mention what they do for a living when they engage in conversations with others. When someone becomes very evasive about their livelihood, it makes you wonder what's going on.

    2. 10:07, people in the public eye don't owe us any personal information. What they choose to share is just that, a choice. If you are mad that they "owe" you the satisfaction of your curiosity, then realize you are too invested in things that don't really matter.

    3. People are going to wonder, and ask questions, whether they have a right to or not. Being on the internet exposes you to that kind of curiousity, from strangers.

  8. It seems like they depend on that Scripture card company they started. I can't imagine monetizing the Bible for my own profit! If they really wanted to help others, make a pdf of inspirational Bible quotes and give it out for free. And who would pay money for a pad with a drawing of a flower on it?

    1. But, but, but… they aren’t monetizing the Bible, silly goose. They’re “witnessing”.

    2. Monetizing the Bible for one's own profit....every televangelist found that to be lucrative, and so do a lot of churches. Even a craft store I can think of. I'm not surprised this family would do that too. I don't know which is worse - that, or the people who open their wallets for it.

    3. This family has sold their and their children's privacy to pay for their preferred lifestyle. Apparently they think it's worth it.

  9. They will never say why they really home school their children. It is because they want to shelter their children from others who believe differently or don't have a religion at all. They also want to teach them on an elementary level and don't offer any advanced curriculum.They will never admit this in public....but this is the truth.

    1. Shelter them? They expose them to the world on youtube.

  10. Just what the Paine household needs...more animals to feed.

    1. The average public school child (whose family keeps their face off the interne)t is far more protected than the Paine children.

    2. They are doing great especially the Stewart’s. How does he afford all that

  11. Zach and Whitney co-own Bates Sisters Boutique with Carlin and Evan which is doing well. Kelton (Josie) is a plumber and works for family plumbing company. Bobby (Tori) works for Kelton's company. Warden and Trace do construction and home remodeling. Nathan is a pilot and fight instructor. Lawson does music and his wife has been a successful actress.


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