
Monday, February 12, 2024

Bates 'I Love You Day' 2024

If you are a long-time fan of the Bates family, you've likely heard about their annual gathering for Valentine's Day, which they call 'I Love You Day.' Every year, Kelly Bates plans a big costume party for the entire family and a separate dinner for all the couples. For the past several years, they have chosen a theme and have awarded prizes for the best costumes. 

This year, the theme was Little House on the Prairie. The festivities took place this weekend, and Carlin and Evan Stewart have already shared footage of both the costume party and couples dinner on YouTube.

2022: Bible characters

2021: Noah's ark/animals 

2020: Roaring '20s

2019: Chivalry/medieval

2018: Growing Old Together


  1. I love watching the Bates family and really enjoy seeing their Valentine's Day specials.

  2. I think this was the best theme they have ever done (besides Bible characters) at the annual I Love You Day party. I saw some footage of the party from the Stew Crew and Trace and Lydia. Probably see more soon on Lawson and Tiffany and Travis and Katie's channel's. Don't expect much on Erin and Chad's and Micheal and Brandon's channels. Disappointed that Alyssa and John couldn't go this year due to what I'm guessing as financial issues.

    1. @9:58- why would you say the Websters weren’t present due to “financial issues”? Very presumptuous of you.

    2. I think the Websters just didn't want to go. It's hard to travel with five kids. Also, Alyssa seems quite introverted and organized to me. Therefore, the chaos and constant togetherness of I Love You Day would be brutal for her.

    3. I think you should stop making assumptions about members of the family who didn't attnd the event. With such a large group, there are always going to be some who can't make it for various reasons that are not made public.

    4. You're dead wrong on that- Alyssa has said it's her favorite holiday! None of our business why they couldn't go this year.

    5. The Bates are so brave to continue to open themselves up to unkimdnesses. We come on here because we love them, miss the show, and are grateful they have opened their lives to us. Why take pot+shots at them. What a wonderful family they are.

  3. I watched the video. Zade is such such a s sweet little guy, always smiling and shaking his head yes to questions. He was the cutest as Willie Oleson!

  4. Every year, this party becomes more amazing! How do all the kids seem onboard with participating? And the costumes are so creative (I know Michaela is talented; but wow this years seem over the top!). And the huge couples date night-how or who pays for that ???

    1. Wow! One moment you’re fascinated & the next sentence you’re totally nosy Nate or Nancy!! None of your concern!

    2. Those costumes are purchased or rented. Surely you don't think Michaela has the time or interest to make dozens of prairie costumes. It would take months! She's a nurse and going through fertility treatments. I doubt she'd take this on.

    3. Nosy Nellie for the occasion :)

    4. @7:56- Michaela is NOT a practicing nurse. She does have a Etsy type shop. I think she has time to sew lots of costumes!

    5. “Nosy”? Remember, it’s these people who put themselves and their events on social media!

    6. 11:13, it's still nosy when you "need" to know things beyond what they share publically.

  5. Great choice. Laura Ingalls, the main character in the books, was a strong and independent woman. She even refused to promise to obey when she took her marriage vows. That happens in one of the later books.

    1. Laura's stories of her life were sweet and heartwarming. However, if you read her biography they weren't a very accurate depiction of her youth. The books did provide her and her husband with a good income for the first time in their lives.

    2. I don't think it was a great choice. What her parents and thousands of other settlers did with the land and to the land was not right.

    3. She was a very strong woman! She had a career, too, since she was writing for the local paper long before the books were published. She also worked as a loan officer. A real working woman ahead of her time, and one who refused to promise obedience! (It was Laura's parents who settled on land belonging to Native Americans. Laura and her husband purchased their land).

    4. Every one of us living in the USA are living on formally native land, and every one of us at any time can vacate our land and deed it back to the Native Americans. Perhaps you can lead by example.

    5. @7:12 How about we simply not whitewash the history of what happened in the settling of this country and acknowledge how horribly Native Americans have been treated? I know a lot of folks aren't too keen on that as they consider it too "woke."

    6. 2:05, there's a difference between ignoring it and constantly having to revisit something that none of us did or can change.

  6. Evan’s a bit much! Is he trying to be a comedian?

    1. Evan doesn't have to try,he's blessed with a natural hilarious sense of humor. I could listen to him all day. Love that guy!

    2. Yes, Evan seems very immature for his age, and he comes across as very annoying.

    3. Evan is immature and it shows. So it Carlin IMO. When I watch their YouTubes he speaks so fast and rambles on. It's hard to follow just what he's trying to say. No need for him to go on and on making his statements seem to be exciting. Just calm down and speak slower, like Travis does, so your viewers can understand what you're trying to say.

    4. I agree. I think he needs to grow up and stop trying to draw attention to himself.

    5. @11:26- totally agree with you! Evan has a natural sense of humor and seems to be able to take what life hands him/them in strides.

  7. I attended pastor gil's church in Andersonville tn

  8. I thought they didn't watch TV yet here they are acting out something from TV.

    1. The Duggar parents were the ones that said they didn't watch tv; as far as I know, the Bates' parents never said such a thing. Actually, Mrs. Bates mentioned on their instagram post that the family rewatched many of the episodes while prepping for the event.

    2. Little House on the Prairie is a series of books that were written long before the TV show. There's a Willie and Nellie Oleson in the books, too.

    3. The Duggars seem more strict than the Bates. But I like how some of the Adult Duggar children started coming out in their own when they married, living live by their own standards and not by somebody else’s rule book. When you become an adult and start paying for your own bills and stuff, you can live life however you want, married or not. And nobody should tell you how you should live your live.


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